10 Fundamentals for Returned Missionaries |
I found the following article by Elder L. Edward Brown in the Ensign, Dec. 2000 very helpful. I've taken excerpts from it to highlight the points he makes. Please feel free to read the entire article on the Church's website.
By Elder L. Edward Brown
Of the Seventy
Ten fundamental principles you learned in the mission field will, if practiced, bring daily spiritual refreshment and renewal...
Occasionally, a missionary, following his release, will fall victim to this thought: "Well, this isn't the mission field, so I cannot expect to feel what I was feeling there."
But, in fact, the opposite is true. When you bring home and apply those principles learned in the mission field, you are prone to feel the Spirit and the Lord's love more than ever before in your life. Your mission experience becomes a launching pad, so to speak, to even greater spiritual heights.
Following are 10 fundamental principles you learned in the mission field, which, if practiced, will bring daily spiritual refreshment and renewal. The Lord keeps His promises. They are irrevocable. He will do what He says He will do (see D&C 82:10). These are basic, not new to you, but fundamental.
- Continue to be "nourished by the good word of God" (Moro. 6:4), remembering that the Master, our beloved Savior, is identified as "the Word" (see John 1:1-3, 14; Alma 34:1-6).
- Continue to write regularly in your journal.
- Look for opportunities to perform simple acts of daily service.
- Be in the temple of the Lord as much as time, distance, and other important service will reasonably allow.
- Contribute to a regular family home evening experience, and prepare for a family of your own.
- Pray regularly, several times a day, as you did in the mission field.
- Do not waste time, particularly in watching or listening to much of the mindless and often profane music, television, video, movie, and Internet programming of the day.
- Continue a regular program of daily exercise.
- Do not settle for mediocre performance in your life.
- Continue to share the gospel.