
Almeida, Gerardo Alexis Added 7/16/2001

Soy Brasilero y Uruguayo. Naci en Brasil, pero fui ciado en Uruguay. Servi en la Mision Colombia Cali, (1997-1999) con el Pte. Nuñez. Me gustaria estar gegistrado en la pagina de la Mision para poder tener contacto con mis compañeros y amigos.   Estos son algunos datos de mi Mision:   1º Area - Cali - (Barrio Limonar y Rama Jordan)  Compañeros: Elder Jaimes, Elder Vanegas 2º Area - Armenia - (Rama 3 Esquinas)  Compañeros: Elder Maruri (Hijo adoptado), Elder Rich (Hijo) 3º Area - Cali - (Barrio Colon)  Compañeros: Elder Andersen (hijo) y Elder Chase 4º Area - Cali - (Oficinas)  Compañeros: Elder Notaro y Elder Parra 5º Area - Popayan - (Rama El Recuerdo) Compañeros: Elder Monsalve ,Elder Berlin y Elder Wilson 6º Area - Medellin - (Barrio Envigado)   Compañeros: Elder Varas, Elder Marcoleta y Elder Fontana.   Actualmente estoy casado y estamos esperando nuestro 1º hijo, que se llamara Aarón. Vivimos al sur de Uruguay frontera con Brasil, en una ciudad llamada Rivera.

Anderson, David B. Added 2/1/2001

I served from April 1997 - April 99. I served in Boston, Massachussets (I don't know how in the heck you spell it!), then got my visa for Colombia, so they flew us to Quito, Equador where they crammed us into a bus and drove for an entire day, smuggling us through the Colombian border. Upon having the orientation and arriving in Cali a day later, they crammed me into another bus and sent me on my merry way to Medellín for another 10 hours. After spending an entire day and a half there, they once again crammed me onto a bus and sent me back to Cali for my visa/papers/DAS and then sent me back to Medellín (and boy oh boy was it fun!). My comps were: Medellín-Elder Varas, Elder Jankovich, Elder J. Rodriguez, Palmira-Elder Marcoleta, Cali-Elder Mariño, Elder Boyer, Elder Del Cero, Elder Ortega, Elder Rich, Allred, and all the other office guys.. Palmira (de nuevo)-Elder Oldani, Elder Coronell, Elder Lopez, Elder Sannar, Pereira (during the earthquake)-Elder Christensen, Elder Law, Elder Seaman, Elder Van Orden, Elder Montaño, Elder Smith, and a couple of hermanas for a week. I'm now attending Weber State and working on getting into Med School. I got married and joined "los viejitos" on May 30, 2000. My wife is Summer (Thompson) Anderson and she's working on getting into Dental Hygiene School. If anyone wants to write, my address is 7883 South 2600 East, South Weber, Utah 84405. Phone: (801)-475-6061. Hasta la Pasta!

Bangerter, Travis Added 4/15/2002 

7809 South Keswick Road Sandy Utah, 84093. I served from 1997-1999 in Cali-Israel, Dosquebradas, Seville, Villa Maria, Cali-Almendros, Ipiales and finished up in Bello. I had few companions and they know who they are. I'm currently going to school at the University of Utah.

Beck, Russell Added 12/18/2001

Served 1998-2000. I am Married and live in Mesa, AZ. I served in Cali, Pereria, Pasto, Medellin, Cali(Again). Feel Free to email me.  Address: 125 N. 22nd Pl. Unit 132, Mesa, AZ 85213

Berlin, Dustin Wade Added 10/22/98

I served in Buga, Cali, Pereira, Cali, Tulua, Popayan, and Medellin. My companions were many. Thompson, Harward, Vanegas, Sorensen, Rideout, Allred, Castro, Arias, Parker, Pizarro, Almeida and Corbacho. I finished my mission in March 1999. I live in Orem Utah. My home address is 163 N. 85 E. Orem Utah 84057.

Blackwell, Thomas  Added 8/21/2001

3063 E. Hampton Mesa, AZ 85204  I served from April 1997-April 1999 with President Nunez. I started out with Elder Carlos Rebolledo as my trainer for 2 months in Ipiales. I was then transferred to Envigado to serve with Elder Jose Ruiz. I stayed in Envigado for six months and trained Elder Jose Luengas. I was then transferred to Prado, Medellin to serve with Elder Sannar. I stayed in Prado for five months and finished there with Elder Giovanni Pena. After Prado I was transferred to the Cali Versailles ward where I remained for seven months. While there I served with Elder Jadan Allred, Elder Almeida, Elder Benjamin Boyer, Elder Jeremy Rich, Elder Aaron Vernal Kynaston, Elder Ortega, and Elder Juan Aranda. After Versailles I remained in Cali, Colon for five months where I served with Elder Jacob Garn (Blackwarn), Elder Castillo, ElderSuazo, and I finished the mission with Elder George Smith.

Bonilla, Jorge Iván Added 1/12/99

I was born in Santafé de Bogotá. I am a "rolo man" :). I began to serve in the Colombia-Cali-Mission in 11 th of April on 1997 and I am currently serving. I have served in Cali-Jardín, Cali-Cali, Pasto, Popayán, Cali-Américas, Cali-Versalles. My companios have been: MTC: Herrera., Field: Norton (The Legend), White, Vanegas, Almeida, Bown, Peña, Icopo (My first son), Marcoleta, Wilson, Leroy, Oldani, Trush, Espinoza, Taylor (My prodigal son), Murillo, Navarro, Arevalo, Benavidez, Vargas, Andersen (Crystal Puppet), Boyer, Jensen. My mailing address is: Avda. ff.cc. #42A-10. Santafé de Bogotá D.C. Colombia. South América. Phone number: (091) 2308540 - (091) 2305088. If some day you notice that I am a candidate for Colombia's presidency vote for me. please!! 

Boyer, Ben Added 6/30/2000

You might remember me from the reunion information a couple of months ago. Well, I was on the mission web site and found that my name wasn't there, so I'd appreciate it if you could add the following: Elder Ben Peter Boyer Years served: April 1997- April 1999 E-mail: Ben_boyer@yahoo.com Current Phone #: (801)373-5166 I was married on May 19th 2000 to Heidi Lyn Brown. (She's an amazing and beautiful woman!) Cities served in: Cali, Pasto, Medellin, Pereira Companions: Ryan Cromar, California; Rodrigo Mansilla, Argentina; Christian Presley, Tennessee; Gabriel Rojas, Bogota; Nicolas Del Sero, Argentina; Eduardo Ortega, Argentina; David Andersen, Utah; Jose Luengas, Bogota; Martin Calderon, Ecuador; Scott Maruri, Utah; Jason Manning, Utah; William Angulo, Bogota; Thomas Blackwell, Arizona; Jeremy Rich, Utah; Jacob Garn, Idaho; Juan Aranda; Daniel Law, Arizona; and Armando Rebaza, Peru... Quite a list eh?! I just began studying at BYU where I'll work to finish my RN degree before going on to Pediatrics. Life is great! Thanks for putting me on the list! Ben Boyer

Brown, Kyle A Added 11/25/98

My name is Kyle A. Brown. I served in the Cali mission from June 96 – June 98. Mailing address: 1967 E. Calle Monte Vista Tempe, AZ 85284-8005 (602)838-4628 Served in Pereira (Alpes & Cuba), Manizales (Villa Maria), Popayan (Recuerdo Norte), Sevilla, and Cali (Colon). Companions, E' Dahl, Caldwell, Gustafson, Harward, Cano, Fontana, Miner, Finlez, Chase, Davies, Jensen, 

Burningham, Tim Added 8/25/2000

May '98 - May '00 1505 N. Caynon rd. #73 Provo,UT 84604

Carlin, Matthew Added 6/30/2000

1998-2000 Areas include: Palmira-Benedicta and Recreo Cali-Terrón Colorado Pasto-Chile Ipiales I and II Buga, Valle-Estambul Medellín-Altamira I started in Benedicta and ended in Recreo, the rest is in chronological order. Saludos a todos, MaRC.

Cromar, Richard Earl Added 2/5/2001

I served in the Cali Colombia mission from Nov 1997 to the end of Oct 1999. I love Colombia and the people. I love all my companions, you all showed up for me in my life and I thank you. I served in Medellin, Cali, Palmira, Popayan, Pereira, Ipiales, and Cerrito. My companions were: Elder Rojas(Poder), Elder Pizarro, Elder Arias, Elder Mullen, Elder Beck, Elder Coronell, Elder Burningham, Elder Cardus, Elder Dorrough, Elder Koons, Elder Sandberg, Elder Lindsay, Elder Cline (the big dawg), Elder Quispe, Then I hung with the fellas in the office for a couple months till I got better-I loved all you guys. I finished the mission with Elder Lucero, and Elder Jones. Right now I am recently involved with a group called Latter Day Sounds. You can look that up on Latterdaysounds.org we do firesides all around Utah and share the gospel through music. I am at UVSC striving to get my education in Language, music, communications, and possibly writing. I love life and am excited for the future. I just want to tell all of you Thank you...and I love you. Good Luck in your lives and in all you do!

Figueroa, Alicia Added 1/31/2001

Oct 1998 a Mayo2000, figueroa_alicia@hotmail.com , ciudades servidas... ARMENIA, PEREIRA, MANIZALES, MEDELLIN, POPAYAN, ARMENIA. compañeras... HNA GOMEZ, HNA MORA, HNA MARTINEZ, HNA CARVAJAL, HNAS CAMARGO Y PLATA, HNA HALL, HNA ACOSTA, HNA PRIETO, HNAS CARDENAS Y SANCHEZ, HNA VELILLA, HNA CAMARGO. Ahora estoy viviendo en bogota, trabajo como asesora comercial y proximamente retomare mis estudios.

Finlez, Gustavo Adolfo Added 1/9/2001

Yo serví desde Octubre de 1997 hasta Octubre de 1999, no tengo mail, y direccion es Chacra 32-33 Edificio: 39, Escalera 77, 2º "K". Servi en las ciudades de: Sevilla, Palmira, Cartago, Calí, Medellin, Pereyra. El sito esta re-bueno, espero que me incluyan, Muchas gracias por su ayuda y colaboración, Que el Señor lo Bendiga siempre. Gustavo Adolfo Finlez.

Fontano, Gustavo 1/14/2000

Soy de Argentina servi desde 1997 a 1999 

Frost, Daniel Added 1/21/2002

I served from April 1998 to May 2000.  

Galbraith, Davin J. Added 4/4/2000

I started Jan 14, 1998. My areas were: Jamundi, Palmira (Bizerta), Pasto (Miraflores), Armenia (Castillana), Sevilla, and Medellin (Altamira). Then I went to Cali where I was in Vista Hermosa, La Floresta, and Colon. I also had a few comps: Elders Lalinde(papa), Poulsen, Sorensen, Mancilla (costeno), Barros, Atkinson, Whitener, Danielson, Benevides, Proano, Koons, Rechtenbach, Menacho, Wilkerson, Duarte, and Beck. I can't forget my 2 great MTC comps, you know who you are! The time was great, I'm living proof that even a Canadian can kick some serious, (fill in your favorite word here), down there.

Gonzalez, Francy Marisela (Rivera) Added 7/27/99

DIRECCION : Carrera 4 No 11-96 Piedecuesta (Santander) AÑOS SERVIDOS: 1 1/2 Abril 11/97 Octubre 9/98 CIUDADES: Cali, Armenia, Pasto COMPAÑERAS: Hermanas: Adriana Renteria, Liliana Díaz, Diana Acuña, Hna. Salazar (Bogotá), Claudia Gallegos (Chile), Karina Velardes, Laura Laso (Argentina), Beatriz Charcas (Bolivia) Petrona Gómez (Barranquilla), Xismena Herrera (Bucaramanga). 

Greene, Paul Added 1/31/2001


Hallows, Ryan Added 6/15/2000

I served between June 1998 and June 2000. I've got a ton of pictures and I'll try to get them to you. If you would like any new information please feel free to e-mail me. My adress is 3551 Hundley Rd Cle Elum WA 98922

Herrera Manrique, Xismena Cecilia Added 9/26/2001

Preste mision en 1997 hasta 1999 mision colombia cali, mi presidente fue Alexander nuñez. Mi primera area fue Paraiso estaca america de cali,maryluz estaca pasto, luego cabañas estaca medellin,luego estuve en popayan area maria occidente,calima estaca versalles cali, guabal estaca cali, granjas estaca cali donde termine.mis compañeras fueron. hna Renteria, hna Levio, hna Gonzalez, hna Reina, hna Moreno, hna Gomez,hna Diaz, hna CHarcas, hna Bustoscon la cual culmine mi mision entrenandola. Esta experiencia ha sido la más linda de vida, en la cual aprendi, me fortaleci y comparti al dar lo mejor de mi para aquellas personas que estuvieron dispuestas a escuchar el mensaje de paz,sé con todo mi corazon que esta es verdadera, en ella he aprendido a crecer como persona me ayudado a ver la vida con mas interes con deseo de progresar. soy muy feliz por pertenecer ala unica iglesia verdadera sobre la tierra. Hoy en dia al recordar las experiencias vividas en ese tiempo me ayuda a trabajar con mas empeño y dedicación en su obra maravillosa.

Hudson, Bracken Added 12/15/2000

My companions were: Rojas, Parra, Cline, Shummway, Flores, Antezana, Cromar, Ruiz, Garcia, Mendez, Calderon, Mears and probably one or two more I'm forgetting but they'll forgive me.

Jacobsen, Spencer Added 4/6/2001

I served from February 1998 to January 2000 e-mail is elderjacobsen@hotmail.com going to a community college and majoring in animal science working at a veterinarian clinic as a vet technition not married nor do I have a girl currently involved in snow boarding and rock climbing. My friends and I are planning a trip to Yosemite National Park to do some climbing the summer of 2001 (805) 522-3849

Johnson, Wally Added 11/14/2002

David L. Johnson 28 East Hillside Avenue #5 Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 I served in Pereira, Cuba, Cali, Popayan, Bello, Elder Fontana, Elder Smith, Elder Llarena, Elder Castro, Elder Icopo, Elder Sandberg, Elder Mariño, Elder Trusch, Elder Whitmore

Jones, Bryan Added 1/9/2001

I served in the Cali Colombia mission from January 98 to Jan 00 and I am looking for the status of the mission. I live in Provo, UT at the moment. I am from California and I am currently attending UVSC.

Koons, Dustin Added 8/25/2002

I served under Presidente Diaz and Nuñez from dec 2, 1998 until the 15 Dec 2000. I was companions with elder Richard Cromar, Rebayo, Davin Galbraith, Ryan Alsop, Andrade, Adrian Cazas, Lucas Peless, Enoch Pearson, Filder Segura, Garling, and some others, those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I served in Popayan, Medillin, Manizales, Cali, Pereira, and Palmira in that order. I am currently living with Will Titera who served from 99-01. We live at 1547 N 300 W Provo, Ut 84604. Thanks for adding me to the list. It should be cool to get in touch with some of these kids. Chao

Lopez, Camilo Cesar  Added 2/24/2000

Mansilla, Matias Added 12/18/2001

6570 West Snow Hollow Drive West Valley, Utah 84123 Cali, Medellin, Palmira, Sevilla, Armenia, Popayan

Marcoleta, Richard Added 11/8/99

I Served in the Cali Mission, From 97-99, I Love The Mission.-), my first President was Alexander Nuñez and then I finished with President Noel Diaz,my companios were: Bonilla,Icopo,Perez,Anderson,Morales,Christensen, Ortega,Kynaston,Finlez,Ceballos,Sembrera(son),Diaz, Hallows,Quiroz,Fontana,Canin,Mccleery(son) I served in: Palmira,Cali(Office),Medellin,Popayan,my Home Address is: Osorno # 0751 La Granja, Santiago Chile, Phone Number 291-5578

Maruri, Scott Added 4/6/2001

Hello all Elders and Sisters from the best mission in the world- Colombia Cali Mission. I am still living at home with Mom and Dad. I am continuing my education at the University of Utah and am a Spanish major. I am actually going into Orthodontics though. I served from March 1997 to March of 1999 under the inspiring and loving direction of President Alexander Nuñez. I served in Armenia, Popayan, Pasto, Medellin and finally Cali. I had wonderful companions, districts and zones. I considered everyone a friend. To all of you, Gracias por todo. Los amo y recuerdo muchisimo. Take care. Scott Maruri 1891 N. 300 E. Centerville, Ut 84014 801-296-1897

McCormick, Jon Added 7/16/2001

I served from Jan. 98 to Dec 00. I miss Colombia so bad! I worked in Medellin, Manizales, Cali (Entrerrios), Pasto (Chile pues), back to Cali (Villa del Lago), and then finished in Palmira. Mis queridos companeros were Elderes Abba, Morales, Padilla, Garn, Bangerter, Flanders, Sautter, Pulverizer, McCoy, Segales, Vera, Garcia, Suyo, y Rojas. Los extrano mucho! I'm glad this website can help us keep in touch. I'm going to school at California State Univ. Fullerton (cerca de mi casa). I love to surf, skate, play guitar and soccer etc. Hope to see you guys at the next reunion! That will help me cope with my homesickness for the Cali mission!

Mears, Shannon Added 8/25/2000

I served in the Cali mission from '97-'99. I served in Buga-Fuen Mayor, Cali-San Fernando, Palmira-La Benedicta (Oscar and Jazmin rule), Medellin-Aranjuez (pues), Cali-La Base/Americas, Popayan-Recuerdo and Pereira-Lago I. My companions were Ephraim Perez, Wesley Cano, Greg Miner, Mark Davis, Felix Proano, Paul Greenwood, Spencer Jacobsen, Marcelo Canin, Bracken Hudson, Jason Manning, Davis again and Quinton Smith. I remember everyone very well and could never forget a one of ya.

Miranda Mendez, Carmen Alicia Added 11/14/2001

Areas: Manizales, Buga,Palmira,Armenia, Pereira, Cali, con Presidente Alexander Nuñez desde Jun 1997 a Sep 1998. Fue una verdadera y gran experiencia servir en la mision Cali, me gustaria comunicarme con mis amigos de la mision, vivo en Cartagena Colombia y no me he casado, estoy estudiando y trabajando y sigo activa en la Iglesia

Pearson, Enoch Added 12/05/2000

Servi desde Oct 28, 1998 a Nov 3, 2000 mi direccion es. 8625 S. Edmond St. Las Vegas, NV 89139 Servi en las ciudades de Medellin, Pereira, Cali, y Pasto Mi direccion de e-mail es... archibald2019@yahoo.com y archibald@latinmail.com Mis Companieros eran Elderes; Ricardo Rico, Cornelio Rubiano, Gaston Marino, Gabriel Gonzalez, Ryan Ladell Wood, Willian Lascano, Julio Rios, Ortuno, Lucas Peless, Dustin Koons, William Titera, Andrus, Jesus Fuentes, Segundo Calle Algo interesante, Mi papa, Roger Pearson, vino a colombia y trabajo con mi por la ultima semana de mi mision y pudo bautizar a la esposa de otro converso.

Peless, Lucas Adam Added 6/9/2000

I recently returned from Mision Colombia Cali. I served from May 27 of 1998 to May 26 of 2000 I have a long list of companions.

Pizarro, Luis Alfonso Added 7/7/2002

I served from April 1997 - April 99. My comps were: Elder Dickson, Elder Abbeglen, Elder Silva, Elder Withmore, Elder Parra, Elder Morales, Elder Canin (My first son), Elder Cromar, Elder Abba, Elder Varas, Elder Ventury, Elder BErlin, Elder Lopez, Elder Ruizes, Elder Wilson, Elder Stromsdorfer, Elder Jensen, Elder Caviedes (My second and last son). I'm now working for the CES, i'm married, my wife is Irene and we have a dougther 6 months old. My phone number is 2373161 Bogotá Colombia. La misión Cali es lo mejor!!

Rocha, Ricardo De la Rosa Added 4/10/2003

1988-1990 Dirección: Carrera 25C No. 56-87 Apto 1 Teléfono Movil (Cel): (315) 733 64 38 Ciudades Visitadas: Medellin, Cali, Pasto, Ipiales, Manizales, Buga, Palmira Compañeros: Elderes: Muñoz, Vargas, Trounce, Arroyo, Cifuentes, Miles,  Merchan, Carrasco, Cárdenas, Dussan, Manley  Esposa: Patricia Castillo Hijos: Ricardo José, 9 años; Juan José, 7 años Llamamiento actual: Obispo del barrio Recreo de la estaca Paraiso Barranquilla Colombia

Ruzzi, Gabriel Rojas Added 1/12/99

I was born in Santafé de Bogotá. I began to serve in the Colombia-Cali-Mission in February 7th 1997 and i am currently serving. I am really enjoing this time. My mission president is Alexander Nuñez. I have served in Popayán, Mission Office, Ipiales, Medellín, Manizales, Zarzal (Valle), Cerrito (Valle), Yumbo (Valle), Cali-Vista Hermosa, and i guess i will die here. My companions have been: Mecham (My Dad), Evans, Hurst, Bone, Abarca, Presley, Boyer, Hudson (My first son), Rey, Cromar (My second son), Cohen, Sandberg, Sims, Castrillón, Reyes, Smith, Robayo, Monsalve. My mailing address is: Calle 138 #53-38. Apto. 408. Santafé de Bogotá D.C. Colombia. South America. Phone: (091) 6130068. Whoever knew me please write to me. I feel alone. C/ya!!

Sandberg, Jordan Added 11/5/2000

I served in 97 to 99 and I was in Periera, Manizalez, Armenia (when the earthquake hit), Cali and Medellin. My presidents were Pres Nunez and Diaz.

Sembrera, Elí Roberto Added 11/19/2002 

Serví en la Misión Colombia Cali durante Agosto de 1998 - agosto del 2000 visité Ciudades como Medellín, Cali; pasto, Cartago, Armenia y otras Mis compañeros fueron Elder Marcoleta, Elder Suyo, Elder caviedes, Elder Rodrigues, Elder Meza, Elder Tello Elder Corbacho.

Sero, Julio Nicolas Del Added 1/31/2001

Actualmente me voy a casar el 15 de Febrero del 2001, Estoy estudiando Ingenieria Civil y trabajo en un constructora haciendo casitas a la gente.

Soelberg, Matthew Added 3/5/2002

Enero 1998- Enero 2000 Servi en Medellin, Popayan, Pereira, Pasto y Cali.   1261 W. Clubhouse Dr. #3402 Taylorsville, UT 84123 Companeros: Elders Haupert, Canin, Hadley, Antezana, Acosta, Andrade, Pinedo, Bautista, Rios, Loden, Trush, Stokes, Loaiza y Alsop

Smith, D Clayton Added 8/21/2001

I served from 1998-2000, Colombia rocks!! Now I am a student at Utah State Univ. I have one year left until I graduate with a degree in Biology and I hope to go on to medical school. No wife yet, just hanging out and having fun.  I'm into mountain biking and rock climbing, if any of ya are in Northern Utah sometime we should go. The mission is the best.

Stevens, Wayne Added 12/05/2000

Sep 30, 1998-Sep 30, 2000 Home address: 1119 Buena Vista Muscle Shoals, AL 35661-2407 Phone: (256) 381-7905 I served in Medellin, Cali, Palmira, Pasto, Aremenia, and Pereira My companions were Elder: Chase, Bonilla, Cohen, Taylor, Aldean, Reyes, Olivera, Pinedo, Cordova, Suyo, Murdock, Bolivar, Sanguino, Peless, Acosta, Uscuchaqua, and Gulbranson

Stromsdorfer, Michael Added 5/21/2002

(November 28th 1997 - December 3rd 1999) Areas: Jamundi, Popayan, Pasto, Ipiales, Cali, Pereira.

Taylor, Brian Added 4/6/2001

I served in the Colombia, Cali mission from 98-2000. I served in Pasto, Cali, Palmira, Armenia, and Manizales but I got to visit almost every city for conferences and splits with many of the missionaries. I now attend BYU and am still singing. I was part of the mission choir "Divina Luz" for the tours that we did and the CD that we cut. My home address is 2607 Flagstone Cir. Naperville, IL. 60564. My phone number is currently 801-371-9194.

VanOrden, Merritt Added 7/31/2000

May 1997-May 1999 Areas: Entre Rios (Cali), Santander & Alpes (Periera), Envigado, Armenia, Israel (Cali), Villa del Sol (Cali) Companions: Bierman, Steele, Monsalve, Miner, Montano, Maruri, Wilson, Garri, Seaman, J. Arias, D. Anderson, Jara. Mailing Address: 131 North Oak Blackfoot, Idaho 83221. Phone: (208) 785-7234. Graduated May 01 in Accounting from USU. Married Aug. 21, 1999. One child (Alex) born June 23, 2000.

Varas, Sebasthian Added 2/27/2001

Servi en la grandiosa mision de Cali durante 1997 hasta 1999. Conoci muchas de las ciudades de la mision, pero servi en Medellin, Cali y Armenia. Algunos de mis companeros fueron Elder Bierman. Elder Berret, Elder Lalinde, Elder Allred, Elder Anderson, Elder Pittman...etc Me encanto la pagina de la mision es la primera vez que la veo y pienso que es muy util para no perder contacto con los amigos. Gracias Craig por este servicio. Uno mas de los misioneros de la gran mision Cali.

West, Nathan Added 4/6/2001

I served in the Cali Colombia mission from 1998-2000. I served in Cali, Pereira, Ipiales, Medellin, Armenia, and Popayan. I won't give you all my companions, but my trainer was my cousin, Jadan Allred. My e-mail address is I think that's about it.

Whitmore, Benjamin Added 9/15/2000

I served from march of 1997-1999 in San Judas (Cali), Rio Negro (Antioquia), Aran Juez (Medellin), Dos Quebradas (Risaralda), Popayan. My companions were Elder's Luke (USA-my great trainer), Elder Pizarro (Colombia), Elder Mendez (Chile), Elder Smith (USA), Elder LLarena (Argentina), Elder Robayo (Colombia), Elder Lalinde (Colombia), Elder Lowe (USA), Elder Gustavo (Argentina), Elder Beck (USA), Elder Keyes (USA), Elder Cushcagua (Colombia y "mi hijo"), Elder Johnson (USA), Elder Sorensen (USA). I am currently going to school and working. I study to become a commercial pilot. I recently earned my scuba certification. And I'm still fluent in spainish.

Wilson, David Added 4/4/2000

I served in the Colombia Cali mission from 1997-1999

Young, Tristin John Added 10/15/99

I served from July 1997 until July 1999. Under the direction of President Nunez. My dad, of whom I took the life, is Elder Nathan Hurst.

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