Full Name (Now): | Tyler Harrington |
Served: | May, 2000 to May, 2002 |
President(s): | Richard G. Whitehead
Family Information |
Spouse: | Jana |
Children: | Livia Janelle, 2 1/2, And Thomas Kent, 1 |
Personal Information
E-mail addresses and other personal information such as mailing
addresses, job information and phone numbers are viewable to other registered alumni
To contact the person through the site, Click Here
Cities and Companions |
--Penzance Cornwall--
R. Chad Pugh
R. Bret Simpson
Justus L Tillery
--Carmarthen, Wales--
Nathan Whitney
Michael E. Dalsgaard
--Haverford West Wales--
Jared Dale
--Exmouth Devon--
H. Daniel Brandh
Stephen Hurst
T Clinton Cunningham
Ben Haney
Other Comments |
Jana & I recently sold our landscaping company in Ca and moved, with our two children, to Pennsylvania to be closer to family. We have started a new business and are working hard to get it going. I am still pursuing my education with plans for a career in art and illustration. Jana is keeping more than busy taking care of the family and helping with the business. We're all doing well, and we'd love to hear from any and all of you! Cheers mates!