No comments are allowed for the time being. Past Comments follow...
All Mission Alumni/Alumnae from the Glade era '70-'73 make plans to attend our Mission Reunion this coming Friday, Oct. 3rd at 6:30pm. Go back to the home page for more details. Be sure to register and keep your profile updated...see you on Friday!
Craig Nelson <heynelson@earthlink.net>
San Francisco, CA USA - Saturday, September 27, 2008 at 21:17:47 (MDT)
I am so thrilled to hear about the upcoming reunion with President and Sister Glade. I would give anything to be there. Unfortunately, I am opening a new show that night. Nevertheless, that does not diminish for one second the great love I feel for all my companions, fellow missionaries, and friends who served so hard under sometimes difficult circumstances to do their duty and share their testimonies with the people of Guatemala and El Salvador who we came to love and respect. My fondest thoughts and feelings will be with you at the reunion even though I will not be present. As a side note, I have presented the Prophet Joseph Smith over 200 times to audiences all over the West and it all began in that theater in Santa Ana with your help. Thank you for all you were, are, and the great contribution you make today to this cause.
Rodger McDonald <mcbuddo@yahoo.com>
Sacramento, CA USA - Monday, September 22, 2008 at 10:14:16 (MDT)
holaaa....!!! hello to everyone because I am very happy because they belong to this church I have 5 years to be baptized and that the mission is something very beautiful and that's why I want to thank my heavenly father for this missionary work being a good example for others
is that being a missionary is a very nice addition there I learn many things that I did not know before I can also help by providing service to others.
Jonathan Marroquin <jonathan_marroquin@hotmail.com>
Puerto Barrios, Izabaal Guatemala - Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 16:54:30 (MDT)
My first missionary companion in Guat (La Florida Jan 72 thru Mar 72) was an Elder named Gerald Gillespie. I was his last companion. I cannot find any record of him in our missionary lists. Anyone know anything about him????
Scott Eddo <scotteddo@msn.com>
Granada Hills, Ca USA - Tuesday, September 09, 2008 at 17:45:55 (MDT)
hi, I am looking for some christian missionaries who where in El salvador (specificly in La Union (CITY), La Union (State or department) some time ago I can't just remember and One of them where amercican young people who where in my neighborhood (when i just to live there) and they did sang for the preach about Jesus (at that time I wasn't a Christian) and they made this puppet show for the people there and stuff...I think they were from korea, japa china something like that but they look asians that's why but i don't know from what country ......The other young people where at my school they played with us and they also preached us about Jesus I was talking to one of the young people and I can't remember if he told me they were from virginia or maryland i think he said maryland
please if you know anything about this people try to contact me to my email
erick_hernandez23@hotmail I will thank you that so much
God Bless You Abundantly
Jesus Changes Lives!
erick hernandez <erick_hernandez23@hotmail.com>
houston, tx USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 15:35:58 (MDT)
DIOGENES A. PEREZ <dioperlds@hotmail.com>
stamford, ct USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 14:51:11 (MDT)
I was baptized November 1972 in Santa Ana, El Salvador. I would like to contact Elder John C. Cameron who baptized my family. He was part of that singing group, "La Familia Unida" My maiden name was Barillas.
Cecile Echegoyen <cechegoy@rialto.k12.ca.us>
Pinon Hills, Ca USA - Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 10:40:51 (MDT)
I am not an alumni, but my son just received his call to the Guatemala City south mission. He is thrilled to serve among this people, and we are wondering if anyone could tell us what the people of Guatemala are like? What is this mission like? Any suggestions for him as he finishes up his preparations? Thank you, and forgive me if I err in posting this question here...
Dayna Smith <crackerjackdjs@comcast.net>
Orem, Ut USA - Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 12:25:23 (MDT)
hola soy bismarck garcia servi la misaon en guatemala sur en el año 2000-2002 srvi en jalapa , jalpatagua betania zonz 7 ypuerto barrios y gualan zacapa necesito comunicarme con mis ex compañeros con elder steele, angus, hepworth, roger.miller,cuningahm,elder matt brown. bueno espero que alguno vea este mensaje asi como a mis amigos latinos elder trinidad de el salvador elder gonzales de panama etc...
Bismarck antonio garcia castillo <maquinagar@hotmail.com>
san marcos, carazo nicaragua - Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at 11:27:57 (MDT)
It has been a while since I came home off my mission but I thought I would throw up my name and see if anyone recognized it. I got home from the Guatemala City South mission in 2001. I served in Chiquimulilla, then just north of Mixco, Teculutan and finally in Zona 13 below the airport.
Matthew D Foote <matthew.foote@gmail.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Monday, July 14, 2008 at 15:17:26 (MDT)
hola hermanos, soy de honduras quisiera saver si alguien conoce al elder john andrew mcdonald sirvio la mision en centro america como en lo años de 1964 o 65 no se exactamente , la razon por que lo busco es por que el bautizo a mi padre y mi padre quiere comunicarse con el o saver que fue de su vida, si alguien lo conoce o save de alguien que lo conoce por favor ayudenme .
atentamente : javier quezada
javier quezada <javi_quezo@hotmail.com>
san pedro sula , cortes honduras - Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 11:31:05 (MDT)
Hello... My name is Francisco Raymundo... I was baptized in May 31 1974 by Elder Daniel G Steele, the missionaries who taught me the gospel were Sister Georgia A Kenelly and Maria Zuniga... I served my mission in Guatemala during 1984 to 1986... I wonder if I can gather with you guys... I know this is not a reunion for me, but I would like to attend at least to present my thankfulness for your great effort... can somebody send me an e-mail with details?
Francisco A Raymundo <franraymundo@hotmail.com>
West Valley, Ut USA - Wednesday, July 09, 2008 at 19:52:10 (MDT)
HOla que tal a todos! soy mi nombre es Jonathan Marroquin y pues quiero conocer a ex misioneros o que esten ahorita en la mision para que me den consejos y me ayuden a prepararme duro y ser un buen misionero ejemplar!! me faltan 3 años para ir a la mision y me estoy preparando bastante pero necesito asi como mas ayuda y mas consejo de todos.. se los agradecería muchisimo.. Adios
Jonathan Marrouqin <jonathan_marroquin@hotmail.com>
Puerto Barrios, Izabal Guatemala - Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 21:56:58 (MDT)
Just as a matter of interest- there are three former Missionaries of the original Central American Mission now serving as senior missionaries in the Maryland Baltimore Mission. Elder Duane Harmon, Elder Larry Coombs, and Elder Eugene Romney. We all served in Guatemala, El Salvador. Honduras and Costa Rica. Two of us have assignments with the Spanish speaking branches, and the other with the Annapolis Area. We get to meet every Monday night for FHE with the Senior, and spend most of the time talking about things we had in common in Central America
The experiences we had there have been a tremendous help in our current assignments in Maryland. It is a great mission also.
Eugene Romney <rombish@msn.com>
Tempe, AZ USA - Saturday, June 28, 2008 at 16:44:28 (MDT)
I had a very nice telephone visit with President Clark (1967-1970)yesterday. He is living in Draper, Utah, with his wife, Morita. Despite being 81 (and 1/2, he says), he continues to be well and active. I'm sure he would love to hear from any missionaries from that era. If you would like his phone number, please email me at kthomas@byu.net.
Keith Thomas <kthomas@byu.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 14:00:00 (MDT)
herberth meza <h_meza15@hotmail.com>
guatemala, totonicapan Gustemala - Friday, June 20, 2008 at 16:42:52 (MDT)
holla yo soy gilda salazar no se si tu vayas a leer esta nota pero si la lees me escribir a jonaser818@yahoo.com
gilda salzar <jonaser818@yahoo.com>
los angeles, ca USA - Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 17:25:07 (MDT)
hola soy de Guatemala, nesito saber que papeles necesito para hirme a canada
BERNAL <mantekilla305@hotmail.com>
guatemala, gu Guatemla - Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 08:24:10 (MDT)
hay alguien que haya servido con Pres. Hall en salvador este 1994-1996
herrold de leon <herrolddeleon@yahoo.com>
Guatemala, Guatemala - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 11:07:04 (MDT)
hola como estas
giancarlo <atrevido1_7@hotmail.com>
salt lake city, ut USA - Saturday, May 10, 2008 at 14:08:06 (MDT)
A shout out to the missionaries who worked in the Capital back in the early 70's and may have know the LaParra family. I was one of the Elders fortunate enough to teach and baptize them and we've stayed in touch over the years, which has been a great blessing. The LaParra's have served as Stake President and Mission President during the ensuing years.
I'm looking to see if we can rally some financial support for them. Their oldest son Giberto (hijo) has completed the process for citizenship and is in need of some funds to help cover the legal expenses.
If you can help with a donation, please let me know. I will set up a trust account at a local bank and post that information here shortly.
Thank you,
Doug Gwilliam '71-'73
Doug Gwilliam <bishop.gwilliam@gmail.com>
Encinitas, CA USA - Wednesday, May 07, 2008 at 14:15:05 (MDT)
For any of you that might be wanting to contact Elder James Burch ('73-'75), I was given his address today that I wanted to pass along.
Jim Burch
PO Box 232
Oakley, ID 83346
(208) 862-3800
Kent Heaps <akheaps76@hotmail.com>
Smithfield, UT USA - Tuesday, April 08, 2008 at 17:44:33 (MDT)
Hello all those from the Glade era (1970-1973). This is President Glade's son. I was the third boy of my parents and the one that usually was causing trouble within the mission office. I get on this site every so often just to read the message board and see if I remember anyone from my dad's mission. I noticed the recent one about a Glade reunion in April and thought that would be fun. I called my dad and mention it to him and he had heard of anything but thought it would be nice.
I thought I would give anyone from the Glade era a brief update on my folks. Mom and Dad are in their 80's now. Dad has been retired for about 3-4 years. At his retirement party from Desert Trust Co. they had a very nice dinner where President Gordon B. Hinckly, President Thomas S. Monson and President James E. Faust all came. It was a great way for my dad to retire. They loved him at the Church and were sad to see him go.
My Dad's health is pretty good but my mom's is slowly getting worse. She is in the stages of dementia/alzheimer and has good days and bad. (Her short term memory is not very good but she seems to remember stuff from years back pretty good.) They both still live in their house on Wilmington Cir. in Salt Lake City. Dad spends most of his time taking care of my mom and just running errands. He is starting to use a computer now. He isn't very good at it but he can read his emails, do his banking and keep track of his stocks. He had a computer in his office when he worked for the church and I don't think he ever turned it on the whole time he worked there.
My parents have 4 children, 17 grandkids, 19 great grandkids and 2 on the way. They currently have 2 grandkids serving full-time missions. They still love to talk about Guatemala and El Salvador. My dad just called me a couple of days ago to say that John O'Donnal came by to visit him. John is in his 90's now but dad said he is doing pretty good.
I currently work at BYU and ran into Bob Kellet at a retreat that I attend each year. He works at BYU but in a different College. I get to see him fairly often and he seems to be doing great. I have some great memories of Guatemala and all the fun things that happened to me and my family while we were there. If you would like to get in touch with my dad, you could call him (he's in the Salt Lake City phone book or email me and I can give you his email address. Let me know about the April Reunion if it is going to take place.
Gary H. Glade <gary.glade@byu.edu>
Provo, UT USA - Friday, March 07, 2008 at 10:36:54 (MST)
Carlos Estuardo Mazariegos <charlie540am@yahoo.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Thursday, March 06, 2008 at 16:40:17 (MST)
Jenny Erazo <lomasal3@hotmail.com>
guayas, ecuador - Monday, March 03, 2008 at 23:04:49 (MST)
MURRAY, UT USA - Friday, February 29, 2008 at 18:01:26 (MST)
Good luck to McKracken! I finished my mission there in the Las Vegas West mission back in '99 when it was newly organized and I served under President Starley.
Robert Higginbotham <emdarion@gmail.com>
Berrien Springs, MI USA - Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 10:43:37 (MST)
Byron Gutierrez <pres_gutierrez@hotmail.com>
Huehuetenango, Guatemala - Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 15:55:33 (MST)
Figured I'd add a little more. I was in Guatemala from '76-'78 when mission split into Quezaltenango and Guatemala. Pres Skousen became prez in the capital. I was in Xelaju, Flores Peten, Esquintla, Jalapa, Jutiapa, La Capital - zona 19 among others. Many great memories and friends made. Say "oldies", anyone out there? Send me an email.
James Ploeger <jbploeger@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 22:00:15 (MST)
Just saw this site and the posting from Manuel Garcia looking for me and others who served with him. It's been a long time. Never expected to hear from Victor Manuel. Hola vos! If you're still in Phoenix, we're close. Let's get together.
James Ploeger <jbploeger@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 21:41:06 (MST)
Kevin McCracken, who served in the Guatemala-El Salvador mission from 10/71 to 10/73, has just been called to serve as the Nevada Las Vegas West Mission President. He began his service on February 14th, replacing the previous mission president who is dealing with cancer.
Keith Thomas <kthomas@byu.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Saturday, February 16, 2008 at 20:47:56 (MST)
The URL in my previous comment was incorrect. Here is the correct URL: http://www.ethomasfamily.com/Guatemala El Salvador Mission/Guatemala-El Salvador Mission Main Page.htm
Keith Thomas <kthomas@byu.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, February 11, 2008 at 22:53:12 (MST)
I entered the LTM in November 1965, arrived in the Guatemala-El Salvador Mission in March 1966, and returned in March 1968.
I am in the process of putting all my mission "stuff" online. If you would like to see what I have up so far, copy and paste the following URL into your web browser. http://www.ethomasfamily.com/Guatemala%20El%20Salvador%20Mission/Guatemala-El%20Salvador%20Mission%20Main%
I also have copies of all the "Avantes" for that time period that I will eventually get online (webmaster: If you still have them, could you return the copies that I sent to you a couple of years ago...it would make the process of uploading a lot easier?)
I would be interested in your comments.
Keith Thomas <kthomas@byu.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, February 11, 2008 at 22:46:04 (MST)
My name is Dave Shurtz. I served a mission in Central America, which included Guatemala and a number of other countries in those days, from 1963-1965. I was married to Yolanda Galdamez Munoz of Guatemala City for 25 years before her death (cancer) in 1991. I have since remarried.
My wife and I were recently released from the presidency of the Detroit Temple after 5 years of service. Before turning in our papers to serve a mission, we want to take a Book of Mormon tour to Mexico and Guatemala. We are traveling with another couple who also served in the temple with us.
For our visit to Mexico, we are hiring a returned missionary to guide us around Mexico City for a couple of days prior to joining the tour.
For our visit to Guatemala, we would also like to hire another returned missionary, a trust worthy member, or a member 'taxista' to guide us around Guatemala City and Antigua for a couple days after the tour ends.
Unfortunately, after 40 years' absence from Guatemala, I no longer have contacts there.
Does any one know of a such a person whom we might hire to accompany us around the city? I suspect that too much has changed in 40 years for us to rent a car and drive around the city with much chance of finding anything anymore.
There will be 4 of us - a former counselor in the temple presidency and his wife, and myself and my wife. We will be in Guatemala March 24 and March 25, with return flight reservations at 1 pm on March 25.
We are going to try to go to Antigua early Monday morning, March 24, tour the city and stay overnight, but we will have to scramble to get back to Guatemala City to catch a plane at 1 pm.
From what I remember, the economic situation is always difficult and two days of steady well-paid work may well be a blessing that some member could use about now.
Any assistance you might be able to provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Dave Shurtz
Auburn Hills, Michigan
Dave Shurtz <dshurtz4024@sbcglobal.net>
Auburn Hills, MI USA - Friday, February 08, 2008 at 14:38:12 (MST)
Just FYI- My wife Marian and I have received a Mission call to serve in the Baltimore Maryland Mission Office. We are leaving Thursday for the MTC. I served in the Central American Mission in 59-61.She served in the British South. We will be working in the Office, with our Sunday assignment to the Spanish Speaking Branch in Baltimore. If any of you other "Old timers" are out there-- "JUST DO IT"
Gene Romney <rombish@msn.com>
Tempe, AZ USA - Friday, January 25, 2008 at 09:10:06 (MST)
Hello all, I am just looking for any info on some Comps and Elders I served with back in 97-99. They were Elders Celaya, Lopez(de Honduras), Eastmond, Molina(de Nicaragua), Harrington, Johnson(I think from Park City, his brother married a friend of mine Elaine Birkland...I think), Andrews, and Weston Ward. If anyone has any info at all, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thank you.
Robert Higginbotham <emdarion@gmail.com>
Berrien Springs, MI USA - Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 11:19:07 (MST)
I'm informing that Luis Paiz passed away January 9, 2008. He served under President Elliot in Guatemala-Guatemala Mission during 1984 to 1986. He preached the gospel among the Lamanites in their own language: QUEKCHI. I was serving in the office when Elder Paiz and Elder Crepeau brought several buses full of people to get sealed in Guatemala Temple. They helped and prepared the whole village to get sealed as families. That was the first time the Guatemala Temple performed endowments in "Queckchi" dialect, certainly he was a faithful and hard worker as missionary. We pray for his family with the hope to see him again with Our Heavenly Father.
Francisco Raymundo <franraymundo@hotmail.com>
West Valley City, ut USA - Friday, January 11, 2008 at 10:29:44 (MST)
Tanya Toala Reyes <rosi1bianca@hotmail.com>
Guayaquil, GUAYAS ECUADOR - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 at 11:48:51 (MST)
Hola soy proximamente Elder Toala recibi mi llamamiento ayer estoy muy feliz y contento el 7 de Febrero estare alla predicando el el evangelio a las personas a q puedan recibir el evangelio restaurado medidiante la fe en EL y su expiacion y el arrepentimiento, el bautismo y puedan perseverar hasta el fin.
Jazmany <jaz20054@hotmail.com>
Guayaquil, Guayas Ecuador - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 at 08:41:28 (MST)
If anyone has any information about a David Scott Larsen who served in the Guatemala-El Salvador mission 1959-61, please let me know. My grandfather, Alberto Molina, would like to contact the missionary who baptized him. Thanks.
My email is .
Monica Benavides <eternalizzy@hotmail.com>
Provo, Ut USA - Tuesday, December 04, 2007 at 12:10:30 (MST)
I looking for someone who has a copy of the Cachiquel study guide--I need one Matiox!!
Thomas Albaugh <kablaju1@juno.com>
$FORM{'city'}", Id USA - Friday, November 02, 2007 at 23:12:49 (MDT)
Necesito informacion sobre Elder Luis Paiz (sirvio bajo Pte. Elliot), tal parece que esta enfermo de cancer e iba a trasladarse a Salt Lake City para un tratamiento. Pte. Elliot desea contactarlo. Yo he tratado de comunicarme con Luis en su casa en Guatemala sin exito. Si alguien sabe como contactarlo, por favor hagamelo saber.
Francisco Raymundo <franraymundo@hotmail.com>
West Valley City, Ut USA - Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 17:55:55 (MDT)
I would like to invite all who can, to attend a lecture by the first lady of Guatemala, Wendy Widmann de Berger at UVSC's Regan Theatre November 1st 3:45 pm. This will be the first lady's only appearance in the state of Utah and was difficult getting her here. Please pass this information along to those interested as well as the Spanish community.
Tareq Butler <tareqbutler@yahoo.com>
Orem, UT USA - Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 10:40:42 (MDT)
Dedicated to the Dransfield family: I just find out what had happened to Elder Dransfield and wife, and I felt very sad about it.
I had meet him serving my mission long time ago on Guatemala, as I remembered him as a good friend and missionary, he was a happy and funny elder, and he always make us laugh.
We will never forget someone as special as he was.
I found no other words to say, I fell so sorry about it. This is a big loss for all of us.
Yorly Rodriguez <yorlyrodriguezm@hotmail.com>
San Jose, Costa Rica - Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 18:08:08 (MDT)
I served in the Guatemala/El Salvador mission under President Arnold in 1973-1975. The office crew; Amezcua, Miller, Lyons, Steorts, Tyler, and myself taught and baptized Fred Keagy, and his wife Yun He. Does anyone out there know if they are still active in the church? I would like to hear from anyone who served during this time! Amezcua, your horse is saddled and waiting! Drop me a line! Also, let me know of any upcoming reunions!
Jeffrey O Peterson <janellcp@yahoo.com>
Lyman, Utah USA - Saturday, September 29, 2007 at 23:16:20 (MDT)
MISSION REUNION to Commemorate and Honor
Pres. David G. Clark on the 40th Anniversary of his arrival in the Guatemala-El Salvador Mission (July 1967)
to be held in Centerville Stake Center
Centerville, Utah 84014
Friday Nite Oct 5, 2007
for full details email me
Lowell Rex <lowellrex6@gmail.com>
Camarillo, Ca USA - Tuesday, September 25, 2007 at 22:29:32 (MDT)
estoy buscando al papa o su familia de mis hijas.ese las vidasen guatemala. su nombre es contreras del jamie.(jamie contreras)el apellido es tan contreras. el tiene que haber conseguido casado y movido de nuevo a guatemala dentro del ultimo ano. mientras que el estaba aqui en los e.e.u.u. el estaba por todas partes como amarillo tejas, victorville california, greenville mississippi, estado del washington, y carolina del sur. necesito realmente conseguir un asimiento de el o alguien que sepan de su familia.
frankie flores <frankieNbrandon@aol.com>
amarillo, tx USA - Friday, September 21, 2007 at 21:22:25 (MDT)
Hola a todos. Hace algunos meses, alguien me preguntó por Carlos Zetino. A la persona que me preguntó quiero decirle que Ya tengo contacto con El.
Nelson Flores <nelsonfloresh2@yahoo.com>
Santa Ana, El Salvador - Monday, September 17, 2007 at 16:54:47 (MDT)
Yo servi en la mision en los anos 71 y 72. Habia una familia que conoci en San Miguel, El Salvador de apellido Rios Lazo. Era una familia fabulosa. Quiero saber si algunos de ustedes conocen a esa familia.
Bill Cuff <mrcuff@yahoo.com>
Henderson, NV USA - Sunday, September 09, 2007 at 18:44:57 (MDT)
Un saludo a todos mis conocidos. Me encantaría el tener contacto vía e mail.
Tencio Armando <aatencio@abogados.or.cr>
San José , San José Costa Rica - Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 11:25:55 (MDT)
Un saludo a todos mis viejos conocidos. Me complacería el poderme comunicar con algunos de mis excompañeros y amigos de la misión. Con el único que mantengo contacto es con Labrum. Un saludo especial y afectuoso a cada uno de mis queridos conocidos. Tencio
Armando Tencio Rivera <aatencio@abogados.or.cr>
san jose, san jose costa rica - Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 11:20:23 (MDT)
ES una gran perdida con lo de nuestro hermano Elder Drangsfield, pero las cosas tienen que suceder, tan solo sigamos adelante y continuemos con la obra que tenemos que realizar
rodolfo esquivel <rodolfo_esquivel@yahoo.com>
alajuela, alajuela costa rica - Monday, August 13, 2007 at 19:49:57 (MDT)
I served under President Elliot 1984 to 1986 I would like to know more about my former companions and President Elliot...
Francisco Raymundo <franraymundo@hotmail.com>
West Valley City, ut USA - Friday, August 10, 2007 at 18:09:52 (MDT)
I was wondering if anyone know when the reunion with Pres. Elliot is? I know it is sometime in late August. Please let me know!!
Mike Campbell <antimonykid@gmail.com>
Tooele, UT USA - Tuesday, August 07, 2007 at 19:51:59 (MDT)
I am deeply sadened to hear about Robert. He was one of my best companions in the mission. We reopened the area Las Margaritas together and had a blast doing so. We made many friends during that time. He was a great missionary and went out of his way to approach adn teach the people he served. Many lives were touched by the message he took to the people of Guatemela and I was able to witness that first hand.
Michael Day <twodays3@juno.com>
Sierra Vista, az USA - Tuesday, August 07, 2007 at 14:56:12 (MDT)
I am very sad to hear the news about Elder Dransfield. We served in one of my Districts down in Guatemala City South Mission. He was cheerful, hard working and very loving and respectful of the Guatemalan people. I know him and his wife will be greatly missed for those that knew them. I wish Blessings for their family and precious children.
Alejandra Newsome <alenewsome@yahoo.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Tuesday, August 07, 2007 at 07:20:37 (MDT)
I'm glad to see that the news of Robert and Odalys Dransfield has been posted. I would also like to encourage all those who knew Robert to please step forward in this time of great need and contribute with a donation to the account that's been setup for them. Click on the idaho statesman link found under his record in the alumni database of this webpage for details. I had the pleasure of knowing the Dransfields through the Boise Spanish Branch; they were faithful members and great human beings and will be greatly missed.
a. zavala <alza90us@yahoo.com>
Boise, ID USA - Tuesday, August 07, 2007 at 03:03:05 (MDT)
Tabitha Miguel <tabpruitt@msn.com>
Logansport, In USA - Monday, August 06, 2007 at 01:35:51 (MDT)
Our son, Robert Dransfield, served from 95-97. Robert and his beautiful wife, Odalys, were killed 8/3/07 in a traffic accident. They were very active in the Spanish Branch in Meridian, Idaho. If you knew Elder Dransfield, we would love to be able to share your memories with their 3 young children as they grow up. Bob and Sue Dransfield
Bob and Sue Dransfield <dransfields@msn.com>
Nampa, ID USA - Sunday, August 05, 2007 at 08:14:27 (MDT)
hey! quisiera saber noticias de los amigos de la mision quines sirvieron en el 95 al 97 con los Presidentes Lyman y Turley si ven el mensaje por favor contactenme,
Kilder Garza <ideasingeniosas@hotamail.com>
guatemala, USA - Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 15:47:51 (MDT)
Anyone know where Gary Wilmore is? The last I knew, he was in the Provo area.
Randall Mundy <rmundy@xmission.com>
Riverton, UT USA - Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 14:43:19 (MDT)
I am trying to locate Maria Dolores Alfaro Tobar and her husband Felix Tobar Alfonso. They are the parents of a son Felix Tobar and a daughter named Emma Castaneda. Emma is married and could possibly be living in Canada. If anyone has any information on this family please let me know.
Rebecca Yzquierdo <rebecca1969@sbcglobal.net>
Houston, TX USA - Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 10:34:06 (MDT)
Servi en la mision del Pres. Arnold y O'Donald. Busco algunos amigos. James Ploeger Where are ya. Hansen you too. Dear Dave Field. Aguilar donde estas? Going and Goodwin and Por supuesto McKay
Manuel Garcia <memingarcia@msn.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 01:53:51 (MDT)
I am trying to locate my Castillo Family. I have a cousin Hector Alejandro Castillo that has 10 siblings that I know of, his father was from San Juan Ostuncalco Que-Guatemala. I also have a cousin Neredia Marroquin married to Rodolfo Marroquin and he has a brother Dr. Gustavo Marroquin. Any missionary able to help me locate my family. I would love for them to hear god's word. My grandfather Florentin Castillo was baptized after death and I would like to do the geneology work for my family. You can email me at ladydi4@sbcglobal.net
Dianna Neckel <ladydi4@sbcglobal.net>
livonia, mi USA - Saturday, July 14, 2007 at 18:07:04 (MDT)
Ma <grfr@dfed.com>
Toq, Ut USA - Wednesday, June 06, 2007 at 22:27:54 (MDT)
I was watching the news clip from the recent conference, which highlighted the new Relief Society General Presidency. Sister Silvia Henriquez Allred (not sure of spelling) was called as the 1st counselor. She is originally from El Salvador, and served a mission in the Central America Mission. Since there's always posting on here about the "Elders" who have received callings, I thought we should hear about the "Hermanas" as well!!! The video clip has a short talk she gave at the press conference following being sustained, and is on the newsroom area of LDS.ORG
Teri Gamez <tgamez@cox.net>
phoenix, az USA - Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 04:52:22 (MDT)
RAUL ESTUARDO URETA ALVAREZ <rureta@todoriesgo.net>
Guatemala, Guatemala Guatemala - Monday, April 02, 2007 at 16:12:23 (MDT)
I just moved to the Salt lake area where I have taken a job as a Safety Manager for some roofing companies. So, if there are any of my old comps and buddies from the mission in the area, I would like to see you all again. I've kept in pretty good contact with Razz Nelson and my coconspirators in the Familia Unida via emails, but I would like to catch up with the rest of my mission buds and any of the members or mis conversos from the mission who remember me. Feel free to email me back. Elder randall Mundy
Randy Mundy <rmundy@xmission.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Monday, April 02, 2007 at 09:21:37 (MDT)
How time flies! I woke up this conference morning and realized that it's been 40 years since my service in Guatemala, in the Cakchiquel speaking area, under Presidents Hansen and Clark. They were years of love, and I still wish I could get back there for a look. I live with my wife of 37 years in central Vermont, about an hour and a half from the Prophet's birthplace. If anybody is contemplating a visit to the area and wants to to contact me for general information, please do so. You can visit my profile for more information. ¡Saludos a todos!
James Stone - Jan 67 to Jan 69
Jim Stone <jstone@kingcon.com>
St. Johnsbury, VT USA - Sunday, April 01, 2007 at 05:34:06 (MDT)
Hola a todos los ex-misioneros de la mision Guate El Salvador. Mi nombre es Ronald Sandoval y fui bautizado en el ano 1982 por los Elderes Stanfield (Rod) y Urriola. Estoy tratando de contactar a Rod Stanfield, actualmente vivo en los USA y me gustaria saber de el y contarle que a sido de mi vida y los frutos que han surgido de su tan fiel tiempo que sirvio en mi pais como missionero. Por favor si alguien sabe como contactarle escribanme al siguiente correo electronico: ronaldmcdonalds@hotmail.com
My name is Ronald Sandoval and I was baptized in 1982 by Elders Stanfield (Rod) and Urriola. I'm trying to contact Rod Stanfield, I'm in the US right now and I like to now about him and tell him about my life and all the good things that has being happenig all this years with my family since he sirved so faithful time in my Country.
Please if somebody knows how I can contact him please write me to my e-mail: ronaldmcdonalds@hotmail.com
Gracias and God bless you all.
Ronald Sandoval <ronaldmcdonalds@hotmail.com>
Delavan, WI USA - Monday, March 05, 2007 at 07:13:39 (MST)
To all of you "old timers" that might be left from the Central American Mission- ( Wagner/Hancock era) I hope your health is good and that you remember the good spiritual times we had.I look at the changes from the late 50s early 60s and know that The Lord directed the work there. It was hard but well worth the effort. Gene Romney 59-61
Gene Romney <rombish@msn.com>
Tempe, AZ USA - Monday, December 25, 2006 at 08:43:12 (MST)
Saludos! Estoy tratando de hacer contacto con Freddie Tobar y/o algún familiar. Yo soy de Puerto Rico y visité por varios años a esta familia que eran ministros de la Iglesia de Dios en Ciudad Guatemala y ofrecí servicios médicos en varias regiones del pais. Perdí comunicación con ellos y me gustaría poder restablecer comunicación. Agradezco quien pueda ayudarme. Gracias
Yelitza García <yelitza.garcia-colon@hcahealthcare.com>
Miami, Fl USA - Thursday, December 21, 2006 at 14:07:14 (MST)
Hola megustaria contactar a Cynthia b. De Leon Estrada. ella vivio el la capital de guatemala como en 1995 1996 y creo ella se mudo a san marcos con abuela y tias my nombre es Luis Fernado Ruiz grasias
fernando <nando62178@aol.com>
crown point, in USA - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 at 07:01:29 (MST)
Hola yo busco a mi papa que solo lo conoci una vez, pero si alguien tiene informacion de el se que se yama Alfonso Rosales Yupa solo se que es su nombre de el Y yo me llamo Xiomara Amador
Xiomara Hernandez <xiomarah29@yahoo.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 at 14:56:43 (MST)
Hola amigos de la mision Guatemala sur de los años 88-90 con Presidente Adolfo Avalos soy la Hermana Batres me gustaria saber de algunos misioneros retornados que sirvieron en mi tiempo mis areas fueron Escuintla, Antigua, Chiquimulilla Santa Rosa y Chimaltenango tuve muchos amigos durante mi tiempo misional y me gustaria saber de ellos.
Yaneth Batres <rufibatres @hotmail.com>
Guatemala , Guatemala Guatemala. - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 at 21:12:07 (MST)
Necesito saber si alguno conoció a la Hna. Knudsen, ella sirvió como misionera en Jalapa, Guatemala, ella compartió el evangelio conmigo mientras yo aún era un niño de 8 años, me gustaría saber de ella y su compañera Hna. Hernandez (Honduras). Yo serví una misión en Panamá y pronto me caso en el Templo de Guatemala, agradeceré cualquier información.
Does anybody knew Sister Knudsen? she served the Lord as a missionay in Jalapa, Guatemala (1989), my name is Marco, she shared the gospel with me when I was a little child (8), I've already served a Full time mission in Panama and I'm about to get married in Guatemala City Temple, I would apreciate any information from her or Sister Hernandez (honduras). Thanks
Marco Polo Coronado <marco_coronado@yahoo.es>
Jalapa, Jal Guatemala - Monday, October 30, 2006 at 16:03:16 (MST)
Just a note...Luis Ricardo Arbizu ('84-'86), with his family, is now serving as Mission President in the San Jose, Costa Rica Mission. You can find his contact info in our database and he has pictures in the gallery. Click on Gallery...or here's the URL:
Craig Nelson <heynelson@earthlink.net>
USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 at 09:42:48 (MDT)
URGENT NEED FOR SENIOR COUPLE!! Putting out feelers to any of you who have been contemplating serving a senior mission. We arrived in the Santiago East Mission in August, served in WONDERFUL little town at the base of the Andes and fell in love with some very special people in a growing branch in San Jose de Maipo.
Our assignment was changed a month later to serve as Area Authorities over Family History, so there is no longer a
"matrimonio" in San Jose. Please - if anyone would love a wonderful experience (as good as a Guatemalan one) get in touch with me and we can help request you to come serve here. Beautiful area, climate much like California. Today is Oct. 8th. If you could arrive October 10th that would be wonderful!! :-)
If you are not free to come but know of others where at least one of the two people in the couple speak Spanish please suggest this to them!
Thanks, Adele Manwaring Austin (P.S. Elder Carlos Amado from Guatemala is the Area Authority Counselor in residence here. Wonderful man!
Adele Manwaring Austin <vaustin4@cox.net>
Santiago , Chile - Sunday, October 08, 2006 at 17:01:07 (MDT)
Elder Cloward information (including obituary) is listed in the mission alumni database at:
Elder Cloward Database Profile
Paul K. Mendenhall <paul.mendenhall@msn.com>
Centerville, UT USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 at 04:35:32 (MDT)
For those of you who remember Elder Bob Cloward who served from 1967-1968; Robert Alston Cloward passed away last Saturday. Visitation will be Friday, September 15, 2006 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Cedar City Utah 9th Ward LDS chapel and also on Satuday September 16, 2006, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Southern Utah Mortuary. Funeral services Saturday September 16, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. at the 9th Ward LDS chapel.
I will post the full obituary when it appears in the paper.
Keith Thomas
Las Vegas, NV
Keith Thomas <kthomas@byu.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 15:18:03 (MDT)
Me llamo David Suarez, soy miembro de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias desde hace mas 20 años. Actualmente resido en los Estados Unidos y junto a otros miembros estamos haciendo un periodico en español que se reparte de forma gratuita, entre la comunidad hispana del sureste de Iowa.
Si alguna persona, con talento para escribir quiere enviarnos contribuciones, con gusto las aceptaremos y publicaremos en nuestro periodico.
Para mas informacion, pueden escribirme a mi correo: dsuarezm@hotmail.com
David Suarez <dsuarezm@hotmail.com>
Mount Pleasant, IA USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 10:43:54 (MDT)
A los misioneros que servimos en guatemala sur del año 88-90 y conocieron a Elder Walter Hernandez,les informo que fallecio hace algunos dias,murio cruelmente asesinado de 10 disparos a su cuerpo,el la semana pasada hubiera cumplido 36 años,dejo una familia de 5 hijos y su esposa,el jamas se alejo de la iglesia y tenia una recomendacion vigente,su familia esta pasando por muchos problemas economicos en estos momentos si usted conocio al Elder Hernandez,y puede ayudar con algo a su familia,estoy seguro que Dios se lo devolvera con intereses,y si a alguien tiene cosas en su casa que ya no use donelo a la familia Hernandez que tanto lo necesita,gracias para mayor informacion con el Elder Manuel Mejia guille21zel@hotmail.com
gustavo de leon <gdeleon18@hotmail.com>
guatemala, guatemala - Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 16:54:15 (MDT)
I would like to get in contact with the Vargas family that lived in Zone 11 in Guatemala City in 1966. They later moved to Zone 1. Among others there were two sisters and a brother, Alba, Floridalma and Landelino. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
James Payne <jbpayne@kua.net>
St. Cloud, FL USA - Sunday, June 04, 2006 at 06:42:01 (MDT)
Also looking for George Beutler...
Derrell Mangum <dlmangum@comcast.net>
Federal Way, WA USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 06:43:47 (MDT)
I'm just wondering what has happened to Ken Evans, Jim Mathis, Richard Ardmore, Kevin Rhodes, Gary Lippincott and Verne Lauritzen. Just curious. If anybody knows where they are, tell them to add their info to the mission web site.
Derrell Mangum <dlmangum@comcast.net>
Federal Way, WA USA - Saturday, May 27, 2006 at 21:22:03 (MDT)
Time goes fast when you are working hard and having fun. Today is 27 years since I left NZ for the MTC Provo and my mission to the Guatemala,Guatemala City Mission. Mike and I are working hard at teacing our sons what to expect on a mission and having fun with the stories we can tell them. To all out there who knew me and want to keep quiet, may the Lord bless you with all your needs. For those who knew me and want to say Hi, send an email, and have a great day. The Gospel is True. Glenda (Jones)
Glenda Olman <mgolman@bigpond.com>
Albany, WA Australia - Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 17:18:14 (MDT)
hola amigos soy RONY SANTOS ,soy exmisionero acavo de regresar de la mision ,estoy en estos mmomentos en busca de trabajo ,si hay posibilidades escribanme .
rony ariel santos <panamasantos@hotmail.com>
panama, panama - Tuesday, May 02, 2006 at 10:12:48 (MDT)
Is the Marcus B. Nash who was called to be a Seventy the same Marcus B. Nash who served in the El Salvador Mission, 1976-78?
If so, "Zonie, felicitaciones and better you than me!"
RicK Craycroft <rcrofter@aol.com>
Eagle, Id USA - Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 12:32:33 (MDT)
Is the Marcus B. Nash who was called to be a Seventy the same Marcus B. Nash who served in the El Salvador Mission, 1976-78?
If so, "Zonie, felicitaciones and better you than me!"
RicK Craycroft <rcrofter@aol.com>
Eagle, Id USA - Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 12:32:14 (MDT)
maga <maga@maga.com>
nija, pe USA - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 05:06:38 (MDT)
For all you jovenes that remember Elder James C. Kougioulis ('68-'70), now President James C. Kougioulis of the Chile, Concepción Mission, I would like to inform you that he is doing fantastic there in Chile along with his lovely wife, Teresa, and that the work of the Lord is progressing very well under his leadership.
My wife and I recently returned from picking up our son from his mission there and had the priviledge of meeting he and his wife. What a great man he is with such a zest for the Lord's work! The Chile Concepción Mission is lucky to have him for a president. We were able to sit down to dinner and talk of the old day's, he in the late 60's, and me in the early 70's there in Guatemala and El Salvador. Our trip down memory lane was very enjoyable.
He inspired my son to become a tremendous missionary during his 2 year's there and my son say's that Pres. Kougioulis will alway's be a man that he will love and admire for his devotion to the Lord. How exciting to have such powerful men as he to have come from the ranks of the Guatemala-El Salvador Mission alumni! Pres. "K", has served there for 2 year's now, so the missionaries will be blessed to have him for their leader for 1 more year. Under his leadership, many great things will continue to happen. Of this, I have no doubt!
Kent Heaps <akheaps76@hotmail.com>
Smithfield, UT USA - Monday, March 27, 2006 at 20:20:26 (MST)
Hey, estoy buscando a mis compañeros de la mision que sirbieron guatemele sur entre el 98 y el 2000, a Elder Maclean, fish, pavon, madsen, janson, andrus, parks, losano y perri. Si alguien los conose les pasan el mensage por favor.
carlos aguilar <carloschac@hotmail.com>
houston , tx USA - Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 09:53:53 (MST)
Hola he estado buscando a las Hnas. Camacho ( Nicaragua ) y Jimenez ( Costa Rica ) que en el año de 1978 me enseñaron el evangelio aca en Guatemala, si alguien sabe sobre ellas, me gustaria mucho contactales. gracias.
Luis García <lgarcia@gmail.com>
Guatemala, Guate Guatemala - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 15:32:56 (MST)
hola hermanos me gustaria saber de un actual misionero el se llama auhner cortez,si lo conocen por favor diganle que me escriba.
stephanie molina <seypoohforever@hotmail.com>
managua, nicaragua - Monday, February 27, 2006 at 14:48:47 (MST)
A Pres. Arnold Mission Reunion is being planned for Spring Conference 2006 by Dan Bell (danb@gembuildings.com), Bart Barker(BartBarker@myfamily.com), et al. Some details follow:
7 p.m. Friday, March 31, 2006
6250 South 2200 West
Salt Lake City, Utah
(Same location as last year)
Dinner: Pot Luck and Genuine El Salvador Pupusas
If you're registered on this site you will have already received notification. Bart Barker also keeps a database of Arnold alumni and has sent out notices. You'll also note, this site has a link to the Church News Mission Reunion Notices. Hope you'll spread the word and we'll see many there.
Craig Nelson <heynelson@earthlink.net>
Danville, CA USA - Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 15:38:31 (MST)
47 years ago this week- I entered the then Mission Home in Salt Lake for a quick week of training. Hopped a plane to Guatemala City, and spent the next 2-1/2 years in the the Garden of Eden "South"
Elder Raymond Johnson and I arrived together and served in various spots- I in Guatemala, El Salvador and Costa Rica. I was blessed to spend the last 3 months with him as my companion traveling throughout Guatemala on special assignment.
Anybody out there from that time period? Pres Wagner & Hancock.
Give a holler if you still check this site.
Eugene Romney <rombish@msn.com>
Tempe, AZ USA - Wednesday, February 08, 2006 at 15:56:51 (MST)
Hola saludando desde Raleigh Carolina del Norte, Algunos de los Ex Misioneros de la mision donde "CAMINO JESUS" con el Presidente Avalos si alguien ve este mensaje por favor mandarme un mensaje cuidense mucho.
CArlos Estuardo, Mazariegos <lapantera1390am@yahoo.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Wednesday, February 08, 2006 at 13:52:52 (MST)
30 years ago tonight, 04 FEB 76, cuando el reloj toco alas 3:33 de la manana, Guatemala suffered a 7.4 earthquake which took over 25,000 people from this life in one terrible moment. This was a moment in time that stands still for myself and all of my associate missionaries who were in country serving under Pres. Robert B. Arnold. Siempre recuerdo, siempre fiel!
Clay Aucoin <clay.aucoin@gmail.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Friday, February 03, 2006 at 21:03:25 (MST)
Today is the 30 year anniversary of the day I left on my mission. Where did the time go?
Happy New Year to all you Chapines and Guanacos.
Rick Craycroft <rcrofter@aol.com>
Eagle, ID USA - Tuesday, January 03, 2006 at 09:29:03 (MST)
I am looking for some Help or any Information. I will be traveling to Guatemala in March 2006 I have never been to Guatemala and I don't speak much Spanish at all. I am traveling to Guatemala to meet my Bio logical mother and siblings (thanks to this site I have made contact with them). What am looking for is just general information for traveling in Guatemala the dos and donts. I will be in Guatemala City My birth mother says that she will house me while I stay but I would like to get together with the Elders or get the mission home phone number and address incase I need help with anything. If any body out there could give me any information that would be most helpful for me. I have never traveled out side the US let alone by myself.
I hope to hear from someone to lend a hand or give some helpful advice.
Thanks God Bless
Douglas R. Bethers
Douglas Bethers <douglas.bethers@hsc.utah.edu>
Salt Lake , Ut USA - Monday, January 02, 2006 at 11:54:53 (MST)
In response to Rose (Williams) May from September: I returned home from my mission in March 2000, but Frank and Melvy were still very good friends to all missionaries there in Tikal II when I served there. They struggled with their activity in the church after Frank was released as stake mission president, but they were great people. Some of the best friends I had while down there. They had three kids at the time. Maybe you already knew that, but thought I'd share. I don't know where they're at now, but if anyone else knows, could they email me or post it here? Thanks!
John Tilton <wowjohnt@yahoo.com>
Tacoma, WA USA - Sunday, January 01, 2006 at 00:04:41 (MST)
Estimados Amigos:
TENGAN TODOS UNA FELIZ NAVIDAD... especialmente a aquellos que sirvieron en la Mision Guatemala-Guatemala 1984-1986 bajo Presidente Elliot....
Francisco Raymundo <franraymundo@hotmail.com>
Manchester, NH USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 at 11:21:38 (MST)
All of You that have served as missionaries in El Salvador, I want to tell you: You have been a great blessing in my country. Please recharge your determination to be faithful, be obedient, be friends one another. keep your Prayers for us. Merry Christmas and happy New Year 2006. With a profound gratitud to You.
Nelson Flores <nelsonfloresh2@yahoo.com>
Santa Ana, El Salvador - Friday, December 23, 2005 at 09:03:05 (MST)
Hola, me gustaria saber mucho de algunos hermanos de el Salvador, ya que yo servi alla en 1990-1992 Si alguien sabe de la hermana Veronica Lourdes Castillo Cruz de San Miguel del barrio roossvelt y de la hermana Carmina Maravilla ella vivia en la colonia Milagro de la PAz, si alguien tiene noticias de ellos puedes enviarme un mail, Que Dios los bendiga a todos
Roberto Daniel Herrera <shantzun@hotmail.com>
Guatemala, guate guatemala - Friday, December 16, 2005 at 15:08:20 (MST)
Just a note to all. I really enjoy this site and look forward to reaching out and touching some one, but have been unable due to out dated addresses. (email especially) If you read this posting, PLEASE update your info and the rest of us can know you are still around and kicking. Thanks, Wayne
Wayne Mullen <wmullen7@yahoo.com>
Oakley, Idaho USA - Saturday, December 03, 2005 at 16:22:15 (MST)
CUSCO, USA - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 20:19:11 (MST)
Clifford Miles Peshell "Buzz" Clifford Miles Peshell, 57, our loving dad, granddad, brother, and friend, died October 22, 2005 of injuries received in an auto-truck accident in Colorado. He was born February 7, 1948 in Salt Lake City, Utah to Heinz A. and Ruth Pratt Peshell. Clifford married Mary Lynn Tomita in Idaho Falls, Idaho on June 11, 1976. They later divorced. Cliff served an LDS Mission in Guatemala. He achieved the rank of Sergeant E5 in the U.S. Army and played the clarinet in the Army Band. He owned his own trucking business and received an award for one million miles of safe driving. He served as choir director in his ward, a calling which he found both challenging and rewarding. He loved to sing and play the guitar. His greatest joy in life was being a father and granddad to his children and grandchildren. Cliff is survived by his three daughters: Keri (Roger) Wright, Penny Peshell, and Xela (Brent) Locke; two grandchildren, Savannah Wright and Noah Locke; brothers, Rinehart (Melodee), Tony (Calleen); sisters, Lorraine Stevens and Lynnette Peshell; former wife, Mary Lynn (Greg) Nelson; and many other wonderful family and friends. Funeral services will be held Saturday, October 29, 2005, at 11:00 a.m. in the Picket Lane Ward, 390 E. Village Blvd., Stansbury Park, Utah. Friends may call at the church on Saturday from 9:45-10:45 a.m. Due to the nature of the accident, Cliff's remains were cremated. His cremains will be interred in the Salt Lake City Cemetery at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Published in the Deseret Morning News, Thursday October 27, 2005.
Paul K Mendenhall <pmendenhall@max.com>
Centerville, UT USA - Friday, October 28, 2005 at 08:08:27 (MDT)
I was sadden to see that Cliff Peshell was killed in an auto/truck accident in Colorado on October 22, 2005. His funeral is Saturday, October 29 at 11:00 a.m. in the Picket Lane Ward, 390 E. Village Blvd., Stansbury Park, UT. For those of us who knew Cliff, we will miss him.
Paul K Mendenhall <pmendenhall@max.com>
Centerville, UT USA - Friday, October 28, 2005 at 05:55:52 (MDT)
I don't know if anyone else has tried it. But you can use Google Earth and see areas of Guatemala. It is pretty cool. Some pics are pretty up to date, while others are kinda old, regardless it is pretty cool....any questions just ask.
Tyler <chuchopafuera@yahoo.com>
Boise, ID USA - Monday, October 24, 2005 at 16:08:20 (MDT)
I served in Guatemala in 1971 as a new missionary in a town called La Florida. Has any one served in that town and do you know the status of Porferio Batres Tune and his family? They were very active when I left in July of 1971.
Mike Evans <mevans@swinerton.com>
alpine, Utah USA - Tuesday, October 04, 2005 at 16:36:17 (MDT)
I served in the Guatemala-El Salvador mission from 71-73. I am trying to find Elder John C Cameron. He was in La Familia Unida. Last I heard he was in Ohio. Any help would be appreciated. How's it going Boydston
Michael L. Evans <mevans@swinerton.com>
alpine, Utah USA - Friday, September 23, 2005 at 16:55:21 (MDT)
Wow! These posts go way back! Has anyone heard from Blanca Lucas, Marlen Perez, or Grecia Orozco (la Loca)? Or how about Frank and Melvy Mendez in Tikal II in Guate? I was also wondering if there are ever reunions outside of Utah; I don't get that way much. ANyone in Albuquerque?
Rose (Williams) May <alystra2@yahoo.com>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Saturday, September 17, 2005 at 23:29:18 (MDT)
My son is presently serving in the Guatemala City South Mission. For Christmas, I would like to get his patriarchal blessing translated into Spanish. Is there any former missionaries out there who would be willing to do this for me? If so, please e-mail me and I will get his blessing to you. Thank you!
Debbie Cooper <dcooper@budget.sc.gov>
Columbia, SC USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 08:09:57 (MDT)
I am trying to find the email address for Darren Swink. He served in 84 - 86 Polochic, Missi[on Guatemala City Guatemala.
Luis Paiz <paizlf@yahoo.com>
Guatemala, Guat Guatemala - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 at 08:56:48 (MDT)
Hello folks. Didn't serve a mission in Guatamaula. I served in Sydney, Australia. I came here looking for your help and expertise. I am a teacher who is considering starting an English school in Guatamaula. I would be very grateful for insights, suggestions, or any other help. Thanx.
Tracy <zinga@hush.com>
Lehi, Ut USA - Friday, September 09, 2005 at 11:41:04 (MDT)
Thanks for the responses. I found the book and have read it. I heartily recommend it to all. After spending a couple hours with Jorge H. Perez during a recent visit to Guatemala, it was exciting to read about the events that he talked about.
Dave Boydston <Mauidave2@aol.com>
Alta Loma, Ca USA - Thursday, September 08, 2005 at 21:11:49 (MDT)
It was available at Deseret Book...that's where I bought my copy. You probably ought to start there.
Craig Nelson <heynelson@earthlink.net>
Danville, CA USA - Thursday, September 01, 2005 at 09:19:33 (MDT)
Anyone know where to purchase President O'Donnal's book, "Pioneer In Guatemala"?
Dave Boydston <Mauidave2@aol.com>
Alta Loma, Ca USA - Saturday, August 06, 2005 at 21:48:05 (MDT)
For any "old-timers" who served in the Central American Mission, I just received word that Bladimiro Ruiz originally from Guatemala passed away this past week in Florida.
He served in 60-61. I had the opportunity to be associated with him in Costa Rica in 1961. He had the misfortue of having lost an arm in an accident priot to his mission, but that didn't stop him at all. A member of my ward has a son married to his daughter.
Gene Romney <rombish@msn.com>
Tempe, az USA - Monday, August 01, 2005 at 17:09:12 (MDT)
For those of you who served in Momostenango we recently bid a loving farewell to Patriarch Gustavo Lang. Over the last 30 years he has loved and helped take care of many missionaries including my husband, Randy Ellsworth. He is survived by his loving wife, Maida Lang and his children.
Silvia Lang Ellsworth <Silvitalang@hotmail.com>
Ore m, UT USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 at 22:36:04 (MDT)
I am trying to find the email address for Aaron Chesley. He served in 94 - 96
David Bingham <newcarquestions@yahoo.com>
Beaverton, OR USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 at 12:59:33 (MDT)
hey, i just got my mission call and I'm headed to guatemala city south mission, i report to the mtc sept 7 and i was just wondering if anyone out there has any tips or stuff to help me get ready to head out there to do the work. thanks
beau boice <flyinhawaiian321@hotmail.com>
canton, Ga USA - Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 11:34:37 (MDT)
I've been perusing a bunch of the posts here - it seems like a lot of people who are called to the Guatemalan - El Salvador area have had parents or siblings called to the same area. I recieved my call to the Guatemala City South mission about two months ago (I leave July 27), and my dad, uncle, and cousin all served within 100 miles of my mission. Weird. Anyway, I can't wait to go and hope I have everything I need. Although according to my mother it will all be stolen anyway.
Brad Hall <apotherix@gmail.com>
Hurricane, UT USA - Monday, July 11, 2005 at 17:46:57 (MDT)
I am looking for the email address of a good LDS Guatemalan lawyer with a working knowledge of English, to incorporate a nonprofit charity in Guatemala. Can anyone provide an email address? Also, the email address of any active LDS living in the Lake Atitlan area, thanks.
Marcel Demas <marcel@orphanislands.org>
St. George, UT USA - Saturday, July 09, 2005 at 08:12:47 (MDT)
EL BALLET DE GUATEMALA IS COMMING TO SALT LAKE, WITH LIVE MARIMBA ON STAGE. JULY 12 AND 13 AT 8;00 PM. AT ROSE WAGNER TEATHER 138 WEST 300 SOUTH S.L.C. GENERAL ADMISSION $12.00 info. ticket office 801 323-6998. 801 577-7440.you can have a fun night and visit with Guatemalan friends. pass the word please.
Carolina Estrada <catylang@msn.com>
SALT LAKE CITY, UT USA - Thursday, July 07, 2005 at 14:35:10 (MDT)
Hello! I just recieved my mission call to the Guatemala City South Mission and I will be leaving on August 31st. I am so excited but nervous at the same time. If anyone has any helpful hints on anything at all, please let me know, it would be apprecited so much.
Lindsie Harris <har02036@byui.edu>
Idaho Falls, ID USA - Sunday, July 03, 2005 at 20:24:32 (MDT)
Hello. I just recieved my mission call to guatemala city south mission. I am very excited. I leave sep. 9. I was just wondering what the people, weather, and mission are like. Im very excited and just want to hear about it.
Scott Whitehead <scott_white_head@hotmail.com>
Salt Lake City, ut USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 00:00:46 (MDT)
Hey all..If you weren't aware, there is a Country site for Guatemala, on LDS.org This last conference many people had the opportunity to listen to General Conference en su propia idioma... Kekchi, Mam...etc... here's the link with details...I just think it's awesome, that each of us that come to this site had some involvement great or small to make this sort of thing happen, even if it's been 20 years ago since we served... We should feel good about that.. Anyways...Disfruten....
Teri Gamez (Hermana Carroll) <tgamez@cox.net>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 23:41:34 (MDT)
Pues si, ancianos, our stake has recently organized a Spanish Group, soon to be a branch, and I was tocared to serve in the leadership. The brother called to be the leader of the group is Jose Ruano who lived with his growing family--ten kids, I think--in Xela when my group, La Familia Unida, did our show there. He remembered the group fondly. We also have a young guy that home-teaches with me from Guatemala, Osbeli Barrios, who served a mission in El Salvador a few years ago. Anyone out there know these folks? I can get you in touch.
Randy Mundy
Randall Mundy <randymundy@cox.net>
Topeka, KS USA - Thursday, June 09, 2005 at 10:25:25 (MDT)
Scott, congratulations. What a giant step for you. Good luck in all your future endeavors.
Michael Evans <michael.r.evans@shell.com>
Caracas, Venezuela - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 12:38:22 (MDT)
For those of my friends from the early 70's, last night I received a restortation og blessings after having been without them for a quarter century.
A special thanks to Ralph Bower who was there for me always.
Scott Quantz <scottquantz@hotmail.com>
Tulsa, OK USA - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 13:57:07 (MDT)
Hey my brother just got a call to Guatemala City and I would like to know what it is like now. Im kinda scared! Please tell me if you know anything!
Danae <Good_charlottes_evilqueens@hotmail.com>
$FORM{'city'}", utah USA - Sunday, April 10, 2005 at 21:02:44 (MDT)
And especially read the journal entries on this web site. :-) Good luck!
Michael Evans <michael.r.evans@shell.com>
Caracas, Venezuela - Thursday, April 07, 2005 at 14:18:37 (MDT)
Hey, Nate Rogers, I concur with the comments of my esteemed Greenie, Elder Nye. In addition, it will be helpful to memorize these phrases: "Goose-bye, my lung", "Por la gracia de Dios, ya soy salvo, va!" and "Fijese, no esta ninguno". Other than that, don't let the Gambu get ya and you'll be fine.
Dave Boydston <Mauidave2@aol.com>
Alta Loma, CA USA - Wednesday, April 06, 2005 at 22:56:58 (MDT)
Hey Nate Rogers, congrats on going to the best mission in the world. Just go down and enjoy it. It is hot in most areas, take talcom powder. the people are great and the work is great. I wish I were going again now, maybe my wife and I can go as a couple missionaries when I retire in a few short years.
DORIAN NYE <dnye@fbfs.com>
MURRAY, UT USA - Tuesday, April 05, 2005 at 13:56:36 (MDT)
Hey, Nate Rogers,
One word of advice: Do not put any leather shoes you do not wear every day underneath your bed and leave them there for four weeks. I did that in Mazatenango and, when I pulled them out, they were covered, every square inch, with about 1/2 inch of green mold. They looked like big green slippers. So pull them out weekly and have a shoe shine boy clean them up for you!
Otherwise, keep the mold out of between your toes, work hard, and enjoy!
Craig Davis, a real old return missionary.
Craig Davis <davisfam6@juno.com>
Pekin, IL USA - Monday, March 28, 2005 at 13:35:14 (MST)
This is a great site
Jacoba <jacobapenn@hotmail.com>
USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 at 16:14:09 (MST)
My daughter just received a mission call to the El Salvador San Salvador West mission. She leaves on the 18th of May. I'm really excited because I served in part of El Salvador in 1968 to 1970. If anyone has infro on what the mission is like now, and what area it covers it would be appreciated. The wife and I are hopeful that we can pick her up after her mission. It's been 35 years and my spanish isn't the best but hope to be able to do it.
Wayne Erikson <werikson@nstep.net>
USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 19:26:48 (MST)
Hey, I just got my call yesterday to this mission. I am very excited! I leave on June 15th to the MTC. Do any of you guys have any suggestions or comments on what I should do to prepare for this specific mission? Just curious. Please let me know. THANKS!
Nate Rogers <gr8.n8dawg@gmail.com>
Lehi, UT USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 08:48:55 (MST)
I'm looking for Elder David Schow who served 74-76. Any leads would be appreciated.
Ken Hardison <khardison@msn.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 at 22:18:29 (MST)
Hi my name is Douglas Bethers I got on this website in hopes that someone out there could help me. I am looking for a needle in a hay stack probably.
I was adopted from Guatemala when I was a baby severel years later My bio mother placed a little girl both of us adopted into familys in the USA (utah) differnt homes. back in 19978-99ish an Elder by the name of PAUL SCHOENI and written my bio sister a letter, he was serving near "catocha" in the Guatemala south mission he was writting for a member by the name of Jorge Jimenez he is a Bio sibling as well he was trying to make contact with our Bio sister we are now looking to be in contact with him and looking to be incontact with our bio mother we belive he would be the only way to find out about our Bio mother (we all share the same birth mom Miria Leticia Flores) if anybody reads this and knows of an Elder Paul Schoeni that would be great if someone could contact me or him that would be great
Thanks much
Douglas Bethers
Douglas Bethers <Douglas.Bethers@hsc.utah.edu>
Salt Lake City , Ut USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 12:42:53 (MST)
DORIAN NYE <dnye@fbfs.com>
MURRAY, UT USA - Monday, February 21, 2005 at 17:47:21 (MST)
I served in the Central American Mission from 1963-1966. My wife and I have made several trips to Guatemala over the past few years. Now we are desirous of visiting El Salvador this summer. We are performers and professors of music at Utah State University and our travels always involve teaching music and giving public performances. I am looking for contact information (preferably email) on anyone in any Salvadoran city who would be a good contact for our music-education efforts. Do you know of a school teacher, a classical musician, a theater manager, etc., whom we might contact? Or perhaps a Bishop or Stake President? We are also interested in giving firesides or concerts for church members. Thanks!
Richard Keisker <LKeisker@aol.com>
USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 at 09:46:47 (MST)
Hace 29 anos hoy, 04 FEB 76, cuando el reloj toco alas tres de la manana, un gran terremoto temblo y destruyo mucho de nuestro querido pais. Mas de 25 mil personas salieron de esta vida in un momento terrible. Siempre recuerdo. This was a moment in time that stands still for myself and all of my associate missionaries who were in country serving under Pres. Robert B. Arnold. Now, Pres. Arnold himself has passed from this life (11FEB99) some six years ago next week. Siempre recuerdo.
Clay Aucoin <claya@byu.edu>
Orem, UT USA - Friday, February 04, 2005 at 08:58:04 (MST)
hey there
Chris Williams <bigmidgeman@sbcglobal>
Shell Beach, Ca USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 at 08:08:59 (MST)
I served in the Guatemala-El Salvador Mission from 1969 to 1971 with Pres. Clark and Pres. Glade. I finally took the opportunity to return to Guatemala for a visit this last November, after a little over a 33 year absence. We Flew to Flores and rented a car and drove to Tikal, where we stayed at the "Posada de la Selva". On our return to Guate City we rented an SUV and drove ourselves around the country for the rest of our visit. We went to Antigua, Tecpan, Patzun, Chichi, Solola, Panajachel, Xela and Copan, Honduras. We went to church in Chiqimula on our way back from Copan, and in general just had a great time! The scariest things to happen to us were a couple of close encounters with chicken buses. The State Department issued a hightened warning for travel to Guatemala just a couple of weeks before we left, but after we had booked our air fare. We almost decided to cancel our trip, but I'm very glad that we didn't. I would recommend a return vist to anyone that is contemplating it. It was a great experience! I was amazed at the growth of the church since the old days. (I still can't hardly believe that the old mission home and Zone 9 chapel are history). It was awesome to see a Temple there and get to visit it.
Jack Hunsaker <rrf@pmt.org>
Burley, ID USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 19:52:16 (MST)
Does anyone have the Tolman's e-mail? Shannon gave it to me, but I must have written it down wrong, because it wont go through. I could call and ask for it again, but would love the response from mutual friends.
Hi to all the Guatemala City missionaries of '80-'81 (Presidente Carlos Amado). Best wishes for 2005!
Barbara McKinnies Kennedy
Barbara McKinnies Kennedy <kennedyfam@mstar.net>
Murrieta, CA USA - Monday, January 03, 2005 at 22:02:23 (MST)
Any " old timers" from the old Central American Mission ever read this website. Got my call to the CA Mission 46 yrs ago. Served from 59-61 Any response?????
Gene Romney <rombish@juno.com>
Tempe, Az USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 at 09:05:12 (MST)
Hello Barbara Kennedy,
The new email you sent keeps comming back. Hope you read the site and pick up this message. Wishing you all the joy of the festive season. Hope you and yours have a safe holiday season and a great new year.
To all the rest who served in 1979 to 1980 have a joyful holiday season and a safe life.
Have a great day, Glenda (Jonesy)Olman
Glenda Olman <gmolman@kisser.net.au>
Karratha, Western Australia Australia - Friday, December 03, 2004 at 15:20:07 (MST)
Hi I'm Vaudene Simmons, Justin Simmons' widow. If you knew Justin and have some stories to share please email me at talkytalk@hotmail.com . I'm trying to put together a book about Justin's life for our kids, ages 8,7,3,&1. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you for adding his obituary on here. It was nice to see that someone is ontop of all this. As you can see I have just now realized that people from his mission may not know about his death. Thank you for your help.
Vaudene Simmons
Vaudene Simmons <talkytalk@hotmail.com>
USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 at 00:11:29 (MST)
hi i served a missiion in el salvador west from 1991 to 1992. I am looking for anyone that served with president Israel Perez.
alexander arriaza <alexarri7@yahoo.com>
guatemala, guatemala guatemala - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 at 09:41:49 (MST)
looking for an elder zachary cooley
sister petrella <pet01004@hotmail.com>
USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 20:53:26 (MDT)
Yo estoy buscando un amigo que se llama Byron Castillo. Estve en la mision Chile Antofagasta. 1987-1989
Mi gustaria conocer de el y su famili.
Yo creo el vive en el sector 19
Por Favor mande mi noticias: cornia@uah.org
Gina Cornia
I'm looking for a friend from my mission in Anotfagasta chile, in 1987-1989. His name is Byron Castillo, and I believe he lives in sector 19
Please contact me if you have a way to contact him.
Thank you
gina Cornia
Gina Cornia <cornia@uah.org>
Salt Lake , Ut USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at 11:06:05 (MDT)
I am hoping to catch someone's attention. I served in Primero de Julio in '95 - '96. I am exteremly interested to know if anyone knew or currently knows the whereabouts of Julio and Mavia Molina and/or Fernando and Margarita Hernandez (I believe is the last name). There is a strong possibility that most or all of them have made it to the states. I would love to find out any information.
Best of luck and wishes, I would love to hear from a familiar voice if you might recognize my name,
Hermana Vivian ; )
S. Chase Vivan-Ochs <ochsrus@netzero.net>
Vista, CA USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 at 23:42:03 (MDT)
para todos aquellos que conocieron a "hna. mari" del barrio las canas el salvador, ella dio de comer a los misioneros por varios anos. quiero informarles que lamentablemente ella fallecio este ano en febrero en salt lake city de cancer.
ernesto cordero <elcorderito@hotmail.com>
salt lake, ut USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 at 12:57:15 (MDT)
I served in the Guatemala-El Salvador Mission from 70-72. I would be interested in knowing if anyone has had contact with Elders Brent Wallace, "Timoteo lo bueno" Burns, Jay Duerden, Jared Hernandez, Randy Teel or Elder Bundy. It was my good fortune in one capacity or another to work with all of them.
Rick Reed <bacus@cnw.com>
Sedro-Woolley, Wa USA - Thursday, August 05, 2004 at 00:31:16 (MDT)
Submit comments/bulletin board entry online again. As of today.
J. Craig Nelson <heynelson@earthlink.net>
Corona, CA USA - Saturday, July 31, 2004 at 13:03:43 (MDT)
Que gente todos bien si hay alguien que me pueda informar de Elder Rosales, Elder Hales, Elder Lish, Elder Seabold, Elder GreatHouse seria buenisimo estuve en Guatemala de 1995-1997
Rodolfo Esquivel <rodolfo_esquivel@yahoo.com>
Alajuela, Alajuela Costa Rica - Friday, June 18, 2004 at 11:48:59 (MDT)
Nice to see two of our alumni recently called as Mission Presidents: James (Jimmy the Greek) Kougioulis to the Chile Concepcion Mission and Dan Morris (he was in my group!) to Peru Lima North. Felicidades, Hermanos.
Dave Boydston <Mauidave2@aol.com>
Alta Loma, CA USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 at 23:00:40 (MDT)
Saludos a todos los de la generacion 83-85 Presidente Amado, les deseo los mas grandes exitos a todos.
Hi to everyone to serve in 83-85 president Amado, that the Lord bless to you and your families.Youe friend Gabriel
Gabriel Marlon Sanchez Ruano <gariel64@hotmai.com>
mountain view, ca USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 at 22:02:19 (MDT)
Thelma Serrano from "la florida". looking for Launa moulton, rosemary higginson, Marylou Johnson. Also Kenneth Snow and mike bingham. They were the angels that baptized me. thanks.
thelma serrano <cathi152003@yahoo.com>
hilmar, ca USA - Sunday, May 09, 2004 at 21:14:19 (MDT)
What's all this talk about Jutiapa? Wasn't that place a hole? LOL
Dave Boydston <Mauidave2@aol.com>
Alta Loma, CA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 at 22:34:30 (MDT)
Just wanted to see if anyone knows anything about Jutiapa. I served in Mexico, but im currently in the Army Reserves about to go down to Jutiapa for a bit and would love to hear about it and if theres anything to do or see, ruins, etc... email me, subject it "jutiapa" so i dont erase it thinking its spam, Thanks, TJ
TJ Balazik <tjbalazik@hotmail.com>
Va Beach, VA USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 at 23:49:22 (MDT)
All you have to to is go to www.mormon.org and navigate to Jutiapa and you will find the addresses of all the chapels there. Or just use the following link: http://www.mormon.org/question/worship/search/1,8873,4106-1-PAGE-2770243-0-1+10,00.html
Keith Thomas
Keith Thomas <kvthomas@cox.net>
$FORM{'city'}", NV USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 at 21:54:59 (MDT)
Hey there!
My name is Indira Williams. I live in NC and want to find some information about the Church in Guatemala. My husband, Dallin, is in the Navy and currently deployed there. He's in Jutiapa and even he's been looking for the missionaries or the chapel there, he's not been able to find them. Please... can somebody give me the contact info? We both are members, and he'd love to get in contact with the members there in Jutiapa since his sister (Courtney Wiliams)served her mission there (no idea the generation). Please, help us!
I speak spanish too. Hablo español... por favor si alguien tiene la dirección o teléfono de los misioneros o de la Capilla en Jutiapa, por favor... me la podrían dar?. Mi esposo, miembro también de la Iglesia, esta en esa ciudad (esta en la Navy) y anda buscando la capilla o a los misioneros pero no los ha encontrado. Por favor... ayudenos!
Indira Williams <indiravp@yahoo.com>
Wilmington, NC USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 at 11:32:25 (MDT)
Encontre un nuevo Sitio que es un nuevo proyecto que intenta representar comunidades de habla hispana. El proyecto esta en su etapa inicial, pero si quieres visitarlo y dar sugerencias puedes encontrarlo en
Tambien hay Boletin Interactivo en donde compartir ideas, sugerencias, etc. Ese Boletin lo podeis encontrar en
Comunidades Hispanas <webmaster@comunidadeshispanas.com>
Orem, UT USA - Tuesday, April 06, 2004 at 05:57:31 (MDT)
testing <test>
USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 06:52:01 (MST)
What a great site. I served under Hancock and Brewer from 61 to 64. I spent 8 months in San Pedro Sacatepequez, San Marcos and would love to hear from any of you "young" RM's about the Eduardo de leon family,(Gary Bailey and I baptized the dad). Also, I baptized a man named Victor Soto Godinez, he had 7 kids and was a Mam indian. Also a family by the name of Barrios. We baptized a girl named Maria Virginia, and 2 brothers, Cesar and Miguel Angel. Another brother, Moises, didn't get baptized, but I heard that he went on to become one of Guatemalas most famous artists. Any info about any of them would be wonderful. Love and light to all of you. Ron Barrett
Ron Barrett <ronb@digii.net>
Farmington, NM USA - Monday, March 08, 2004 at 18:33:26 (MST)
I was saddened to hear of Elder Wilson's death. He was a wonderful friend to me on my mission. I see Elder Evans reads this occassionally. I want him to know I appreciate the example he set for me. I'm a truck driver so haven't been to any reunions. Someday I hope to. There are so many of you I would love to see again. Hope all is well in your lives!
Fred Sellick <fred_sellick@yahoo.com>
Logan, UT USA - Friday, March 05, 2004 at 09:17:05 (MST)
Thank you!
Ana <ana@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, March 04, 2004 at 12:45:52 (MST)
hola mi nombre es Rony santos me ha llegado el llamamiento para servir en la ciudad de Guatemala Sur estoy muy felis porque le voy a servir al senor.no conosco a nadie pero deseo tener muchos amidos hasta pronto
Rony Santos <rony@leviehomes.com>
Panama, Panama - Wednesday, March 03, 2004 at 08:18:05 (MST)
Hi all, or should I say Hola?
I served under Presidente Carlos Amado during the years '80 & '81. I would love to hear from old friends and companions.I would be interested in hearing anything from or about Delfina Gramajo and Dorcus Bracamonte. Thank you very much, (Hermana) Barbara (McKinnies) Kennedy
Barbara McKinnies Kennedy <blkintheusa@mstar2.net>
Murrieta, CA USA - Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 18:24:55 (MST)
Hi everybody! In contrast with some sad news about Guatemala, let me tell you that my family and I just got back from a wonderful vacation trip to that so beautiful land. We rented a car and traveled across the country without any single problem or inconvenience. Some of the places we visited were San Marcos, my beloved birth place, Xela, Toto, Chichi, Lake Atitlan, Antigua, Rio Dulce, Coban, Copan and Tikal. What about that! All we experienced was a delightful weather, friendly people and lots, lots of fun and a great time. Last year we did the same and have plans to be back soon. If you would like some tips please feel free to ask us.
My son Tony, now Elder Scheel, has been in Guate for six months now. He was recently transferred from Mixco to Fraijanes. He’s having the best time of his life, extremely happy and having a great success baptizing the ones I couldn’t during my mission down there forty years ago. Best regards to all ex-missionaries from Guatemala-El Salvador mission, specially to my dear ex-companions from the Brewer-Hansen mission. Mario Scheel
Mario Scheel <marioescheel@aol.com>
Sylmar, CA USA - Monday, March 01, 2004 at 12:36:45 (MST)
Just testin'
Joe <test@tester.com>
Grove, TX USA - Monday, March 01, 2004 at 07:19:19 (MST)
Hola! I am looking for the missionaries that baptized my mother in law in August of 1973 in el Barrio La Florida, Guatemala. Ella se llama Zaida Nora Guzman Argueta. I am trying to help her locate some of the missionaries that taught her, she is now living in the USA with several of her children and would like to contact them if possible. We were able to find pictures but, no contact info on this site, can anyone help me find these Elders; Scott Nelson(Pleasanton, CA), Cameron Steed, Robert Escalante(Tempe,Arizona). Anyone that can give me any idea to find Elders that served in this area or knew her would be appreciated. We would like to share with them the story of the fruits of their labors and the generations that have been affected by their work. Thank You~ Bonnie Rivas
Bonnie Rivas <spenriv@aol.com>
St. Anthony , ID USA - Saturday, February 14, 2004 at 21:10:05 (MST)
RE: Ensign article February 2004 page 32. Who are those elders? One looks like Elder Call.
Mark Andelin <mfandelin@juno.com>
Sparks, NV USA - Friday, February 13, 2004 at 11:10:53 (MST)
We are organizing a reunion for Friday, April 2, 2004, at the Riverbend Ward Building located at 8825 S. 150 W. Sandy, UT. We will have refreshments and visiting from 7pm to 9pm that evening. We hope you will spread the word so we can have a great reunion. Our next one will probably be in October of 2005 when Presidente Tolboe returns. Watch the ldsmission.net site for information. If you miss this reunion, plan for that one! We would love to see you.
Con Cariño,
Presidente y Hermana Layton
Keith Layton <keisha@skylinenursery.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 at 11:29:14 (MST)
Hola, elderes y hermanas. Yo soy el elder Mundy (Randy Mundy). I serveed in Guatemala and El Salvador from 71' to 73' Under Presidents Glade and Arnold, with Craig Nelson's wild bunch. I was the handsome, talented and most spiritual one in "La Familia Unida." I was also very humble, but I am getting over it. Seriously, I have a website these days concerning my music career (www.mundymundy.com)with my wife of 25 years and counting, Karen. In our bio pages, I list La Familia Unida, but alas, I no longer have any quality photos of that group. If anyone has or knows of someone who has good pictures of Elders Teel, Cameron, Eddo, Shirley and myself, please send them to me electronically. I would like to add a picture of the "Fab Five" to our site. Please attatch and send it to randymundy@cox.net. Gracias, hermanos y hermans. Viva La Familia, Elder Mundy
P.S. Bravo Razz, por tu gran obra.
Randy Mundy <randymundy@cox.net>
Topeka, KS USA - Monday, February 09, 2004 at 14:32:12 (MST)
Hace 28 anos hoy, 04 FEB 76, cuando el reloj toco alas tres de la manana, un gran terremoto temblo y destruyo mucho de nuestro querido pais. Mas de 25 mil personas salieron de esta vida in un momento terrible. Siempre recuerdo.
Clay Aucoin <claya@byu.edu>
Orem, UT USA - Wednesday, February 04, 2004 at 14:09:52 (MST)
Hello im going to Mount San Antonio colledge and i am writing an essay on where i would love to go if i could go anywhere in the world and i dicided to pick gutamala city. The reason i have chose to go there is because i was born there in 1977 and my hole family is from there and i still have family that lives that. I am looking for some kind of infermation on the things that where hapening around the time that my parents moved us to the US and some things on what is great to go see and and do and visit there. I have not been there to visit and or any of the sort sence 1977 but i still have family there and are planing to go in the futer when i can aford it if anyone can give me any feed back that would be great thank your.
thelma castaneda <whatever43@msn.com>
chino, ca USA - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 12:33:50 (MST)
El Salvador is pretty dangerous right now, with high crime rates. Partially due to gang members being deported from US and carrying on their gang wars in Central America. Last time I went to Chichicastenango, it was still worthwhile, but there is still a lot of crime on the highway getting there.
Michael Evans <michael.r.evans@shell.com>
Caracas, Venezuela - Friday, January 23, 2004 at 10:22:34 (MST)
OK, I'll post something. Am considering a trip for Semana Santa. Anyone been back recently? What areas do I stay away from? What's a typical airfare from LAX? Is Chichicastenango still worth the trip or was that a purely mission phenomenom? Gracias, hermanos.
Dave Boydston <Mauidave2@aol.com>
Alta Loma, Ca USA - Wednesday, January 21, 2004 at 22:24:11 (MST)
Doesn't anyone send comments any more? Craig, great job on the site. It just keeps getting better everytime you update it.
Mike Evans <michael.r.evans@shell.com>
Caracas, Venezuela - Friday, January 16, 2004 at 13:50:30 (MST)
OREM, UT USA - Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 11:11:51 (MST)
My younger brother ELDER TAOTUA from American Samoa is serving his mission. He's loving it there and wanted to wish him good luck. Please pass the word if you know him or served with him.
Fui Taotua <fuidawg@hotmail.com>
SAMOA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 at 11:21:00 (MST)
I was wondering if anyone knew the Gutierrez Tomás family from Huehuetenango. They were converted in 1973. Does anyone know anything about them or how they were doing?
Mike Evans <michael.r.evans@shell.com>
Caracas, Venezuela - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 at 10:40:08 (MST)
Hola estoy buscando contactar a compa;eros o maigos que sirvieron 1996-1998, estoy agradecido con Dios por ser parte de esta gran familia
Spencer Ticas <Ticassg@ldschurch.org>
Santa Ana, El Salvador - Thursday, November 13, 2003 at 09:24:07 (MST)
eu queria saber a coida tipica da guatemala eu ja procurei em todos os sites e nao encontrei nada ninguem sabe que possa me falr a receita por favor eu agradeco se me mandarem um E-mail ate meia noite por favor eu agradeco se nao demorar porque o trabalho e para ser entregue terca-feira estou aguardando
josue junio moreira marcelino <juniofbbh@bol.com.br>
BELO HORIZONTE, MG Brasil - Sunday, November 09, 2003 at 15:03:59 (MST)
I am looking for Dale Mayfield from Jonesbro, Georgia, who served in Guatemala City, in zone 3, Ward El Gallito, around 1990, who baptized Luis Alonzo and family, if anybody would have his e-mail address or real address I would be very greatful
Josue Diaz <diaz_josue@hotmail.com>
Guatemala, Guatemala - Friday, November 07, 2003 at 08:13:37 (MST)
I tried this once before and it didn't seem to work...I served in Guatemala City South, mostly under Pres. Lyman. 1995-1996 Busco a mis companeras-Hnas Ashby, Perez, Salguera, Blackham, Ruano. Yo tengo la direccion de Hna Payne (Anderson ahora) si qualquier necesita contactarla. Ojala que vayamos a tener mas exito en mantener contacto ahora con !Internet! I really regret not keeping better contact before. Thanks for any help anyone could provide.
Rochelle Phillips Price <rochellep3@yahoo.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Thursday, November 06, 2003 at 13:51:43 (MST)
As a Glade/Arnold missionary unable to attend this year's reunion, I would really like to see some comments here about the reunion -- was there a good turn-out, etc. -- so that I, as well as others unable to attend, can enjoy some of the spirit of the reunion. Many thanks.
Mike Evans <michael.r.evans@shell.com>
Caracas, Venezuela - Monday, October 27, 2003 at 10:15:23 (MST)
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Richard LaMont Wilson
HURRICANE -- Richard LaMont Wilson graduated from earth life on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 in St. George, Utah. He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on February 17, 1953, a son of James G. and Elva Roundy Wilson. He married his sweetheart, Connie Echo Ellis August 20, 1974 in the Salt Lake Temple.
With bright red hair, freckles, and laughs he grew up to be a tall, light-hearted missionary boy. He served a mission in Guatemala/El Salvador from1972 to 1974. Richard was first and foremost a family man. He loved his family with all of his heart. He had a special love for children and a gift for relating to and blessing the lives of young people. He loved the youth and they loved him. Church callings in which he faithfully served included assignments to teach and counsel with young people.
Surviving family include his: sweet wife, Connie; children, Sarah and Marc-Charles Ingerson, Adam and Summer Wilson, Luke and Janalee Wilson, Mary Elva, Elder Eli, Bethany, and Leah Wilson; one granddaughter, Corinne Ingerson; mother, Elva Roundy Wilson; brothers, Melvin, Roger, Jeril, Ross, and Jim Wilson; and sister, Alice Clegg. He was preceded in death by his father, James G. Wilson and his sister, Arlene Lyman. He lived a full life and is loved by all who knew him.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, September 27, 2003 at 11:00 a.m. at the Hurricane West Stake Center, 270 S. 700 W., Hurricane, UT. Friends may call Friday, September 26, 2003 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Hurricane Valley Mortuary, 140 N. Main, Hurricane, and again Saturday from 9:45 until 10:45 a.m., prior to services, at the Stake Center. Interment will be in the Hurricane City Cemetery. Arrangements are made under the direction of Hurricane Valley Mortuary, Funeral Director, Ted Spilsbury (435)635-2454.
Friends and family are invited to offer their condolences at www.spilsburybeard.com. Click on the dove.
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Originally published Thursday, September 25, 2003
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Keith Thomas <kvthomas@cox.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 11:32:27 (MDT)
Reunion for Guatemala-El Salvador Mission for the Glade
and Arnold group will be held Thursday, Oct. 2nd at 7:30p – 10:00p.
It will be at the Murray North stake center at 5200 S Glendon St (700 W)
Murray, UT 84123. President and Sister Glade and Sister Arnold are planning on
DORIAN NYE <dnye@fbfs.com>
MURRAY, UT USA - Friday, September 19, 2003 at 18:04:05 (MDT)
Hey I am leaving to the MTC in two weeks and just wanted to know from missionaries that have come home from Guatemala City South what things I should make sure to take and what to leave at home. So I can pick up the last minute things thanks so much.
desiree hancock <tranquiloroon@yahoo.com>
South Jordan, UT USA - Wednesday, September 03, 2003 at 16:26:07 (MDT)
Central America is celebrating its independce day this year on Sept 5 from 10am to 10pm in Midvale park behind Midvale school. Enjoy typical food (tamales, pupusas etc) folkloric dances, and great company. The consuls from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica will be in attendence to give any consular assistance. All come and enjoy the fun.
DORIAN NYE <dnye@fbfs.com>
MURRAY, UT USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at 18:20:13 (MDT)
Hi I served in The Pennsylvania Phill mission in 1980 to 1982 looking for some Info about my mission Prent. Prent Greenwall & sister Greenwall thank you for your help
Sister Thomas
Brenda Thomas <ThomasTreasure@aol.com>
Tulare, Ca USA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 19:07:29 (MDT)
I have a son who just entered the MTC on August 13, 2003. He's headed for the Guatemala City South mission. I have loads of questions! I want to know about mail, e-mail, food, saftey, suggestions, and lots more! If you have anything you could share with me I'd appreciate it. I also have a son currently in the Spain, Malaga mission. Thanks!
Anne Beckett <abspanish@yahoo.com>
Hendersonville, NC USA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 18:08:23 (MDT)
Alex Arriaza,
I was recently notified of your July 2nd message wishing to get in touch with Elder Hill or Elder Seaman. I am very happy to hear that you are doing well and would very much like to visit with you. Unfortunately the e-mail addresss in your post is not accepting messages.
You may contact me (Elder Hill) at the e-mail listed with this post.
Elder Hill <dchill@earthlink.net>
USA - Monday, August 18, 2003 at 22:32:53 (MDT)
I am looking for long-lost friends of my Mother, Shirley Belt. Her freinds were/are (?) missionaries with the Central American Mission. Their names are Bob and Donna Rice. Please contact me if you know their whereabouts.
Eydie Ruth <eruth@humana.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Friday, July 25, 2003 at 07:13:03 (MDT)
My son Tony has been called to serve in the Guatemala-South Mission. He is very excited as it is the land of his ancestors. We would like some fresh tips about weather, clothing, or anything that would help to be better prepared. Does the mission cover all Guatemala City?
Thanks for your advice and answer. Mario and Tony Scheel
Mario Scheel <marioescheel@aol.com>
Sylmar, ca USA - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 at 01:25:36 (MDT)
My name is Tony Scheel. Ive just been called to serve in the Guatemala City South Mission. Id love to hear from anyone who has served there or around. I enter the MTC the 13th of August 2003.
William "Tony" Anthony Scheel <Scheelsylmar@aol.com>
Sylmar, Ca USA - Sunday, July 13, 2003 at 23:42:04 (MDT)
I was baptized on june 28th 19981 by elders Lancer Seaman and David Hill, after 2 weeks they were transfered to another areas and then they went back home. I only got a letter from elder Hill telling me that he was sent to the mission office and after that I never heard from them again. 22 years have gone by and I wish I could find them and know about them.I amaried someone that was not a member but she likes the church and las t year she was baptized. We are only waiting so we can marry in the temple.
If someone knows them let them know, please.
alex arriaza <www.edarri7@yahoo.com>
Guatemala, guatemala Guatemala - Wednesday, July 02, 2003 at 09:25:53 (MDT)
I was so surprise and sad to hear Kent Berret's death we knew him we are from El Salvador were he served he's mission he was a woderful person,my sister's will always remember him GOD BLESS the family and our prayers are with you Love Carmen,Estela and Regina
Regina Lavere <birdlady4ever@hotmail.com>
Greenwood, MS USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 23:07:31 (MDT)
Buscando a una Hermana Martin. Se llama "Ghislane Martin de Quebec, Canada. Servio con nosotros en el viejo LTM en Provo.Nosotros fuimos lo que antes era la mision Centroamericana y ella se fue a Guatemala. Me gustaria ponerme en contacto con ella. Cualquier ayuda seria bueno. Gracias.
Raymond Race <abigfam@msn.com>
Victorville, CA USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 10:39:39 (MDT)
Looking for a sister named "Ghislane Martin" she spoke french as her primary language from Quebec, Canada. she served in our district at the old LT< in Provo. Nov 73-Nov 75. We moved on to Central American Mission and she moved to Guatemala.
Raymond Race <abigfam@msn.com>
Victorville, CA USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 10:36:09 (MDT)
Kent Berrett Loving husband, father, grandfather and brother Reed Kent Berrett, 54 passed away June 16, 2003 in Cedar City, UT Born to Reed B and Violet Iona Stipp Berrett. Married Linda Heaton, later divorced. Married Linda Friesen on November 5, 1981. He grew up in Cedar City Utah and then married and raised his family in Murray, UT. Served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Guatemala and El Salvador. Worked for Western and Delta Airlines for 24 years. He loved to golf, travel and spend time outdoors. He especially loved his family. Survived by his wife Linda, children, Sonn (Rebecca) Berrett, Kristina , Michael and Justin. four grandchildren. Sisters and brother, Brenda (Errol) Orton, Pam (Jerrry) Cannon, Bob (Dixie) Gates. Preceded in death by his parents, sister, Sidney Anne, and brother Vern Gates. Funeral services will be Saturday June 21, 2003 at 11a.m. at the Murray 28th Ward, 932 West Greenoaks Dr. Friends may call Friday from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Jenkins-Soffe Mortuary, 4760 South State St. and Saturday at the church from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Interment Murray City Cemetery.
Published in the Salt Lake Tribune on 6/19/2003.
Keith Thomas <kthomas@lvcm.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 at 18:04:01 (MDT)
Hey out there! I've been called to serve in the Guatemala City South mission- I still can't believe it! I have never been more excited for anything in all my days- my MTC date is July 2nd. If anyone has any tips or advice or anything like that I'd love it! Thanks- dcp
Doug C Pierce <southboundcouchexplosion@hotmail.com>
Ft. Collins, CO USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 at 17:54:54 (MDT)
SUNNYVALE, CA USA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 02:12:44 (MDT)
Hola soy LA hermana Diaz I serve my mission from january 2001 to july 2002 in the south mission of guatemala if you still rember me please email me just to chat ....And talk about the old times ...
tracy Diaz <latinastar_7@Yahoo.com>
pico rivera, ca USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 15:09:23 (MDT)
I'm looking for Brent Thomas Carter who served a mission in El Salvador in 1977-1978 in the Guatemala-El Salvador Mission. This elder taught me the gospel and baptized me, we became friends, but have not had any contact since he completed his mission. If you have any information please contact me at najarro10@yahoo.com
Jose Luis Najarro <najarro10@yahoo.com>
Riverside, CA USA - Sunday, April 06, 2003 at 21:49:33 (MDT)
I am looking for Paul Mendenhall. He baptized my parents in 1968 I think. If anyone know his email or home address, could you please inform? Me and my brother served missions in Guatemala also.
Rene Hernandez <violinconcerti@yahoo.com>
San Salvador, El Salvador - Wednesday, April 02, 2003 at 11:13:46 (MST)
Dear friends... I have found in this site the name of Maria A. Zuniga from Deming, NM... She was the sister missionary who taught me the gospel when I was 12 years old in 1974 (Ciudad Delgado, San Salvador, El Salvador)... please, if someone knows something about her, please contact me at: franraymundo@hotmail.com I will appreciate your information.
Francisco Raymundo <franraymundo@hotmail.com>
Manchester, NH USA - Thursday, March 20, 2003 at 21:47:12 (MST)
Hola soy el Elder Mazariegos me gustaria contactar con misionero(a)s que sirvieron en esta mision en los anos de 1988 a 1989, saludos desde Carolina del Norte, Escribanme por favora xelaju69@aol.com
Carlos Estuardo Mazariegos <xelaju69@aol.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 10:29:47 (MST)
My wife & I just returned from a wonderful week-long trip to Guat & El Sal. (I served from 73-75.) The highlights were our visits with 3 of the families I'd had the opportunity to teach/baptize. It was very moving & gratifying to observe the tremendous impact that the Gospel has had on their children, grandchildren & many others. If any of you have maintained contact with such families there, I highly recommend that you go see them before they (&/or you!) get too old. Please feel free to drop me a line if you have questions about travel conditions down there.
Dennis Fors <fourbyfors@earthlink.net>
La Canada, CA USA - Monday, February 17, 2003 at 21:40:33 (MST)
RE SISTER JUNE HOLLIE, Does anybody knows her. She and her companion (sister Cordon?) helped me convert. I was baptized in Oct 1961. I am interested in contacting her after so many and give her my sincere thanks. Anybody.....please. Thank you
Jorge <valsdad1@yahoo.com>
Palm Springs, CA USA - Tuesday, February 04, 2003 at 20:57:24 (MST)
Wouldn't it be great to travel back to Guatemala with fellow returned missionaries?? I want to alert anyone interested that a group is going Aug. 1-11 and another group is planning an excursion January 2004. Visit masktours.8m.com or rkminer@ncientamerica.org for information. Clate Mask is a Guate rtd. missionary who has taken several groups back. Call your favorite companions and lets all go back!!!
Adele Manwaring Austin <adeleaustin@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, February 04, 2003 at 14:52:29 (MST)
Anyone know how to get in touch with Pres. Adolfo Avalos? Let me know if you do. Thanks.
Robert Abbott <rabbottlvnv@aol.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 19:36:52 (MST)
This site is awesome...thanks for all you do!
Ray Williams <drwilliams@sbcglobal.net>
Denton, TX USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 11:58:43 (MST)
I was called to serve in the Guatemala City South mission. I report on January 15 2003. Any words of advice or interesting tips would be welcome.
Elder Mike Melnyk <mike_melnyk@hotmail.com>
St.Albert, AB Canada - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 09:01:07 (MST)
Internet access to Liahona and Ensign is available to all at LDS.org. Here's the link for Liahona: http://www.lds.org/gospellibrary/pdfmagazine/0,7779,595-10-3,00.html
from there just click the May issue and there you go!
Craig Nelson <heynelson@earthlink.net>
Corona, CA USA - Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 14:21:22 (MST)
If you can get a hold of the May 2002 Liahona, there is a cool article about Guatemala.
Dave Boydston <Mauidave2@aol.com>
Alta Loma, Ca USA - Friday, December 06, 2002 at 22:04:24 (MST)
I have been called to serve in the Guatemala City South mission and will be leaving in a month or so. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could send me info that will help me out. (special items to bring if necessary, weather, living conditions, how great the people are, etc.) Thanks.
Clint Moss <clintcmoss@yahoo.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Monday, December 02, 2002 at 13:36:18 (MST)
I am trying to get in contact with Raquel Hansen (Richardson, now). She lives in Houston, but isn't listed in the phone book. Please e-mail me her address or phone number if you have it.
Angelique Monney <aemonney@juno.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 09:40:21 (MST)
Hello everyone. I was called to Guatemala, Guatemala City South just the other day! Obviously I don't get there for quite a while yet, but I would like to prepare myself as much as possible. Any information that anyone would like to lend me about the area, people, customs, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
Elder Dickson <Spikewolfwood@direcway.com>
South Prairie, WA USA - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 23:26:12 (MST)
Hello missiories that served in Guatemala,elSalvador 1965 to 1971 my sisters Carmen,Estela and I were baptized 1967 and were looking for the good missionaries were active and serving the Church also the three of us move here Carmen and Estela live in California and I live in Greenwood if any of you guy's remembered Us the Ayala girls we lived in Monserrat and we attend the Santa Anita ward so let me know if someone remember OK we loved to hear from you
Regina Lavere <Birdlady4ever@hotmail.com>
Greenwood, MS USA - Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 22:17:28 (MDT)
Hola!!! Hope everyone is well and feliz! The missions have grown and divided so much I'm not sure if this even encompasses my mission anymore! But....I have a friend going to Guate next week and would like info on Book of Mormon tours. Does anyone know of a local who does soemthing like that? Let me know ASAP!
Annette (Minor) Gabriella <iamminor@juno.com>
San Marcos, CA USA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 20:31:06 (MDT)
My grandfather is President Terrence Hansen. Did any of you ever know his son Michael (he would have been about 14-tall, skinny, dark hair, with glasses)? That's my dad! I was wondering if by chance you had any stories you can remember about my grandpa and/or father? (My grandpa died long before I was born.) I want to compile some to give to my dad. My brother Greg served in Guatemala in 96. My family went down to pick him up and I fell in love with the country! Much thanks, Ashli
Ashli K. Hansen <ashli_kristine@hotmail.com>
Provo, UT USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 20:05:36 (MDT)
Pres. and Sis. Richardson ('99-'02)are having a reunion on Oct. 4 from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. for all those who served in the El Salvador East mission. Address: 285 N. Matterhorn Dr. Directions: Exit I-15 on Highland/Alpine (#287) East, turn left at first stop light (about 5 mi.), follow to Matterhorn Dr. (less than 2 mi.), turn left and follow to church on the left. Hope to see you all there.
Debbie Turner
USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 16:07:48 (MDT)
Just got back from a viset to Guttamalla City. Worked on the temple and got to see part of my old grounds. What a change 30 years makes. I feel old now. When I was there there were only 1 stake in all of the two countries we covered. The Church must be true we as Elders did not break the mission after we left. My love to all. Kay la via bien.
Carl Stay Bailey <repco@earthlink.net>
Sandy, Ut USA - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 00:33:04 (MDT)
I served in the Guatemala-El Salvador Mission from March 66 to March 68. My "LTM" district was the "El Salvador" district (we entered the LTM in November 65 and we all came to the same mission). It's about time for a reunion for the "El Salvador" district. I am looking for Charles Whetten, who was one of our members. Anyone know of his whereabouts?
I'll post a follow-up note with the names of all the members in a few days.
Keith Thomas
Keith Thomas <kthomas@lvcm.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 19:13:20 (MDT)
A friend in my ward was recently called to the San Salvador/El Salvador West Mission. Do any of you jovenes know what area this mission encompasses? I have tried that missions'
web page, but there doesn't seem to be any map of the area. Being that our mission took in both Guatemala and El Slvador back in the "old days" I don't know where he will be serving, exactly. If any of you know anything about the El Salvador missions, drop me a line sometime.
Les agradezco por su ayuda.....Kent
Kent Heaps <akheaps@aol.com>
Lakewood, CA USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 20:33:14 (MDT)
For any of you "old timers" from back in the '73 to '75 era that knew la familia Villalta over in the Santa Lucia area of San Salvador, I have an interesting update for you. Juan and Francisca Villalta are alive and doing well and living close to their daughter Celina and her husband in Layton, Utah. My family and I had an opportunity to visit with and have dinner with them just a few weeks ago while in Utah on vacation. Juan was the man that was the deaf/mute that was a tailor while living in San Salvador and was baptized with his family back in '74. They since have moved to the states and are happy and "active" in the church in Layton. Celina married a gringo who is in the High Council in their stake and now has 4 beautiful kids of her own. (actually, they're half grown up!) We were reminicing about the good old days back there around Ilopongo and good times they remember having with elders Allen and Burch. If you elders are out there, drop me a line sometime so that we can touch base.
Elder Kent Heaps-'73-'75
Kent Heaps <AKHeaps@aol.com>
Lakewood, CA USA - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 01:34:11 (MDT)
For Mike Evans, who thinks we are not writing enough here. In '93 when we visited El Salvador we attended two wards that did not exist 17 years earlier, in a building that did not then exist. Saw a lot of new small chapels in '93, including one in a colonia where we once joked, "there are so many mormons in this colonia, there'll some day be a chapel here. In 93 there was still a lot of earthquake damage; it seemed they had concentrated on cleaning up the mess from the civil war. Only saw one rusted out hulk of a shot up bus on the road to Cerro Verde. We went to the Guat' City temple too. Since then all my wife's siblings have emigrated to the US, so we have no reason to return. My kids were not impressed by, "this is where daddy served his mission." They justed wanted to go home. But, in spite of the civil war, there has been great growth around San Salvador. However, the little towns were just as we remembered them.
Rick Craycroft <rcrofter@aol.com>
Eagle, ID USA - Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 23:23:43 (MDT)
Anybody know of a reunion for the "oldtimers" from the Wagner/Hancock/ era (1950's-early 1960's?)Should be a few of us left.
Gene Romney <amram2@juno.com>
Tempe, az USA - Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 10:53:04 (MDT)
On October 5, 2002 right after General Priesthood meeting, there will be a reunion held for all missionaries that served in the Guatemala Guatemala City South Mission under Presidents Kenneth Turley and Keith Layton. Times are 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Location is 650 E. Stadium Ave. Provo, Utah which is the first street to the west going north from the MTC off of 9th East. Please spread the word! We hope to see many of you there.
Keith & Shauna Layton <keisha@skylinenursery.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 23:56:11 (MDT)
My wife just got back from a trip to El Salvador (Santa Tecla/San Salvador). She was amazed at how much of the damage from the earthquake had been repaired and how much new construction was going on. She said that they now had laws against taking a leak in public (1 Kings 14:10). I'm surprised that no one is writing any comments in here. Are we all asleep???
Mike Evans <mevans@coral-energy.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 09:46:45 (MDT)
Eric Huber <eric@hubernet.com>
Bountiful, UT USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 10:32:07 (MDT)
I just got called to the Guatemala City South Mission on Wendsday. I'm so excited to go ad serve there. I was hoping that I might get some advice as to what it's like down there,what things the list doesn't tell you to take that you need anyways,etc.. Any help would be very useful.
Elder Spencer Pranger <oospencey@hotmail.com>
Orem , Ut USA - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 11:54:19 (MDT)
I am looking for missionary companions whom I haven't been in contact with for way too long!! I can't go by married names because I don't know them (if they are married.) My companions were Cynthia Burton (Salt Lake City), Melody Cluff (Bisbee, Ariz.), Alba Gamero (Honduras), Gail Weaver (St. Anthony, Idaho), Kathleen Seegmiller (California), Linda Sorenson (California), and Launa Moulton (Salt Lake City). Mil gracias por cualquier informacion que me puedan dar acerca de ellas.
Brenda Simons <blstulipan@aol.com>
Santaquin, UT USA - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 23:32:46 (MDT)
I just wanted to say Thank you to those that have read my message on the board previously and have contacted me. You know who you are. Thanks for responding. It's great to have true friends. It means a lot! I would love to hear from anyone that knows me too, or remembers me. Cheerio!
Rachel Smith (Bownass) <rachbeth3@hotmail.com>
Carrum, VIC Australia - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 07:02:23 (MDT)
I am trying to contact Cynthia Dudek. She was my companion in Guatemala City in Oct '80. I know she married but have no idea what she is up to now.
Have a great day, Glenda(Jones)
Glenda Olman <gmolman@kisser.net.au>
Wickham, WA Australia - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 08:12:25 (MDT)
I was looking for the meaning Gramajo that is a last name I want to know what it means and what is the origen it comes from what country! Thank you
rudith <zjyry@yahoo.com>
los angeles, ca USA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 20:04:29 (MDT)
I am looking for some Elders that served in this mission around 1968 in the Area of Quetzaltenango. They Baptized My Parents, Jose Antonio and Lili Ruano. At that time they had four daughters and my Mother Was expecting the fifth. I think one of the Elders is from Meza Arizona and the other one is From Canada. I hope you Know who you are, send me an E-mail. I am sure you would like to know the about the GREAT work you have done and how your efforts have multipled. Just a little overview of what has happened over the years, my father has served in many church callings including branch President, member of various Bishoprics,Bishop a couple of times, Stake Presidency, Guatemala Mission Presidency, Stake mission President many other callings in the Church. My parents had ten children. Eight girls and two boys, three of us have served Missions. My sister served in the San Fernando Valley, California Mission, my brother in the New York City, South Mission, I served in the Washington, Spokane Mission. All of my sisters and Brother have been married in the temple, Except for me and My little sister, we are still single. Eight of my sibblings are married, there are 41 Grandchildren, My oldest Nephew just received his call to the Nicaragua, Managua Mission. He will be entering the M.T.C. in September 11, 2002. The chain goes on!!! If you would like to know more about our family please contact me at my E-mail adress. My family will be forever grateful to the both of you.
Rolando Ruano <ruano21@msn.com>
Orem, UT USA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 12:13:14 (MDT)
I am looking for some Elders that served in this mission around 1968 in the Area of Quetzaltenango. They Baptized My Parents, Jose Antonio and Lili Ruano. At that time they had four daughters and my Mother Was expecting the fifth. I think one of the Elders is from Meza Arizona and the other one is From Canada. I hope you Know who you are, send me an E-mail. I am sure you would like to know the about the GREAT work you have done and how your efforts have multipled. Just a little overview of what has happened over the years, my father has served in many church callings including branch President, member of various Bishoprics,Bishop a couple of times, Stake Presidency, Guatemala Mission Presidency, Stake mission President many other callings in the Church. My parents had ten children. Eight girls and two boys, three of us have served Missions. My sister served in the San Fernando Valley, California Mission, my brother in the New York City, South Mission, I served in the Washington, Spokane Mission. All of my sisters and Brother have been married in the temple, Except for me and My little sister, we are still single. Eight of my sibblings are married, there are 41 Grandchildren, My oldest Nephew just received his call to the Nicaragua, Managua Mission. He will be entering the M.T.C. in September 11, 2002. The chain goes on!!! If you would like to know more about our family please contact me at my E-mail adress. My family will be forever grateful to the both of you.
Rolando Ruano <ruano21@msn.com>
Orem, UT USA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 12:11:43 (MDT)
For those who served under President Cerda (Guat. City South from 1990 1993), there is mission reunion information at the following location Mission Reunion
Also, for the rest, come check out our photo gallery (among other things) at Guatemala City South - Cerda Years .
Blake Barney <blakebarney@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas , NV USA - Friday, June 21, 2002 at 14:18:53 (MDT)
I have been called to Guatemala City South Mission,
and i report to the MTC on July 31st!!!!
I have a question though...is there any ancient ruins that missionaries in the Guatemala City South Mission can go see?
According to a map in a book i found, the ruins are out of my mission boundaries?
John LaLoe <johnathonl2@cs.com>
Santa Maria, CA USA - Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 19:01:15 (MDT)
hola mis queridos amigos chapines. Esta es la hermana Serrano quien sirvio la mission entre oct.'74-abril '76. Estoy buscando a algunos de mis companeras y misoneros que sirvieron durante este tiempo. I am looking for some of my companions that served during the years '74-76. I am currently living in Hilmar, California with my seven precious children. I would love to hear from some of you.
Thelma Serrano <Cathi15@hotmail.com>
Hilmar, Ca USA - Friday, May 17, 2002 at 13:16:48 (MDT)
Hello y Hola!
I am really wanting to get back in touch with any of my friends that served in the Guatemala City South Mission between the dates of 1994-1996. I served under President Lyman for half of my mission then got sent up to Texas Fort Worth Mission to have key hole surgery on my knee. Does anyone remember me? I'm the Hermana from England. I would love to hear from anyone that does. I have been trying to get back in touch with Hermana Sally Robertson - does anyone know how I can find her?
Thank you.
Rachel Bownass <rachbeth3@hotmail.com>
Carrum, VIC AUSTRALIA - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 07:38:33 (MDT)
Hello y Hola!
I am really wanting to get back in touch with any of my friends that served in the Guatemala City South Mission Between the dates of 1994-1996. I served under President Lyman for half of my mission then got sent up to Texas Fort Worth Mission to have key hole surgery on my knee. Does anyone remember me? I would love to hear from anyone that does. I have been trying to get back in touch with Hermana Sally Robertson - does anyone know how I can find her?
Thank you.
Rachel Bownass <rachbeth3@hotmail.com>
Carrum, VIC AUSTRALIA - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 07:36:38 (MDT)
TIKAL RESTAURANT in Provo is awesome! I returned from serving in Guatemala 25 years ago this month, May 2002. Last night my wife and I went to dinner at this new guatemalteco cuisine restaurant located on State Street in Provo at the bottom of the Orem hill. Incredible memories began to flow from the first bite of an authenic Tamale cooked in banana leaves. The special was Carne Asada with Arroz just like we all remember. And for dessert, Platanos Fritos with sour cream. Real Guatemalan food in Provo! They have been in business only seven months and need our support. The owner said she offers catering, and would love to cater mission reunions. Her chef is from San Marcos. Give them a try at your earliest opportunity.
Clay Aucoin <clay@mstar2.net>
Orem, UT USA - Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 13:32:17 (MDT)
I am looking for information about an ex-companion named Luis Rodriguez. He lived in Escuintla before and after his mission. He was a dear friend and I wish that I had not lost touch with him. I am going back to Guate for the first time in 12 years this August and would really like to be able to see him. If anyone has any info, please let me know.
Robert Abbott <rabbottlvnv@aol>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 22:05:00 (MDT)
I am looking for information about an ex-companion named Luis Rodriguez. He lived in Escuintla before and after his mission, but I have no idea where he is now. He was a dear friend and I wish that I had not lost touch with him. I am going back to Guate for the first time in 12 years this August and would really like to see him again. If anyone knows where he is, let me know.
Robert Abbott <rabbottlvnv@aol>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 21:57:38 (MDT)
I am interested in finding out about a missionary from my district. He is a good friend named Elder Morazan from Honduras. I think his first name is Wilman or something like that. He served in the Guatemala City South Mission from about 95-97. I have only heard rumors that there was an ex-missionary from Honduras who was killed by a gang in Honduras shortly after the time Morazan arrived home. Most I have talked to assume it was Morazan. I want to know if this was my friend. I pray that it was not, but it seems possible. Whether it was or not, I would still like to know how to contact him or his family. If it was him, his non-member family needs to know about his mission and how he has affected other people. If anyone can help I would be very greatful.
Robert Dransfield
Robert Dransfield <robert@vaina.net>
Boise, ID USA - Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 00:59:26 (MDT)
does anyone know the names of the new mission presidents that are called for 2002 for the guatemala south mission and also something about them?
Pam <pam.sorensen@email.moore.com>
Logan, UT USA - Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 13:08:47 (MDT)
Elder Campbell!!!...
I´m Elder Raymundo (Francisco Raymundo)... I served the missions under President Amado and President Elliot like you... and my second area was El Peten, there, my companion was Elder Pacifico Miranda... we had a lot of experiences in Peten... and I knew Elder Carlos Alvarez because he was my Zone Leader some months later... and my girlfriend in that time (now is my wife) belonged the same ward than Carlos Alvarez.... I would like to keep in touch with you.... I sent you an e-mail... but I didn´t receive a repply.... my e-mail is:
Francisco Raymundo <franraymundo@hotmail.com>
San Salvador, ** El Salvador - Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 12:52:57 (MDT)
My brother Elder Standage is serving a mission in Guatemala right now! He loves it their!
USA - Monday, April 22, 2002 at 18:33:39 (MDT)
Estoy buscando a Elder Carl Douglas Hansen que sirvio en la mision Guatemala-Salvador en los anos 76-78 y que estuvo en san miguel.Si me pueden enviar informaciones estare muy agradecido.Gracias
José Isreal Corona <israelcorona24@hotmail.com>
quebec, qc canada - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 18:28:07 (MDT)
I'm going to Guatemala next week! I served in the South mission under Pte. Lyman 93-95. Can anyone give me any contact info. on Elida Estacuy, Edgar Flores, or Nicolas Ponce, all members I taught in Guatemala City? Or does anyone know where I can find Guatemala ward meeting schedules?
Jared Boundy <boundyj@cojk.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 19:35:34 (MDT)
there is a get together for those who served in the el salvador east mission under presidents cardon or richardson. we will be meeting at a restaurant called el viroleno (471 W. 800 S. in Salt Lake City) at 6:30 on Friday April 5.
Debra Turner <hnaturner@excite.com>
salt lake city, ut USA - Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 08:36:34 (MST)
Estoy buscando por Pasifico Miranda, Elder Nieto, Carlos Alverez, Elder Grande Huesos, Elder Carias, Elder Joachin quienes eran misioneros durante 1983-84. Tambien estoy buscando por Ivan Velasquez y Annabella Bermeister y Delfina Gramajo quienes son de la Rama Marti en la zona 2. Tambien, alguin de la familia Ruano de Malacatan, San Marcos.
Mike Campbell <mikebev@utah.uswest.net>
Roy, UT USA - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 12:06:45 (MST)
Hi, I served in Guatemala City Mission under Pres. Carlos Amado and Pres. Gary Elliot. I'm looking for anyone from that time. Also, I am looking for Ivan Velasquez who married Annabella Bermeister who lived in the Rama Marti, Zona 2, and Delfina Gramajo.
I would love to here from you.
Mike Campbell <mikebev@utah.uswest.net>
Roy, UT USA - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 11:59:51 (MST)
Dear fellow members of the churcH: I would like to know if any of lyou who ever lived in Guatemala worked for the us embassy here...if so, could you please email me? I am currently in the process of visiting the embassy to be able to attend the university in the states. Any advice would be wonderful.
lari <skooterchica@yahoo.com>
Guate - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 10:50:07 (MST)
Dear fellow members of the churcH: I would like to know if any of lyou who ever lived in Guatemala worked for the us embassy here...if so, could you please email me? I am currently in the process of visiting the embassy to be able to attend the university in the states. Any advice would be wonderful.
lari <skooterchica@yahoo.com>
Guate - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 10:50:07 (MST)
Busco a mis hermanas que a dos jamas conosi a la mas pequeña la vi por dos ocasiones, ellas asisten a la iglesia que esta en Escuintla Guatemala, solo se que viven en la colonia sevastopol Escuintla, la pequeña solo se que se llama Viviana Gonzalez.Si alguien supiera de ellas les agradeseria infinitamente porque se que ellas nesesitan de mi ayuda.Yo soy Guatemalteco pero radico en Canada hace muchos años;Mi hermanita solo se que tiene 11,12 o 13 años.gracias les agradesere cualquier informacion a mi e-mail.y agradeseria si alguien me manda el e-mail de la iglesia de Escuintla. Que nuestro Padre Celestial les bendiga. Walter Gonzalez T.
walter gonzalez t. <walter_gt@mb.sympatico.ca>
Winnipeg , mb Canada - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 18:53:35 (MST)
I have a Christian friend stranded in Guatamala City/Antigua. He blew the transmission on his new SUV and has been having difficulty getting it fixed. Does anyone have any recommendations for a mechanic in the city. He has been struggling with this for about 3 weeks. Any quick response is appreciated. Thank you.
CJ Dean <cindyjdean@yahoo.com>
TX USA - Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 08:05:09 (MST)
I am looking for info on Gary Pearson who served in the early 70's, he may have some photos of the Antonio Moralis Family from Auachapan. Moralis lost all their photos in the war and they would like to get some of their family. If anyone else has pictures of the Moralis family please contact me and I will get them to Tonio. Thanks
Frank Morgan <fmorgan@swinerton.com>
Riverton, utah USA - Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 09:27:15 (MST)
Craig, once again you have done a great job. I like the new look. Thanks for all your hard work in keeping this site up.
Mike Evans <mevans@coral-energy.com>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, February 18, 2002 at 17:53:19 (MST)
Esta es una prueba.
Joe Test <Testers@email.com>
Lubbock, TX USA - Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 21:02:05 (MST)
Busco a mi AMIGO, Scott Willian
Aldous, el hizo la mision aca en El Salvador, toda la
familia Olmedo Rivera quiere saber de usted saludos, quien sepa de el favor escribirme
JOSE ANTONIO OLMEDO LARA <joseantonioo70@yahoo.com>
north caroline, nc USA - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 11:06:45 (MST)
Hi, To all of you who knew my brother Gustavo Lang, who served as a missionary in the
Guatemala-El Salvador mission during the 1970's we would like to ask if at all possible
you would like to contribute any memories or stories you may have from his mission days.
We are in the process of collecting them to put together remembrance book for his widow
who recently joined the church after 26 years of investigating. She is preparing herself
to enter the temple to be sealed to him in a year. Any information would be greatly
Silvia Lang Ellsworth <Silvitalang@hotmail.com>
Orem, UT USA - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 21:50:16 (MST)
Hello from California! I have served a mission from 1979-1981 in Illinois, Chicago
Mission. I started collecting license plates on my mission. I found one while I was
tracting. Iam trying to get one from every country and Island. Can someone in your country
and/or islands help me? Please let me know. thank You! Contact me at:
Craig <Licensepl8s@Juno.com>
USA - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 21:29:03 (MST)
Hi, To all of you who knew my brother Gustavo Lang, who served as a missionary in the
Guatemala-El Salvador mission during the 1970's we would like to ask if at all possible
you would like to contribute any memories or stories you may have from his mission days.
We are in the process of collecting them to put together remembrance book for his widow
who recently joined the church after 26 years of investigating. She is preparing herself
to enter the temple to be sealed to him in a year. Any information would be greatly
Silvia Lang Ellsworth <Silvitalang@hotmail.com>
Orem, UT USA - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 21:19:57 (MST)
Hello everybody! Thanks to Craig and his wonderful web page I hope that I will be able
to be in touch with all of you, specially with my ex-companions who I miss a lot and I do
not know what happened to them (exept two of three of them)I surely would like to know
from them. I served my mission from May 63 to May 65 under both Pres. Brewer and Hansen.
My family and I were baptized in San Marcos Guate in May 1962 by Elders Fuller, Bain and
Glen. After my Mission I moved to El Salvador and lived there from 65 to 80. From 1973 to
1980 serving as Stake President of the San Salvador Stake (first stake in E.S. organized
in 1973 with the assistance of our dear Pres. Glade) Since 1980 we are living in the Los
Angeles area. Currently I am in the Hicouncil of the San Fernando Stake. I am in contact
with members from El Salvador who now live here. If I can be of any help please let me
know. My love to all of you.
Mario E. Scheel <marioescheel@aol.com>
Sylmar, Ca USA - Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 23:52:13 (MST)
Hello, I was baptized in 1961. I am interested im contacting sister June
Hollie. Does
anybody remember her? She was my missionary when I converted. She used to have a Mexican
American companion, but I don't remember her name. I was baptized in Zona 2, but I lived
in Zona 6, in Guatemala city. Last I heard sister Hollie lived in Colonia Juarez, Mexico.
THank you for your help. Que Dios los bendiga. J.
Jorge <valsdad1@yahoo.com>
Alta Loma, CA USA - Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 19:02:07 (MST)
Hello, I am trying to get in contact with some Guatemalan friends of mine who are
members of the Church. One of them, Ligia, married a missionary from Switzerland named
Christian. The family's phone has been disconnected and I am trying to reach them because
I am coming down in less than two weeks. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions of how
to get in touch with them. Thank you, Kelley Ready
Kelley Ready <Kelready@aol.com>
Boston, Ma USA - Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 21:08:37 (MST)
I am looking for a Northamerican member who lives in GUATEMALA, his name is Larry
Sights. If anyone knows his phone number,email or address please email me...its very
larisa <skooterchica@yahoo.com>
Guat - Friday, November 23, 2001 at 12:54:33 (MST)
I'm looking for an Elder David Macey (
Masey), sorry I'm not to sure which one is the
correct spelling).I know that he is from Arizona and served in the Guatemala/El salvador
mission, during the early 70's.If any one has any information please contact me.
Sariah Pena-Castro <sjlamanite@hotmail.com>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 21:55:22 (MST)
I'm looking for an Elder David Masey,who served in the
Gutemala/El Salvador mission in
the early 70's. I know that he is from Arizona.If any one has any information or knows how
to contact him please let me know.Thank-you.
Sariah Pena-Castro <sjlamanite@hotmail.com>
Melbourne, vic Australia - Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 19:35:26 (MST)
I would like to know if anyone has information or a contact for Richard Mack. He served
in the Glade mission in the early 70's and originally came for Arizona.
John Cameron <jackcameron1@aol.com>
USA - Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 21:35:38 (MST)
My son, Elder Stephen Holt, arrived in Guatemala today, November 5, 2001, to begin his
mission in the Guatemala City South Mission. Steve, if you read this message, just wanted
to say hello and we wish you well in a great country and great mission full of great
people. We love you and are proud of you!!!
David Holt <holtlink@hotmail.com>
Yucaipa, CA USA - Monday, November 05, 2001 at 23:45:59 (MST)
Hey Voses of the Hansen/Clark group! It was a wonderful reunion! It was great to see so
many of you again--some for the first time since "the good old days". We always
did have a close relationship as a mission and it hasn't changed. The spirit of love and
caring for each other is still alive and well. I missed those who weren't there. Come next
time. Speaking as a sister who was always at arm's length, it was great to be able to give
"my Elders" a big abrazo at long last! :) I love you all! Thanks! Karen
"Jentz" Jensen Christenson.
Karen Jensen Christenson <fishshorts@ocsnet.net>
Porterville, CA USA - Friday, November 02, 2001 at 00:00:11 (MST)
Anyone have a family member/friend recently serve in the Uruguay, Montevideo mission?
Our son has had his call changed from Lima, Peru to Uruguay due to Visa problems. Any
information on the climate, traditions, etc. is appreciated.
Dave Boydston <Mauidave2@aol.com>
Alta Loma, Ca USA - Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 20:48:36 (MDT)
am looking for a brother who lives in Guatemala but is north american his name is LARRY
SIGHTS. if anyone knows him or his email or phone number please i need to communicate with
him. THANKyou!!! lari guate - Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 15:59:23 (MDT)
lari <juici@gurlmail.com>
guat - Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 16:01:46 (MDT)
I am looking for a brother who lives in Guatemala but is north american his name is
LARRY SIGHTS. if anyone knows him or his email or phone number please i need to
communicate with him. THANKyou!!!
lari <juici@gurlmail.com>
guate - Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 15:59:23 (MDT)
Does anybody know if any reunions were held for the Pres Wagner Pres Hancock era?
1955-1963. If any information-- would love to hear from any one who might have attended.
Gene Romney <amram2@juno.com>
Tempe , AZ USA - Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 12:25:00 (MDT)
Greetings to all Former missssionaries and members, This past weekend Oct. 19-20 was
the 34th reunion of the 1967-70 (Pres. Clark and Hansen) Missionary Reunion in Las Vegas.
We had two evenings of great fellowship and sharing at a cultural hall near the Temple.
Pres. Clark and his wonderful wife Morita were there and shared mucch about how Guatemala
and El Salvador have blossomed now some 43 years after the Gospel was introduced in
Central America. There were more that 55 missionaries plus partners attending the reunion
where we learned a new mission song and talked about future service as missionaries. We
attended a Sat. am temple session and ate comida tipica on Sat. Special Kudos go to Adele
(Manwaring)Austin and Victor Austin for being our hosts. The thing that impressed me the
most was the spirit of everyone who came. I have spoken to several of those attending and
everyone has mentioned the great feeling of love that was shared by those who were there.
If anyone reading this has not on this bulletin board please do so. Also please e-mail
paul Mendenhall with your address, phone and e-mail so that we can keep you up to date
with our missionary group.
Ralph Smith <ralphcsmith@att.net>
USA - Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 10:57:08 (MDT)
I am a memeber, but I need help a friend has a problem and I want, to know what to say
Raquel Tafoya
Eagle Pass, Tx USA - Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 09:24:45 (MDT)
I was called to serve a mission in the Guatemala City South Mission and would really
appreciate anything any missionary who has served there could tell me about it. Things i
should prepare for while I still can, things I should now about the region I'll be in,
dangers, interests, maybe something good that I could tell my Mom so she doesn't worry so
much, or just anything that comes to mind when you read this. Thanks. Future Elder Hart
Clint Hart <rippedhart@aol.com>
Henderson , NV USA - Sunday, October 07, 2001 at 17:18:23 (MDT)
Just wanted to know any information about mission reunion for the Guatemala South
Mission for either Pres. Lyman or Pres. Turley. (I made an error earlier listing Underwood
as mission president during this time,oops:)
Limu PIli <lmpili@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Sunday, October 07, 2001 at 16:04:48 (MDT)
RE Mission Reunion, Las Vegas Oct. 19 and 20th. SISTERS, ATTENTION. On Thursday, Oct.
18th there will be a special sisters gathering and overniter at Adele (Manwaring) Austin's
home 535 Fogg St. LV 6:30 p.m. on. Come whenever you can and visit! Confirmed
attenders: Gledhill,White, Smith, Pearson, Christensen, Boylin, Conkling,
Manwaring, Stewart.....
Adele Austin <adeleaustin@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Friday, October 05, 2001 at 01:33:11 (MDT)
were a missionary in Guatemala or El Salvador between 1966 and 1970 this is definitely for
you!!! This reunion is in Las Vegas on October 19 and 20 (Not conference weekend) The
reunion will be held at the LDS Chapel located at 375 N. Hollywood, Las Vegas (Near the
Las Vegas Temple). Friday night we will have dinner, show slides, learn a new mission song
and reacquaint ourselves with one another. Saturday am we will go to a temple session. In
the evening we will hear From. Pres. Clark who is still going very strong about the state
of the mission and about his new calling on the Church's Perpetual Education Fund. We will
eat Typical food al estilo Guatemalteco. There is still time to get great deals on Air
Fair and Hotels so get busy RSVP today to: Adele (Manwaring) Austin (702) 452-0461
adeleaustin@earthlink.net Over 40 missionaries have already confirmed that they are coming
to "Party On". Don't miss out, this is a once in five years occasion!!!!!
Ralph Smith <ralphcsmith@att.net>
USA - Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 10:18:55 (MDT)
hey everyone, has anyone recieved any information on the el
salvador, san salvador EAST
mission reunion for this weekend? please email with details!!! thanks! ctr
suzanna <brwneyedgirl1111@hotmail.com>
fresno, ca USA - Tuesday, October 02, 2001 at 10:47:29 (MDT)
I am looking for information about the Menéndez Gonzalez family from the city
Chalchuapa, Santa Ana. Does anyone here know if they did O.K. with their lifes? They got
the baptism back in 1999 and I would love to know if they did alright and remained as LDS.
Just curious, nothing really urgent, you know, just browsing and stuff and I found this
place. Nice by the way. Bye!
Chas Chandler <realmorrison@hotmail.com>
Austin, Texas USA - Saturday, September 29, 2001 at 14:40:42 (MDT)
Are you a person from El Salvador who lives in Las Vegas? I'm looking for the person in
the Las Vegas area whose mother makes pupusas for special occasions! You e-mailed us in
June or July about ordering pupusas for our mission reunion. We had computer problems
shortly after that and I lost all my messages. We are definitely interested. Please e-mail
me again, or call Adele Austin at (702)452-0461. Thanks a lot, Rosie Smith
Rosetta Smith <ralphcsmith@att.net>
Fresno, CA USA - Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 15:12:21 (MDT)
I'm the elder that used to cary the green parrot "meme" around the mission--I
bought him from manuel tay in solola is anyone aware of his family members? I know he died
-I am also looking for the address of julio batz in solola--and pablo chocs family in
patzicia--has anyone run across the jamie aju family in patzun? I also have a nephew in
the quesaltenango mission--elder jenks sure would like to hear from a few of you and
anyone who knows what this means--"ta tij jut"--love elder Albaugh
Thomas E. Albaugh <kablaju@juno.com>
Idaho, Idaho USA - Saturday, September 22, 2001 at 12:08:15 (MDT)
Hi there, Just wanted to know if anyone has any information about any missionary
reunions for Guatemala South MIssion either with Pres. Lyman or Pres. Underwood.
Limu Pili <lmpili@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Thursday, September 20, 2001 at 20:54:39 (MDT)
hando buscando estatisticas de missioneros en el
salvador, y el porcentage de
cristianos tambien por favor ayudenmen
maggie <nina_gal@hotmail.com>
north hills, ca USA - Saturday, September 15, 2001 at 14:00:20 (MDT)
I just received some e-mails from some members of the El Salvador Mission e-group that
Gustavo Lang, who served in the El Salvador Mission in the late seventies, passed away as
the result of an auto accident.
Richard Craycroft <rcrofter@aol.com>
eagle, ID USA - Saturday, September 15, 2001 at 08:50:06 (MDT)
Estoy tratando de encontrar un cassette que tenga el himno nacional de Guatemala y El
Salvador. Si alguien me puede enviar informacion sobre donde los puedo obtener por favor
dejeme saber. Gracias
ana <aluna@amerinational.net>
Downey, ca USA - Friday, September 14, 2001 at 11:54:40 (MDT)
HI' hermanos si alguien puede darme informacion sobre algunas sonas que fueran
afectadas en elterremoto porfavor estoy tratanto de en contrar a mis padre y hermanos
karla celina perez <karlacp@univision.com>
houston, tx USA - Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 17:43:14 (MDT)
HOUSTON, TX U.S.A - Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 22:05:16 (MDT)
HOUSTON, TX USA - Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 21:41:36 (MDT)
Dear members!! just a report on last Friday here in
GUatemala...Elder Holland gave a
fireside to the young adults in the guatemala, chimaltenago area. I had the neat
opportunity to be there and it was so awesome!!!! i love being Guatemalan and i love the
apostles. ELder holland talked about the power of one...we are all only one, but one can
do miracles!!! STay happy!!!
larisa <juici@gurlmail.com>
guatemala - Thursday, August 30, 2001 at 17:30:33 (MDT)
Hello. Just another who has received a call to Guatemala/Central Guatemala City
mission. Apparently, I will be teaching nonmembers, but will spend "a considerable
amount of time in welfare service." I would appreciate any comments, suggestions, and
insights from those who have served before me in the area. (Clothes, climate, problems,
suggestions, mail, service work...any bit would help!) Thankyou so so much!!!
Chelsea Marie Brubaker <chelsbru@aol.com>
Salt Lake City, Ut USA - Friday, August 24, 2001 at 23:38:01 (MDT)
Y TENER MUCHOS AMIGOS.___oaxdor@yahoo.com
René p. Garcia alcantara. <oaxdor@yahoo.com>
oaxaca, oax mexico - Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 13:13:02 (MDT)
hola hermanos y hermanas, yo soy de la zona 8. estaria moy conteto si podia encotrar
hente do alli. de la capital. adios! muchos abrasos para la hente de zona 8
azusa, ca USA - Friday, August 10, 2001 at 14:31:41 (MDT)
hola! nuestros padres son de
guatemala. solo queriamos disir que estamos muy contetos
que somos parte de ese paiz! que viva guatemala!!!! por siempre vivera en nuestros
corazones!! que dios los bendiga por siempre! los hemelos
omar y walter "los hemelos"
azusa, ca USA - Thursday, August 09, 2001 at 23:59:12 (MDT)
hola ,nuestros padres son de
guatemala. solo queriamos disir que estamos muchos felizes
de estar parte de ese paiz! que viva guatemala! por siempre. y que ohelar vamos a ir el
otro me a la capital. mucho amor para la hente en guate! adios ,que dios los bendiga omar
y walter "los hemelos"
omar y walter
azusa, ca USA - Thursday, August 09, 2001 at 23:55:06 (MDT)
hola, yo soy nacida en huehuetenango
,guatemala. estoy buscando hente de ayi. gracias
que dios los bendiga!
azusa, ca USA - Thursday, August 09, 2001 at 23:48:58 (MDT)
hola pra todos aquellos que me conoscan y que les ome han perdido la pista escribanme a
mi correo me gustaria muchisimo volver a verlos les amo mucho
rene moroni siguenza <remosi@hotmail.com>
USA - Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 20:47:23 (MDT)
I did not serve in Guatemala but my wife and I lived there off and on. We were in the
Montufer Ward in 1989.I had the pleaure of working with a elder who I've forgotten his
name but would like to make contact with. He was serving in that ward at the time.They
lived with the Lopezes zone 13 like alot of other missionaries over the years. Anyone know
of this elder.I had many opeurnities to work with the missionaries then. It was great.I
think the mission president at the time was President Romney? Right or am I off on that
one. Anyways, it would be nice to make contact with him or some one who might know who I
refering to. I think he was the zone leader at the time. Thanks.
kenneth little <kwlittle@hotmail.com>
sterling heights, mi USA - Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 11:38:35 (MDT)
Guatemala El Salvador Missionary Reunion Update!!!!! President David G. Clark Group
1967-70 Reunion Date: Oct. 19-20, 2001 Place: Las Vegas Nevada Confirm your attendance
with Adele Manwaring Austin at (702) 452-0461 or with Rosie & Ralph Smith at
Ralphcsmith@att.net Well now for the update. We have received a beautiful video from Jim
Lemmon who is now serving with his wife as President of the Guatemala City Mission. The
video shows the temple, Guatemala City, Antigua, Tikal, Lake Atitlan and other sites. We
will be showing it at the reunion. President Clark & Morita just returned last week
from Madrid Spain where his son David & Family are Mission Presidents. He relates that
the Perpetual education Fund is preparing to begin funding this fall for many students in
Guatemala. He also has recent info regarding church activity in Guatemala and El Salvador
MISSION AND TELL THEM ABOUT THE REUNION. We are finding that our address list is only
current for about 40-50% of our group. We really want to see you and learn about your
family! Our reunion will have special activities for Spouses so please make sure to invite
your spouse. WE HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOON!! Ralph & Rosie Smith
Ralph Smith <ralphcsmith@att.net>
Fresno, Ca USA - Monday, July 23, 2001 at 10:42:52 (MDT)
Hi. Found this site while looking for pupusas on the internet. Hello everyone. I was in
Guatemala-El Salvador 72 - 74. Any one who has served in Coatepeque since know anything of
"Jose Angel Perez Monroy" and family we baptized? Thank you. Rudy.
Rudy Johnson <Pachumani@aol.com>
Branson, MO USA - Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 20:59:34 (MDT)
Please help! Just arrived in El Salvador and need to contact missionaries in
El Salvador, urgently! I need a phone no. for them, or e-mail if they have it, or
whatever. Please! I am a church member from Roseville, Ca. Roseville stake first ward.
Please e-mail me.
Kevin J. Schlager <kevjs99@navegante.com.sv>
$FORM{'city'}", na El Salvador - Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 15:50:26 (MDT)
Hola Estimados Hermanos y Hermanas, It has been almost 25 years since I left Guatemala.
I would love an update on the church there. From the church news I notice a lot of new
stakes being formed. I still long to return someday. I finally put together a scrap book
for my kids to look at and another about the earthquake in 1976. I would love to hear
those who served during that time (1975-1977).
Susan (Olsen) LeBlanc <dsleblanc@aol.com>
Gladstone, OR USA - Monday, July 16, 2001 at 15:56:11 (MDT)
For those who may be interested in sharing in gospel/doctrine related discussions free
from the anti-Mormon crowd, I have created a moderated group within the Delphi system. It
can be found at: http://www.delphi.com/sanemormon/start
Scott Quantz <scottquantz@hotmail.com>
Tulsa, OK USA - Monday, July 16, 2001 at 13:15:02 (MDT)
busco al elder daniel carpenter quien sirvio en guatemala posiblemente en el periodo de
1965/1966-67 el bautizo a mis padres rodolfo salazar gomez y mi madre maria herminia
zamora de salazar quienes vivian en la colonia el tesoro camino a mixco,si saben de el por
favor escriban o llamen inmediato al telefono (435)843-5112 gracias....
rodolfo salazar <rudysal@qwest.net>
tooele, utah USA - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 23:53:59 (MDT)
RALPH BRISCOE <rbriscoe@wescor.com>
PROVIDENCE, UT USA - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 20:19:33 (MDT)
Hey, its good to see that some of you people are still kicking. I served 71-73--wow,
thirty years ago--and was a part of La Familia Unida. Get in toch with me, if you remember
me and would like to catch up.
Randall Mundy <amundy@kscable.com>
Topeka , Ks USA - Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 13:20:53 (MDT)
Rhina E. Hernandez <rehm74@hotmail.com>
London, Ontario Canada - Monday, July 02, 2001 at 12:15:38 (MDT)
I just got home from the El Salvador San Sal. West mission. I felt the earthquakes in
Jan and Feb. If you want info, write to me.
Cory Higginbotham <csh43@email.byu.edu>
Fresno, CA USA - Saturday, June 30, 2001 at 14:49:44 (MDT)
I would like to know about Sisters Georgia Arville Kenelly and Maria A. Zuniga, they
shared the gospel with me and my family in Ciudad Delgado, San Salvador, El Salvador... We
were baptized in May 1974... If somebody knows something about them please e-mail me...
sincerilly Francisco Raymundo
Francisco Antonio Raymundo <francisco.raymundo@excite.com>
Nueva San Salvador, La Libertad El Salvador - Monday, June 25, 2001 at 13:21:49 (MDT)
We invite all to visit our Central American Mission 1952-65 website at
www.muxo.net. We
have recently added issues of Avante from September 1964 to November 1965, with more being
added each week. Bienvenidos a todos!
David Muxo <dnmuxo@hotmail.com>
Orlando, FL USA - Wednesday, June 13, 2001 at 07:12:25 (MDT)
Hola queridos amigos y recordados
compañeros: Quiero que sepan que siempre los tengo
presente a todos ustedes con los que servi en la Mision Guatemala Sur de Octubre 1995 a
1997, que les agradesco por permitirme aprender de ustedes y a la vez, por tener tan
grandes presidentes como Pdte. Lyman y Pdte. Turley, Muchas bendiciones a todos. Morys
Morys Alexander Anaya <moriancumer_cj@hotmail.com,
San Salvador, El Salvador - Monday, June 11, 2001 at 13:54:25 (MDT)
Guatemala-El Salvador mission group 1967-1970. Greetings and best wishes. The reunion
committee continues to plan for the reunion in Las Vegas on Oct. 19-20, 2001. Assignments
have been made for each missionary to receive a personal call from the committee by June
24th, if you have not received a call by that date then we don't have your phone number!
We also need your e-mail as well as physical address to send you announcements. Remember
that President Clark will be there with lots of news and stories from Guatemala and El
Salvador. In the next two weeks we will be putting a list of missionaries for which we
have no address on this website so please keep checking on this site. Please mail your
rsvp for the reunion to Adele Manwarinrg Austin at: adeleaustin@earthlink.net Hasta
Pronto! Ralph & Rosie Smith
Ralph C. Smith <ralphcsmith@att.net>
USA - Saturday, June 09, 2001 at 11:15:24 (MDT)
Hello my name is santiago and I'm from
argentina. I served in Chile a year ago. At the
present day I'm at BYU, I was accepted to study here, this is a blessing for me , all my
life I wanted to come here in order to get a good education, now that I'm here I'm
struggling with my financial sources, I had a sponsor but he can't be anymore, so I'm a
litlle worrie about this situation. I have been here for 4 month and I'm enrolled in my
first semester at BYU, If you know something about financial aid or schollarships I would
be eternally grateful
santiago lucero <a year ago. At the
present day I'm at BYU, I was accepted to study here, this is a blessing for me , all my
life I wanted to come here in order to get a good education, now that I'm here I'm
struggling with my financial sources, I had a sponsor but he can't be anymore, so I'm a
litlle worrie about this situation. I have been here for 4 month and I'm enrolled in my
first semester at BYU, If you know something about financial aid or schollarships I would
be eternally grateful
santiago lucero <santiago221@mixmail.com>
provo, ut USA - Saturday, May 26, 2001 at 11:26:27 (MDT)
Muchisimas gracias por permitir conocer mas personas del mundo por medio de esta pagina
que DIOS les bendiga siempre
Selma Flores <floreshernandez@univision.com>
eatontown, nj USA - Monday, May 21, 2001 at 14:30:01 (MDT)
I am trying to find a missionary by the name of Jared
Wilgar. I think he served from
98-2000. I lost contact with him because I moved. If anyone knows him will you please let
me know. Thanks.
Malinda <molful@yahoo.com>
Rexburg, ID USA - Monday, May 21, 2001 at 09:50:57 (MDT)
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