Welcome to the Idaho Pocatello Mission Webpage! Please be sure to read the notices on this page.
There has been a renewed interest in the mission website. I am trying to update as many e-mail address as I can. If you know of anyone who is not getting updates or has not registered, please let them know. I would really like to get everything up and running more smoothly. I just need all of you to make this happen. Let's work together and help our mission family keep in touch.
Lost your username/password? Go to your profile, click on edit profile and then click on the "Forgot?" link next to the login button. This will e-mail you your username and reset your password. Try this FIRST. If your e-mail has changed since you created your account, then and only then e-mail me for help.
I am new at this so bear with me as I learn the ropes. I hope to keep the mission website up and functioning so that we can keep in touch with our friends and companions. Please be respectful with your comments. I want to be able to keep the spirit.
Thank you.
Emily (LeGrand) Usher
IDPM Website Administrator