Full Name (Now): | David Jones |
Served: | February, 1999 to February, 2001 |
President(s): | Timothy L. Taggart Richard G. Whitehead
Family Information |
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Cities and Companions |
I served in West Wales, Milford Haven, sometimes nicknamed by the natives "Little England beyond Wales." I was with my trainer Elder Treber W. Anderson. There we did a lot of less-active work in motivating and encouraging happiness in being a member of the Church. Alongside came Elder Dayley and Elder Grimm. Moving along to Plymouth where I got to serve with Elder Mayer. Here, I got to know how to communicate with members with missionary work. My other companions, Elders Shaffer and Elder Mumm. After this great experience I went to Newport, where I served with Elder Kelly from Ireland, and then Elder Monier this is where I learned a lot and grew from many great missionary experiences. Then I moved down to Exeter and served with Elder Evans, Elder Scott from Yorkshire, and Elder Monier again, amazing enough. There's a lot of wonderful members in Exeter that are on fire about missionary work. Then I moved to Worchester, serving with Elder Ward and Elder Hefferman. Worchester has a wonderful Cathedral and the view is brilliant. My final destination is Gloucester, serving alongside Elder McGarry, Elder Winston, and Elder Oman who I had the opportunity to train. There, the work started to flourish and the members eager to participiate in member-missionay work and go on member exchange with full time missionaries.
Other Comments |
The England bristol Mission is the best place to serve. There are so many people waiting to hear the gospel. You come to trust in the Lord in your successes and in your tribulations. I grew to love the people of Great Britain.
I am grateful to have seen changes in these people Lillian Newell and Christopher Binns from Exeter. Ian Hawkins from Milford Haven, Maxine Nash and her children Ryan and Kayleigh Smith from Newport. In Worchester, Nigel and June Yardley for their love and support in things both temporal and spiritual. Also for Niki McVicker, who is still taking the missionary discussions. Companions and Investigators who have taken a place in my life has brought great joy beyond compare. Their love is what has been won by the Saviour and a little help with those missionaries who have taught them by the Holy Ghost.