Full Name (Now): | Steven Bird |
Served: | June, 1967 to June, 1969 |
President(s): | Ray H. Barton Jr. Rulon H. Bradshaw
Family Information |
Spouse: | Suzanne |
Children: | Zack, Shelly & Craig |
Personal Information
E-mail addresses and other personal information such as mailing
addresses, job information and phone numbers are viewable to other registered alumni
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Cities and Companions |
Devon-Adams, Firth, Stoud-Pearson, Traveling Zone 4-Snider, DL Swansea-Johnson, Zone Leader Zone II-
Other Comments |
After mission, attended BYU until I ran out of money, returned to Southern Calif. area and went into the automobile business with my father. Married Suzanne Goodsell, and have three children, one grandchild. We currently live in Grand Junction, CO and love it. I have served as Seminary Teacher, Elders Quorum President, Bishop's Counselor and Bishop, as well as Stake President. Currently serving as the High Priest Group Leader in my ward. I have spent my whole life in the car business, can't seem to get away from it, though I have tried a had at building homes, land development and as a marketing consultant.