Mission Stories and Experiences


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Chuck Miller Submitted the Following, He served under President Flake 1980-1982:



I finally was able to make a trip back to the mission area this summer (it’s been 20 years).

I was quickly reminded why I didn’t like summer there.

While we were there it was unseasonably hot and humid during the day

and hail storms, gale force winds, and tornadoes in the evenings.

I am sure the Lord did this just for my amusement.


The towns don’t look the same,

but I was able to meet with Helen Swictenberg of Lincoln NE.

Elder Passey and I baptized her 20 something years ago.

Ya know it is said ‘how great shall be your joy’,

she has submitted thousands of names to the temple,

and ended up renting to the missionaries for 10 + years. 


When I took my kids to visit her,

she had pictures of all the elders and sisters she rented to,

and an interesting story about all of them from happy, funny to sad.

Along with their wedding announcements, baby announcements and such.

I wish now I would have recorded it. 


While I was on my mission serving in Lincoln,

I found her name on a 3x5 card stuck in the back of a drawer

I pulled out to clean in a desk as I was waiting for my

Incoming missionary transfer.


I picked him up and we went, almost immediately, to follow up on the card.

Helen answered the door and almost immediately said “what took you so long”.


Apparently a previous missionary set had found her and

then because she had become unavailable due to some

surgeries they lost contact with her (I think for a year or two).


Then when the time was right the ball started moving again.


She accepted the gospel and was baptized. 


Later on, it even turns out that a missionary, Elder Benbrook,

from my ward here in California ended up renting from

her when he was in the mission field. (Small world, eh!).




Submitted by Linnea Cardon:


There was a memory of President Lloyd Cope that was shared at his funeral. He was traveling around the mission with the AP's and decided to stop for lunch at McDonald's.  He read through the menu and saw "Happy Meal."  He didn't know what it was, but he ordered one to make him feel good! (As recalled by Sister Linnea Huber Cardon)