Full Name (Now): | Mary Arnquist |
Served: | October, 1975 to April, 1977 |
President(s): | Arnold R. Knapp
Family Information |
Spouse: | Bill |
Children: | Sarah, James, Stephen, Emma |
Personal Information
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Cities and Companions |
I served in Bournemouth with Doris Brown (Megan Vel) and Sue Smiley. Then in Poole with Janet Reid (Rand), Jeanette Quensell, and Linda Fellows.
Other Comments |
I served in the Sister's Zone for the first 11 months of my mission in Bournemouth and Poole. In September of 1976, as nearly as I can recall, the boundaries were changed and that area became part of the England London South Mission. The Sisters of the Sister's Zone were dispersed and I worked with Elders for the first time when I was transferred to New Malden, outside of London. I finished my mission in Reading.