Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni - 台灣台北返鄉傳教士首頁

If we add alumni mailing lists, which would you sign up for?

     Only mailing lists specific to my mission president(s).(8) 27.6 %
     Only a general alumni mailing list (for all alumni).(1) 3.4 %
     Both specific and general mailing lists.(20) 69.0 %
     I wouldn't sign up for any mailing list.(0) 0.0 %
     Other (Send Comments)(0) 0.0 %

Total Votes: 29   
Comments: If and when we add mailing list(s) to the site, we want to get a better idea on what type of mailing list(s) you would find more useful.
Start: 9/12/2002    End: 10/12/2002