Full Name (Now): | Greg Verdine |
Served: | March, 1997 to March, 1999 |
President(s): | Rowland E. Elvidge Timothy L. Taggart
Family Information |
Spouse: | Jackie |
Children: | Shaylee Lynn Verdine |
Personal Information
E-mail addresses and other personal information such as mailing
addresses, job information and phone numbers are viewable to other registered alumni
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Cities and Companions |
Other Comments |
sister t...better run a check.have you found the mission car yet? what up to all the boys. pew...talk to you all the time...come back to me in arizona!!. barker...i need a coke! bradley...gi'me a hug. ashdown...what up?...roberts...will the real provo boy stand up? greenwood...i'm still recovering from your ninja roll outta the top window to scare me. jensen...p-day eves and the holy hog holder. chuck...whooot,whooot. orullian...mid-night wrestleing.still got a tooth pick hole in my head! daily...king of one liners,put your dukes down.