Full Name (Now): | Gregory Sherman |
Served: | December, 1974 to November, 1976 |
President(s): | Arnold R. Knapp
Family Information |
Spouse: | Lynn |
Children: | Traci, Amber, Wade |
Personal Information
E-mail addresses and other personal information such as mailing
addresses, job information and phone numbers are viewable to other registered alumni
To contact the person through the site, Click Here
Cities and Companions |
- Larry Stephens, Bristol 14-DEC-74 to 15-MAR-75
- Spencer Larson, Poole, 15-MAR-75 to 3-MAY-75
- Shane McEwen, Poole, 3-MAY-75 to 15-AUG-75
- Clifford Smith, Poole, 15-AUG-75 to 12-SEP-75
- Steven Palmer, Poole, 12-SEP-75 to 18-OCT-75
- James Tekulve, Pontypridd, 18-OCT-75 to 9-JAN-76
- Danial Newton, St. Austell, 9-JAN-76 to 22-MAR-76
- Brent Olsen, St Austell, 22-MAR-76 to 22-JUN-76
- Jim Greer, Newport, 22-JUN-76 to 10-AUG-76
- Curtis Nygren, Southampton 10-AUG-76 to 29-OCT-76
- Ronald Hegstrom, South London, 29-OCT-76 to 26-NOV-76
Other Comments |
I thought there would be more people signing up by now. Tell all Return Missionaries. A lot don't know about this site