Elder Fowler/Johnson - Flushing 1 Sp - Apr 1, 1996 - "TRAIN MEETING - It is quite an experience to just watch the thousands of people walk by with not one bit of interest in our message, but when they hear the sound of "angels singing", they can’t help but smile and even say thank you to all the missionaries who are singing. We are going to continue these meetings. The Main Street Flushing subway station is the busiest stop outside Manhattan. Over 50,000 go through it in one day!"


Elder Browning/Taumoepeau - Flushing 11 - Apr 1, 1996 - TRAIN MEETINGS - ITALIAN - These meetings have been a lot of fun, when we are both singing as well as "fearlessing". Once I was singing, and I noticed a man standing across from the station, just watching and listening to us. I then noticed my companion move towards him, talk with him, and then he motioned Sister Vacirca to come over. They talked for a while, then he left. He was a white man dressed in a very nice suit. I was then told that he was from Italy and he was crying whilst listening to us sing. He was only just visiting the US. They got a referral for the missionaries in Italy. The spirit touched him on a visit to this country and the only one who could communicate with him was Sis. Vacirca, a native of Milan, Italy, on loan from the Salt Lake Temple Square Mission, the only Italian speaker on the eastern seaboard!."


Elder Shae Johnson/Fowler - Flushing 1 Sp - Mar 25, 1996 - "ZONE TRAIN MEETING - We had our first Zone Train Meeting. we went down on Tuesday at 7.30 am to catch the am rush hour traffic. It was a success. There was a spirit of unity, as we sang and fearlessed. Satan tried to stop us. He didn’t succeed. We were able to obtain at least 70 good referrals. Really all of these were answers to prayer. On Monday evening at 10.30, we had a Zone prayer in our pads. We asked for 2 good referrals per missionary and at least 2 per area. It was our first experiemnt. Now we are going stronger at least three times per week.


Elder Snider/Rich - Staten Island 11 - Mar 3, 1996 - "FERRY MEETINGS - I really enjoy the Ferry Meetings. It is the perfect time to talk to people. If you do it right, take your time, and pick out the right people, you can get a fearless out of 50% of the people you talk to. It is a great finding tool."


Elder Rich/Snider - Staten Island 11 - Feb 26, 1996 - "FERRY MEETINGS - P’HD HOLDER - "I decided to pray specifically, to be led to a man and a woman, and that the man to be a good priesthood holder, as well as a businessman. No success for one hour and a half, then as we were about to finish, all of a sudden a man tapped me on the shoulder, and asked if he and his son could become involved in the church. He has since come to our Family Night at the church once. We taught he and his son the First Discussion. He is exactly what I had in mind."


Elder Mudrow/Bean - Plainview 1 Ward - Dec 11, 1995 - TRAIN MEETING - "This Tuesday, our whole Zone is having a Christmas Spectacular. Four of us will sing, two will play the guitar with Christmas Carols and posters and pictures all around us. The rest will be fearlessing people at the Hicksville Train station."


Elder Kohler/Ballantyne - Uniondale 1 Ward - Dec 25, 1995 - "TRAIN MEETINGS - We had a train meeting at the Freeport Station this morning. It went well with a few good referrals. We will have another tomorrow."


Elder Peterson/Davidson - Plainview 1 Ward - Dec 17, 1995 - "LI TRAIN MEETING - We held our first Yuletide, Mass Transit, Music and Religious Regatta Revival. Just a long name for a Long Island Train Meeting. We had the whole Zone there to build unity. Those with musical ability sang, as the rest of us fearlessed everyone. We met some good quality people. We will be back again tomorrow. This Friday, all three Long Island Zones will be having a Tri-Zone Meeting to share the vision of 50 per month for the Stake. We have prayed to be led to families. He has given us one. A complete family, one that is legally married, husband and wife with three baptismal age children. They are eager to learn, and after attending the Ward the first week, the ward members love them. 50 will only come through families."


Elder Turner/Draney - Staten Island 1 - Dec 10, 1995 - FERRY MEETINGS - "I am so pumped about my area! I went to a Ferry Meeting just now and a lady fearlessed me! I guess her husband is a member who has been inactive for some time, and they want the whole family to be Mormon. So we’re going to teach and baptize the rest of them. Last week we taught a First Discussion to a Mom and her daughter. They are a family of 4, who are "looking for a church to go to." You should have seen our faces light up. We also have a family that Draney and Miner found last Monday on a split. We are on fire. Our goal is 7 converts, and we are revising it up to 10."


NOTE: Dec 24, 1995 - "We baptized Barbara this week. She is the one who walked up to me at the Ferry. The next day, she came by, saw me again, and asked for a copy of the BofM, so she could read it before our appointment. We got to our appointment and she had already read through 2 Nephi, and had a lot of questions for us. All our answers were confirmed by the spirit, and she agreed to be baptized. It was an awesome experience as she was so prepared and ready for us to baptize her. I am so glad I was there for her to fearless me!"


Hna Porter/Callister - Dyker Heights 111 Sp - May 15, 1995 - "SUBWAY MEETINGS WITH SINGING - Saturday, we had a "subway meeting" in Elder Liston's area. We set up 2 displays in the subway tunnel and flooded the people with the BofM. Hna Callister and I even sang for a while as people got off the train. It was so cool! Excellent acoustics down there! I was able to meet Jaime. He told me that he'd never known that Christ came to America and accepted the BofM immediately. He said that he had fallen asleep on the train and missed his stop. I know it was no coincidence that he got off the stop where we were. I love this work."


Elder Liston/McNairy ZL - Midwood 11 Sp - May 14, 1995 - "SUBWAY MEETING - TOO WET ON STREET - We held an incredible "subway meeting" down in the subway with big flip charts. We had 8 missionaries down inside the subway holding visual aids. The sisters were singing and you could feel the spirit strong! Elder McNairy and I fearlessed 30 with the others fearlessed by the other missionaries."


NOTE: One lady and her two children were baptized saying "It sounded like angels were singing in the subway." Later a man and one of his children joined from that one Saturday morning (5 in total), when it started raining upstairs, and instead of calling off the Street Meeting, Elder Liston (ZL), took the missionaries down into the subway. "No Fear!"


Sister Otterstrom/Leffler - Richmond Hill Eng - May 7, 1995 - "BUS MEETING - Tuesday after Zone Meeting we fearlessed a whole bus. I was scared, but I did it. I only got 1 fearless, but it was a good one. I opened my mouth and I did my very best. It felt good to open my mouth to share the gospel. I love this work."


Elder Robb Anderson/Corey Davis - Flushing 1 Sp - Apr 30, 1995 - "TRAIN MEETING - We had a sweet experience on Saturday morning. Elder Davis had the inspiration to ride on the train in the morning during rush hour and teach "train meetings". We felt the spirit and so did the people. We received some golden referrals."


Elder Hall/Hurst - Dyker Heights Eng - Apr 30, 1995 - "BUS MEETING - We left Zone Conference on a high and stepped onto a bus towards home, he at the front and me at the back. We began to speak to the people around us. I picked up on 1 lady who showed some interest and she began asking questions. Speaking from across the bus I gave her a BofM dialogue. I was then speaking to everyone and without realizing, I was standing while the back half of the bus was filled and sitting. I was so overcome by the Spirit whilst Elder Hurst was teaching at the front of the bus in Cantonese. It was quiet and no-one was uncomfortable. We each got a referral. No-one could avoid listening. We transferred to another bus and did it again, this time we spoke to many more people, the bus ride was longer and the turnover rate was 2 - 3 times. We obtained 4 more referrals. No-one could have not heard. Perhaps the greatest feeling was the spiritual high afterwards. Our faith and vision had "tripled". We immediately taught and committed a lady for this Sunday. I felt perfect faith. Now I know where Elder Kirkham gets his power! This is the future of the NY South. This is why I came. Teaching the masses is our ticket to 630 and more."