Philippines Olongapo Mission

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medical mission edit 04 Feb 2005
Just wanted to edit my last message. Anyone else interested in helping is welcome whether they are health professionals or not (teachers, etc.). We will definately need help from current residents of the Philippines. Thanks to those that have already responded. I will be sending out an email shortly.

You brother in Christ,
Caesar Gonzales
Caesar Ricardo Gonzales Send Email
medical mission to the Philippines 03 Feb 2005
I have been waiting for over six years to send this message. This message is for any alumni and friends who are in the health care field (Doctors, Dentist, PAs, nurses, med students, dental students, etc.). I am going to begin planning a medical mission to the Philippines and would like any of you that are interested to contact me. Send me your name, email, profession, and ideas of things you would like to do/skills you can offer on the trip. Once I have a list together we will begin planning. Take care.
Caesar Ricardo Gonzales Send Email
Hello 03 Feb 2005
Finally I took time to see profile and pictures of missionmates from 1994 to 1996...I'm happy to see your family pictures....and get updated w/ your family life....I just updated my profile....

We are still here in Guam ..We will be visiting the Philippines this March..We will be in Manila, Tarlac (where my parents are) , Albay Bicol(my husband's hometown)..

Belated Happy New Year to all and Happy Valentines day in advanced...

Stephanie Soliman Nicerio Send Email
Pinoy Dance in SLC 27 Oct 2004
Hey everyone. I just found out about this Pinoy Party on Friday, Oct. 29. All are invited!


Jordanell Reception Center
2295 W Sugar Factory Rd (8200 S)
West Jordan City, UT 84088
Phone: 801-561-7182

October 29, 2004 (Friday)
7 – 11 pm

$5.00 at the door
(Refreshments will be provided)

*** Please come & join us ***
(You can wear your costumes or be on your casual attire. All proceeds will go to “Tulong sa Kabataan” in the Philippines. If you have any children’s used clothes and/or shoes that you would like to donate, please bring them with you to the dance.)

For more info, please contact us:
Edna Angeles (561 7182)
Lorna Mabunga (969 7131)
Ling Abenoja (446 5628)
Kristin Cowley (352 1308)
Jeff K Kempton Send Email
After Mission - Awesome Article 20 Oct 2004
I came accross this article on site. It is entitled, "Bring Your Mission Home with You!" by Elder L. Edward Brown of the Seventy. This is one of the best article I've read regarding after mission life. It's well thought and very practical. Perhaps, sometimes there are moments that you say to yourself, "I wish I felt the constant companionship of the Spirit like I did on my mission." And then you start to rationalize and say, "Well, this is the real world, it's not like my mission anymore." This article brings a different light to this thinking. It's a worthwhile read.

Albert Candari Send Email
CONTACT 14 Oct 2004
Ito nga pala ang contact number ko sa mobile is 09205542746 at sa office din ay 086-8261291 at 086-2318045...kung gusto nyo akong macontact ng madalian okey para sa plans na gagawin natin.. Ingat kayo at maghintay ako ng mga text nyo..
Leonil Carumbana Brao Send Email
HELP 14 Oct 2004
Kung meron naman po sa inyo may alam sa email nina President and Sister Sanders, nakikiusap po ako na padalhan niyo naman ako para makasulat din ako sa kanila, at makibalita na rin sa mga maraming bagay..
Lubos ko pong kaligayahan na makatanggap ng email address nila.. Salamat ulit:-)
Leonil Carumbana Brao Send Email
PLANS 14 Oct 2004
Mga Pinoy RM's wala parin ba tayong plano magreunion this year sa Manila Temple? Wala parin bang balak na magkita tayo before the end of the YEAR?

Sana meron.... kung merong gusto na magreunion tayo.. pls write to me at my para ma set natin ang mga bagay na ito... willing ako maglagay ng effort para dito.. para naman ma refresh tayo sa mga ala-ala din natin doon....

Alam kung pwede man nating gawin ito.....pls do write to me after you read this message... i love to hear all your suggestions and plans too to make this proposal in action..I love you all and pls write...
Leonil Carumbana Brao Send Email
email address 30 Jul 2004
pres and sis garners email address is
hope that helps
Toni Lee Drew Send Email
need an email address 30 Jul 2004
Hi! Im just wondering if anyone of you can help me, I need an email add of Pres and Sister Garner. I did emailed them here but was returned, it says the email add does not exist anymore. So, if u happen to know it, i would appreciate it much. thanks
Malou Delloso Love Send Email
AZ meeting 22 Jul 2004
So we forgot about the 24th of July weekend when we planned our AZ get-together. We are moving it to Wednesday, July 28th, 7pm, at Manila Cafe. E-mail me if you want more details.
Natalie Burton Send Email
hello Bro.Petty musta na! 13 Jul 2004

Musta na alam kong busy ka masyado pero alam ko ring di mo pa kami nakakalimutan ang MAPA Family!
LOVE YOU!email mo kami!

Love lots,
May anne!
may anne mapa Send Email
AZ get together 09 Jul 2004
We are going to have a little get together for people living in AZ on July 23rd in the evening. If you are interested, e-mail me at and I'll get you the details. We are opening this up to anyone that served in the Pines, is from the Pines, or just loves the Pines like the rest of us.
Natalie Burton Send Email
What up? 08 Jul 2004
I just wanted to say hello to everyone I served with or around, I love all you guys and gals. I wish I could see you all again! If anyone knows or sees Justin Burnett tell him Im trying to get a hold of him, and also Bryce Werner. Hey I hope to hear from you guys, I need to keep in touch better.Mcqueen, Sasser, Thompson, Belnap, Goff, Sanders, there is too many to list. Love ya all, peace!
Members' Addresses 08 Jul 2004
Hello all! I was just wondering if any of you had addresses of members in the following areas:

Sta. Cruz

I often feel a desire to write converts and friends in those areas, but I never was good at getting people's addresses before I transfered. I appreciate any help or lead!
David Castleberry Send Email
Thumbs Up! 06 Jul 2004
Kumasta na mga kaibigan. Kakabalik lang namin sa Pilipinas. Bumisita kami sa Angeles at saka San Fernando, Pampanga. For those interested, I thought it would be nice to give you a little bit of update for some of you who have not been back for awhile. Ang Bishop ngayon sa Angeles 2nd Ward ay si Bishop Aguilar at ang isang Counselor ay si Brother Timbol. The ward is a lot smaller than before because the ward split into 2 wards, but according to Bishop Aguilar it will be combined back again. Most of the active members that I know are still active ward such as the Salangads, Aguilars, Timbols, Sorianos, Macapagals, Briones and many more. The primary kids have grown so much, they are now in the Young Men and Women and I can hardly recognize them. I visited our old missionary apartment and mission home in Villa Theresa. It brought back a lot of memories.

I was never assigned to San Fernando Ward but we had a chance to attend the Sunday School there. The lahar issue is now over. There are still some flooding issues in some parts of San Fernando. San Fernando is slowly being urbanized. There are big shopping malls and restaurants. The Olongapo-Gapan intersection’s has a totally new urban landscape. It even has an overpass. The traffic is a lot heavier comparing 8 years ago. Yes, driving is still crazy.

For “vacationers”, Philippines is a good option especially if you know the culture and language. Your money goes a long way. It is not as chaotic as what the media is portraying. Most incidents happen in the far south (i.e. Mindanao).

There is a great disparity between the rich and the poor. Poverty is rampant, but humility and warmth is not hard to find as well. When they embrace the gospel, they really embrace it with their whole heart. One great example, is a wonderful lady that Jeff Isom and Brian Ball taught in San Fernando. She is so great. She and her family are very active in the Church.

For me, Philippines is “still” a wonderful place in spite of some political turmoil. Filipinos are perhaps one of the most resilient people I’ve known. Many survive and managed to put a smile on their face no matter what the circumstance is. I tried President Christensen’s trick of giving a thumbs up to jeepney passengers in front of our car and IT STILL WORKS. My wife thinks I’m weird.
Albert Candari Send Email
Hey All 05 Jul 2004
Well, I finally got around to remembering about the mission website at a time when I was in front of my computer and hooked up to the internet, so here I am.
I just got back from a church history tour back east. We went to a lot of different places, and ended up, quite by accident, at Carthage Jail on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum. It was a great experience, and one that everybody who has the ability to should experience.
As for me, as it will state on my profile, I'm still single, and living back in Utah. I have been out of touch with EVERYBODY from the mission for a lot longer than I should have, and for that I apologize, and hope I can renew some old friendships. My e-mail address is for anybody who might want to contact me.
Oh, and if anybody is interested in holding a reunion for Presidents Lyon or Christensen up in Farmington in my backyard, let me know, because I would be more than happy to oblige. Just send me an e-mail.
Forrest Heiner Send Email
reunion help 04 Jun 2004
Is there anyine in the the utah area who would like to plan the next reunion? Kaign, Mangum, and I did the last, but I will not be around much and so need someone to take over. Please email me at ty so much for the help, Mabuhay and Pilipinas
Joseph Bruce Deardeuff Send Email
help! 26 May 2004
hey if anyone remembers me, was Elder McQueen, drop us an e-mail.

Also can anyone help me find whats up with my old companions. E.Pickett, E. Ashton Smith, E. Wintle, E. Mangum, E. Afualo, E.Torres, E.Duffin, E.Nye, E.Lamis, E.Burnett.
I hope I can find out something from someone!

love to hear any news from anyone!
matapat na sumasainyo.
Jamie Paul McQueen Send Email
Reunion 26 Apr 2004
For hose od you who didn't make it to the reunion, sorry na lang. However we do need someone to take charge of planning the next one. I don't have time, and would like to pas the baton after doing this last one, so please email me or respond to this.
Joseph Bruce Deardeuff Send Email
looking for contact information 11 Apr 2004
Hey everyone!

I'm sad I didn't get to see ya'll at the reunion. Now that I'm married there's something called a budget that we have to live by. Sayang! Anyways, I'm looking for contact info. for sisters Abragan, Madelo, and Carpio. If you have any way to get a hold of them, please, please email me! Thanks!

Amber Michelle Smith Send Email
If your not going to the reunion you can do this 02 Apr 2004
Im involved with a multi-culture group called R.O.C (Remember Our Culture) We are performing at Mt. View High School in Orem/Provo for at risk high school students. We do dances from all the cultures around the world like; Asian, Polynesian, African, Latino, and Native American dances. Your own Elder Burroughs is doing the Philippines - Tinikling dance. Its April 2nd at 7:30 pm. Come see it. The cost is $7 dollars but if you come and stay for the show afterwards I will reimburse you $2 dollars for coming. Thanks and I'll keep you all informed about the other performances.

-Elder Burroughs
Mark Louie Burroughs Send Email
If your not going to the reunion you can do this 02 Apr 2004
Im involved with a multi-culture group called R.O.C (Remember Our Culture) We are performing at Mt. View High School in Orem/Provo for at risk high school students. We do dances from all the cultures around the world like; Asian, Polynesian, African, Latino, and Native American dances. Your own Elder Burroughs is doing the Philippines - Tinikling dance. Its April 2nd at 7:30 pm. Come see it. The cost is $7 dollars but if you come and stay for the show afterwards I will reimburse you $2 dollars for coming. Thanks and I'll keep you all informed about the other performances.

-Elder Burroughs
Mark Louie Burroughs Send Email
magbisita tayo 01 Apr 2004
I am returning to the philippines with my wife and Derek Johnson and his wife in May. Does anyone know a good place to rent a car or what a decent price there would be? or if there are some good prices on some hotels or resorts in the area. I would love some help if anyone has some input. hope you are all doing well!
Daniel Markham Send Email
Safety for 'kanos in the P.I. 28 Feb 2004
Hey Hooooover. Long time no talk to...

I know a German national was killed in San Fernando province back in 2002, supposedly by the NPA. Most of the other stuff is much more southward. If I was going back for a visit I wouldn't venture further south than Boracay. Also, if I were in Boracay or someplace like that I'd stay away from the higher priced, higher traffic resorts. Of course, as you may or may not remember, I'm pretty paranoid by nature...

Historically Luzon is pretty safe as far as the growing kidnap-for-ransom biz.
Jared Reber Send Email
Travel Safety 05 Feb 2004
Hello all,

My wife and I are traveling to the Philippines in May 2004. According to the State Department website and the U.S. Embassy, they warn of kidnappings, killings and such of Americans. I know that the Government and News media outlets overblow all the news. I was wondering if any of you have recently come from the Philippines or are still in the Philippines? And what is the climate towards foreigners there? What is the Church saying about these things? I tend to believe what the Prophet has to say more than the government. While I was serving there I always felt perfectly safe. Of course that was 10 years ago! If any of you could please inform me I would appreciate it!
Justin Hoover Send Email
kumusta kayong lahat 30 Jan 2004
kumusta kayong lahat!!
Katrina (Carencia) Asay Send Email
anyone wanna chat? 20 Jan 2004
I'm hopin' I can chat with any ol' mission alumni. If you have access to msn messenger, my user name is Michael Aguilera and I have been chatting about old mission memories. He's Add us to your list, and hopefully we can chat sometime. Evenings work for us!
Justin Barney Send Email
Kumusta 16 Jan 2004
I just wanted to let everyone know that my wife (don't worry it was a temple marriage) and I had our first child, a boy, on November 1, 2003. He was 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 19 in. long. It is the best feeling in the world. Sana masaya kayong lahat. Kung may nakilala sa akin sulatan ninyo ako. Ingat na lang!!
Scott A Coulam Send Email
Greetings Sa Mga Guwapings Ng Olonguwapo Misyon 14 Jan 2004
Happy New Year to all of the alumni. This is Elder Aguilera. Just wanted to let everyone know that I hope everyone has a great year. This year our batch celebrates 4 years of being home. My wife Angie and I wanted to let everyone know that we recently had our first child, Michael Jr. He's almost four months old now...and he's guwapo kagaya sa tatay.

If any of my former comps see this please email me, I'd love to hear from you...and any other missionaries I had the pleasure to serve with. And for the record, we really were and still are the best lookin missionaries in the WORLD! ANG POGI NATIN!

P.S. Does anyone know a good way to get in touch with members in the does anyone have a phone number of a District President out there?
Michael Angel Aguilera Send Email

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