
Displaying 81 - 90 of 144 -- Add your comments

Tenho um amigo.... 27 May 2005
Dear Elder Jansen,

I've a friend that served your his mission this time. I"ll advise to him of your contact.


Elder Costa - 2002/2004.
Marcelo P. Costa Send Email
Fazer contatos 23 May 2005
Fazer contatos com misionarios que serviram de 93 a 95.
kleber raniere jansen Send Email
Mission Call 27 Dec 2004
I received my mission call on Christmas Eve and I report to Sao Paulo CTM on April 6th. I am very excited to serve the Lord. Feel free to email me, any of you out there.
Elder Reed Wendell Noble Email Not Available
parabens pelo site. 17 Dec 2004
Oi eu tambem servi neste maravilhoso estado de minas gerais so que na parte,leste na epoca do pres.e s.burgess estava olhando este maravilhoso site meus parabens para quem fez. E continuem com minas no coração um abraço.
fatima souza. Send Email
Missionary Girlfriends!!! 07 Oct 2004
On that last email it didn't show my email address! Its!
Ashley Send Email
Missionary Girlfriends!!! 04 Oct 2004
If you have a girlfriend you are leaving behind or you are a girlfriend of a missionary going to Belo Horizonte email me! Me and a couple other girls with missionaries going to B.H. get together once a week! It's fun! I promise we don't bite so email us and you can join our little support group!
Ashley Email Not Available
procuro meu amigo 02 Sep 2004
Olá pessoal da MBBHO!! Me chamo Edevaldo e fiquei sabendo que um grande amigo à quem ensinei as palestras no RS está nessa Missão, por favor, em caso afirmativo, se souberem como posso contatá-lo(e-mail) ficarei grato. Seu nome é Orvandir Luiz Joris (Elder Joris talvez), ele é de Ijuí-RS. Muito obrigado!!!
Abraços Edevaldo.
Edevaldo Junior Alves Moreira Send Email
Pictures of Current Missionaries in the MTC 07 Aug 2004
A missionary couple in the São Paulo MTC has put together a mission website and it shows lots of pictures of the MTC, including the cafeteria, the labs, several current missionaries, and more. It is a great site, check it out!

Um casal missionário no CTM de São Paulo fez um website com várias fotos do CTM, incluindo o refeitório, os laboratórios de línguas e vários missionários. É ótimo, vai lá!
Jouber Calixto Send Email
Mission Call 28 Jul 2004
I'm headed to Belo Horizonte after I finish my time in the Sao Paulo MTC. I'll arrive there on October 27th! I don't know how many returned sisters visit this site but a few tips from you would be awesome. Well, anyone with information would be appreciated. I don't know how I am going to survive three months of waiting!
Rachel Dornbush Send Email
called to serve 23 Jun 2004
Hey everyone, I just received my call to Belo Horizonte and I'll be reporting to Sao Paulo Sept. 15. I just wanted to know if anybody had any helpful hints for me or if anybody just wanted to get in touch. E-mail me at
Emilio Hernandez Send Email

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