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Request Login Info

Follow these steps to retrieve your login information:

  1. Go to the Alumni section.

  2. Search for your profile by entering your last name on the form. Click on the "Search" button.

  3. Locate your name in the search results and click on it.

  4. At the bottom of your profile, click on the "Edit Profile" link.

  5. When the login form appears, click on the "Request Password" link next to the login button. Please note that his process resets your password to a new auto-generated one. Once you successfully login you may change it to something else if you desire.

    • If your E-mail address is registered, a screen will display asking if you want to send password information to [name]. Click the yes button to send login information to the registered E-mail address. You should receive the requested information in just a few minutes.

    • If no E-mail address is registered, a comment form will appear. Fill it out and request your login information. You should receive a response within 24 hours.