Full Name (Now): | Rita Hartwig (brodersen) |
Served: | February, 1981 to July, 1982 |
President(s): | Keith B. McMullin
Family Information |
Spouse: | Rolf |
Children: | Miriam, Simon, Ruth, Deborah, Jerusha, Noemi + 2 Forster Chi |
Personal Information
E-mail addresses and other personal information such as mailing
addresses, job information and phone numbers are viewable to other registered alumni
To contact the person through the site, Click Here
Cities and Companions |
Saarbruecken, Bad Vilbel, Offenbach and Dortmund
Sis. Shinkle, Sis. Schwendiman, Sis. Chapman, Sis. Jäger (CH!!), Sis. Green,
Sometimes Sis. Nielsen, Sis. Barcomb
in tausch, Sis. Watts, Sis.Johnson, Sis.
Other Comments |
I am still alive! That´s a wonder!!
The gospel is still true - only the people
are not perfect!!
I hope I see you all in july!!!!