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Displaying 181 - 191 of 191 -- Add Message

Looking for Noby Tao 08 Dec 2001
If anyone knows the whereabouts of Noby-san I would love to know!!! I lost track of him in Japan and can't seem to locate him. So if Ric Murray or Jason Matheney or Mark Barlow or anyone else who knows of where he's at please, please, please email me!!!!! Oh yeah, if Shelley Hirayama or Aaron Nelson read this please email me, too!!!! Mahalo Nui Loa!!!!
Daelene M Seumanutusa Send Email
Shawn Boice 02 Oct 2001
Hey, if anyone reading this has heard from Shawn Boice... he served from November 1989 to November 1991... please respond back to me if you have any info on where he is at or what he is doing!
John Kery Child Send Email
"Big" Red Head? 02 Oct 2001
Im looking for the the big red head elder who was a DL in the mililani zone and than got demoted to Jr in laie for some odd reason? I think he played in some basketball tournement or something? All i know is he was a force on the court and i am wondering if he still has his game? I have heard he has been sited at several single adult dances, and has actually in some instances been in charge of them!! He has been known to organize some pretty dang successful secret operations in his day---"full monty"-----"swap meat lui" and others!! So if any one knows this elder who fits this description let me know i am trying to get a hold of him. OH i think his name might be Reese or something like that???

I am also wondering where the guy named Tingey is at?

Im out

Curtis Lloyd Jacobsen Send Email
Elders serving in Hawaii Kai 1971-1972 please read 31 Aug 2001
Dear President Crandall,

In an effort to quiet the spirit that has been bugging me to write this letter, I now lay it in your hands. As a convert to the Church of almost 30 years I have never seen an elder when I don't feel the urge to share this story. Sometime the work is so hard for these young people they wonder if they are ever doing any good. Two of your boys did. Please share my letter with your elders at your reunion if you feel it appropriate.

Susan Toronto

Dear Elders,

I don't quite know how to start this letter other than to just jump in to it! For almost a year I have been prompted to write this letter and try to find you. The missionaries in this area finally persuaded me to follow through.

My name is Susan Toronto. I grew up in Honolulu Hawaii, in an area called Hawaii Kai near Koko Head Mountain. When I was 13 years old I answered the door to find two missionaries standing before me. If I have succeeded in finding the right Elders, two of those young men were you!

Over the next few months you taught my family and I the gospel. I was immediately converted. My parents were less than thrilled and never allowed me to tell you. They told me I was to young to make a decision on my own and discouraged me. But I never forgot.

I can remember the things you taught me like it was yesterday. I knew what you were saying was true. One particular thing I remember was that you explained to me how to find out if the Book of Mormon was true. You told me to read and pray. I told you I didn't know how to pray. You responded by teaching me and giving me a yellow piece of paper with the 4 steps to prayer on it. That night I read the first chapter of 1Nephi, then got down on my knees with my yellow paper in front of me. Step by step I followed the instructions and the spirit truly bore witness again to me.

My Father was transferred and we left the Islands in the summer of 1972. When I arrived in Kansas City I was lonely and scared to start school. Without asking permission I looked up the church in the phone book and called the number. It just happened to be on a MIA night. Before I knew it, the Mia Maid advisor, along with her whole class were at my door.

Through that contact, the Relief Society called on my Mother and invited her out to Homemaking. One year later I was still strong and active although not officially a member. I marched in to my parent’s room one night and declared to them that I was joining the church with or without their permission. I handed them the piece of paper to sign that was required for minors to join. They said nothing for what seemed like ages. Finally, as tears began to swell in my eyes my Mother broke the silence. She said, "If you have the courage to make such a commitment, then so do I!" In July of 1973 my Home Teacher baptized my mother and me. To make a long story very short, eventually my Father was converted as well as my older sister.

My Father, John Cyrocki, has since served as a Branch President, Bishop, and twice as Stake President, once in Ft Meyers Florida and once in Lake Mary, Florida. My mother, "Coke" Cyrocki has likewise served as Primary, YW and Relief Society Presidents. On July 1,1993 they began serving as Mission President in Warsaw Poland and served for three years! They are now in the temple presidency of the Orlando Temple. My sister, Cathy Cyrocki Garrett, is serving as Stake Relief Society President in Florida. Her husband also converted. He has served in everything from Bishoprics to Stake Clerk. He is now a seminary teacher and on the high council!

I am now 44 years old. I am a successful artist, wife and mother. I was married in the SLC temple to a BYU Professor named Al Toronto, a widower with 4 children; we then adopted an infant child and accepted a foster child that we got through the LDS Lamanite Placement Program. Al quit teaching in 1987 and began a career as a writer and commodity trader. We moved to Coeur d'Alene Idaho in 1991 and live on beautiful Hayden Lake. We’ve had a daughter serve a mission in the Philippines and a son who served in Uruguay. All of our married children were married in the temple and our last son, like his brother before him is mission bound. (He is now 18) Al is currently serving as the bishop of our ward and I am serving in the Relief Society as education counselor as well as teaching Sunday School to the 17 year olds. I also work as a trainer at the Spokane Temple.

Elders, it’s all because of you and your dedication to serve a mission…because one day you knocked on just one more door. Because you chose to give two years of your life to serving the Lord, my entire family and posterity were changed for eternity. I can’t even begin to imagine the ripple in the pond you made. I’m sorry Elder that I don’t remember your name. I was just shy of my 14th birthday the last time I saw you and you left my house that day never knowing the seed you planted.

I find the words that I write are grossly inadequate to tell you what overwhelming gratitude I have for you. You made a difference to me!

All of this is because of you!

Thank you,
Susan C Cyrocki Toronto
3400 E Hayden Lake Rd
Hayden Lake, Idaho 83835
Fred M Richard Send Email
Pres. Crandall's April 2002 Reunion 29 Aug 2001
Kerry Christensen and I are committed to being at the April 2002 reunion with President Crandall. We are challenging all of our old comps and the rest of missionaries from that era to be there too!

Do you want to know who's coming? Click here.
Fred M Richard Send Email
Newspaper article about Laie, PCC, and the church 26 Jul 2001
Check out this article from the Honolulu Advertiser.

Dan Zapalac Send Email
Shao-Ping Huang 18 Jul 2001
I am wondering if anyone has any information for Shao-Ping Huang...I am trying to find her. She is from Taiwan and served at the VC '97-'99. If anyone has an email address or home address or phone number please email me. Thank you.
Tawnee Dawn Johnson Send Email
looking for elder tingey 16 Jun 2001
just wondering if anyone has Blake Tingey's address (home or e-mail), or knows anyway to get a hold of him

B. Vanisi
Brian Masiu Vanisi Send Email
Twila Newey & Jen Pincock 26 May 2001
Where in the world are Twila Newey and Jennifer Pincock?? If anyone knows their whereabouts, please let me know. I'd love to get in touch with them again. THanks:)
Alejandra Ramos Send Email
Elder Brent Warby 12 May 2001
I would like to get in touch with Brent Warby (served in 1971 & 1972). If anyone knows him or has a telephone number, address or e-mail address please e-mail me.
Thank you.
Doyle Foote Send Email
Kiyomi Tsunekawa 09 May 2001
Anyone know where Kiyomi Tsunekawa is? I would like to write her. She served 1991 - 1993, Laie Visitors Center and UH in Honolulu. Please contact me if you know anything about where she is now or her address. Thanks!
Kris Stokes Send Email
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