Lost Contacts
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Number of records listed: 62
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Elder Brad Lambeth Elder Mark Thompson
Russell Tidlund

Elder Cliff Davis Eleder Larry Baird
Russell Tidlund
J. Fred Adam
Elder Adam was from Cedar City, Utah, and was my second companion in Davis, California. He became the District Leader of the Sacramento District in his next assignment.
Charles Stankiewicz
Willard AhMu
Looking for Elder Willard AhMu, last ran into him at Lackland AFB, Texas April 1980. If, any one has seen him let me know. Would like to make contact with him.
Francisco Pedraza
Angela Allred
Sandra (sandy) Fugal
Sam Ashley
Sandra (sandy) Fugal
Bill Astle
Great landlord/member in Nevsfs City.
Russel Lane
Jacob Barneck
Jeremy Savage
Caldene Bateman
MTC instructor early 80's
Mark Moody
Robert Beelek
Has anyone seen or heard from him lately?
John Carman
Randy Bullock
Look me up or send me an email.
Paul Duncan
Paul Nels Christensen
Last I heard living in Idaho just north of Cache Valley.
Byron Mortensen
Brad Cox
Trainer in South Sacramento, Last known to be in Nephi UT
Rodney Hoemke
amy davidson
I lost her address
Suzana Hasanaj
amy davidson
Suzana Hasanaj
Linda Davis
Jeremy Savage
John Diefenbach
Last I heard he was going to Law school in Washington, anyone know where he's at?
Matthew English
Ernest Dudly
Coriantumr Rice
amy ellis
Natasha Schokker
Michael Farnsworth
Served during 77-79. Does anyone know where he is? He was in SLC in 81.
Marvin Weatherholtz
Elder Ford
From England
Mark Moody
Elder Ford
From England, Companion in Davis CA
Rodney Hoemke
Sister Hafoka
Lost contact with her when I came home, in 1990.
Peggy Grant
Stephen Hansen
Would like to locate as one of our converts would like to reach him. We served together in 1967 May - August in the San Jose East Stake. Stephen was from Spanish Fork, Utah. His parents owned a Union 76 gas station there.
Kenneth Stavast
David Hathaway
havn't seen him listed was from Idaho served cnm 71 and 72
Winona Olsen
jason hawks
Jamon Jensen
Bruce Jasper
Get in contact please.
Alan Cottrell
Birch Jeff
Coriantumr Rice
Matt Jenson
Have you seen this guy?
Travis Smith
Richard Kajma
Trying to contact George Besendorfer
Richard Kajma
Mark Krantz
He and his wife were living in Salt Lake last I heard.
FROM SLC My trainer
Mark Moody
John Linn
I ordained him a Priest in Nevada City.
Russel Lane
Luis Miguel Lonngi
Somebody knows where the heck is James Mower from Tennessi and Benjamin Drake Redfern, also Warnock form sandy Utah
Luis Miguel Lonngi
Charles Marshall
Searching for my Papa, anyone seen or heard from him?
Mark Greenfield
Matthew English
Denise Masuhara
Jeremy Savage
Al & Arvila Matthews
Wonderful landlords and mission mom & dad in Fulton Ward
Russel Lane
Benedict Meisner
He lived in Florida before his mission. I'm sure he went back. Where is my trainer?
Ted Robert Collier
Any Missionaries
anyone who came to north carolina on mission
Mark Moody
Rex Mitchell
Havn't seen him at a reuntion. Cant find him in a phone book.
Michael Anderson
Charles Mosher
If anyone has info on Charlie, let me know. I havent seen since my wedding in 1994.
Paul Clay Hill
David Neff
If anyone has information on Elder Neff, please let me know.
Jeremy Savage
Donald Parker
I served with Elder Parker twice. I don't see him anywhere on alumni sites for BYU, here, Facebook.
Thor Bostrom
Micheal Parkhurst
He and I were together the longest of my comps. He talked about his family being in Hawaii.
Ted Robert Collier
Dale Phillips
Elder Phillips is from Canada, and served in Pleasant Hill, CA as my companion.
Charles Stankiewicz
Ricky Poulin
Help me find him! He is awesome.
Brian Mcdonald
Teresa Rogers
Jennifer Whitehead
Michael Sanders
Sandra (sandy) Fugal
Don Sargeant
Anyone know where he is now?
Robert Ward
Lynda Smith
I would like to connect with Sister Smith again but can't locate her.
Monica Smith
David Southworth
Anywone knows where Elder Southworth is I would like to contact.
Duane Sartori
Daniel T. Stephens
Elder Stephens was transfered to the Oakland Mission in 1976. I saw him at one mission reunion. I would like to know his current address or phone number.
Roger Cook
Lamar Stewart
Does anyone know the current address for Lamar Stewart. He was a zone leader in 79' - 80
Brenda Segeberg
Natasha Thomas (now Travis)
She's from Australia. Lost contact with her about seven years ago.
Merilee Durfee
Jared Thompson
Hey anyone know where Jared Thompson is?
Rion Mosley
Blake VanLewen
Michael Anderson
Tony Vigil
Investigator in Fulton Ward with Kim Marquette his girlfriend.
Russel Lane
Elder Wain (from Liverpool, England) served during 78 to 80. He was my companion for a short time and also served as AP. I would like to know how to get hold of him.
Marvin Weatherholtz
Gary Weiss
MTC instructor early 80's
Mark Moody
Eric White
From Sydney, MT. my trainer
Byron Olschewski
William and Audrey Zwick
I loved these two SO much, but lost contact with them. I would love to get in touch with them.
Susan Burton

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