This page is dedicated to providing alumni and other interested persons an opportunity to post items of general interest. For regular news of happenings within the church and mission in Hungary, see the online alumni Micsoda!?! have free shipping through Dec. 10th, 2000. for christmas verses.
Boldog karácsonyi ünnepeket!
ha keresitek magyar zenet (slagerek, komolyzene, gyermek dalok, stb.) vagy konyveket, akkor klikkeljetek Pannonia Books. Toronto-ban van es fognak kuldni USA-ba.
esetleg magyar genealogiat csinaljatok Hungarian Geneology
Es HungaryByNet is ragyogo weblap (megnezhettek a magyar TVre az interneten).
I hope this works.
The basic info is this: Fri. Oct 1, 1999. 7pm. $3 per person. Salt Lake Eagle Gate Stake Center (2nd Ave and "A" Street in SLC). Program, refreshments, visiting.
Just a plug, Pres N (as a GA) always has cool stuff to say, in particular about the progress of the church in Eastern Europe. And on a personal note, I'd really like to see a lot of you guys that I haven't seen in a while (I know Shane would also).
RSVP and questions to Shane Lyon (801-282-8162).
Also, if there are any plans for a "Wilde era" reunion, let me know about them -- I'd really like to come; especially if its on a different day or later time than the AVE reunion.