Frequently Asked Questions |
This page has been created to answer common questions that have arisen while
using this web site. We'll try and keep it up to date.
1. Standard Website Questions
a. Is this an "Official" or
"UN-Official" site for the mission?
b. Are you run by LDS.ORG (The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints)
c. Is this site run by the mission?
d. So, what is this site for?
2. Profile Questions
a. How do I add my profile?
b. How do I change my profile?
c. I added/edited my profile, why aren't the changes
d. I can't upload my picture, what's up?
e. I lost my password, HELP!
f. How do I select my companions in the profile page?
g. But I was there when the mission split... what do I
do?!? Am I "East Side" or "West Side"?
3. Mailing List Questions (Temporarily disabled)
a. How do I add myself to the mailing list?
b. How do I send a message through the mailing list?
c. How do I remove myself from the mailing list?
(This one has never been asked,
but I added it anyway.)
d. Why the mailing list?
4. News/Messages Questions
a. I posted a message/news announcement, why isn't it
showing up?
b. What can I post here?
5. Comment Questions
a. Will my head be bitten off if I send a comment or
suggest something?
6. Other Questions
a. I'm getting married, what can you do for me?
b. Can I help?
a. Is this an "Official" or
"UN-Official" site for the mission?
Neither. We're just a group of missionary alumni that have
come together to create a web site where we can keep track of people.
Everyone knows how easy it is to loose track of companions. We just want
a way for people to know what's going on in the mission and let people know
when there are will be "gatherings" of return missionaries.
Read 1.b as to why we are not officially or unofficially the website for the
Uruguay Montevideo West Mission.
b. Are you run by LDS.ORG (The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Nope. We're not run by or directly affiliated with The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church has it's own department
for making official statements. Anything read on this site is not to be
construed as the official view of the Church. Therefore, since we are
not run by the church, and the missions are, we can not be an official
site. To call ourselves an un-official site, would cause the same
problems. This web site was only created as a place of common interests
for people that have served as missionaries in the Uruguay Montevideo West
Mission or will be serving in that mission.
c. Is this site run by the mission?
Once again, we reply with a negative. This site is not based
in Uruguay and it not run by the mission or the Church in any way. We
are a few missionaries that have served in the Uruguay Montevideo West Mission
and wanted to see that people didn't loose track of companions.
Gradually, that idea has expanded. We're hoping that all missionaries
(who have served and will serve) will be able to take advantage of the
facilities as we create and add to them.
d. So, what is this site for?
A very good question. If you've read 1.a through 1.c, they you
may have a general idea. But, if you have decided to skip that, I'll reiterate.
As we all know, as time slips by, we loose track of the mission, companions,
and others. However, through this site, we are able to provide a
remedy. With this site, we can all keep in touch and be able to spread
announcements as we see fit.
a. How do I add my profile?
A great question. We'd love to see your profile in here.
Okay, go to the Alumni link first. This will pull up the Alumni Search
form. At the bottom of the page is the Add Profile link. Click
that and you'll know what to do.
b. How do I change my profile?
An excellent question. Everyone changes... addresses. Go
to the Alumni link and pull up your profile. When you've done that,
there's a link at the bottom that will bring you to the edit page. You
will need your username and password to enter and edit information.
c. I added/edited my profile, why aren't the changes
Okay, we don't wish to hurt anyone's feelings, but all profile
additions and changes must be approved by the webmaster. It's not that
we don't trust you, we just want to make sure that no one tampers with the
website to put data on that does not reflect the views of the mission or the
Church. (We remain un-affiliated with them, however, the views of the
webmaster to coincide with those organizations. So, we're not going to
let material on here that would be of negative interests to the Church, the
mission, or others.)
d. I can't upload my picture, what's up?
Sorry about this one. We run into problems all the time, and
it's not completely our fault. We're working on fixing it.
However, just a few suggestions. Please make sure that there are no
spaces found in the name of the picture you want to use. Also, please
make sure that all the letters in that file are lower case. Numbers and
letters are okay, but I would also refrain from using other characters and
e. I lost my password, HELP!
Don't worry, no one is perfect. Simply look for your
profile. When you view it, down at the bottom is a link for those of us
that have yet receive our perfect minds. Click on the link that
corresponds to forgotten passwords, and it will be e-mailed to you. If
you have changed e-mail addresses since updating your profile, you will need
to have the webmaster help you with this one. Just go to the comments
page and ask for help.
f. How do I select my companions in the profile
To select multiple companions, and you don't need to do this in
order of companions, click one of them and them hold down the Ctrl button as
you select the others.
g. But I was there when the mission split... what do I
do?!? Am I "East Side" or "West Side"?
Well, you probably know about the other website for the Uruguay
Montevideo Alumni. After "long negotiations" we feel the best
way to handle this is have you on both sites. We figure you've had
companions on both sides of the line. Therefore, it only makes sense to
have you in both databases. This way, you will be able to keep up with
post-mission events for both missions.
The mailing list has been disabled. Yahoo
has been adding advertisements to the messages that I feel are not appropriate
in some cases. Until they decide to change their policies or I can find
a new mailing list server, I will not be using this function.
a. How do I add myself to the mailing list?
Simply send an e-mail to
When you do, it will send an e-mail asking for verification. Just follow
the instructions.
b. How do I send a message through the mailing list?
That's a good question too. Make sure you send the e-mail to
Then your mail will be sent to everyone on the list.
c. How do I remove myself from the mailing list?
(This one has never been asked,
but I added it anyway.)
In the event that you choose this option, please send an e-mail to
Once again you will get an e-mail and will need to follow the instructions
d. Why a mailing list?
With the web site, there is no way to send mass mail to everyone on
the list, except for the Webmaster. However, the webmaster does not have
enough time to mass-mail everyone on every subject. The message board is
nice too, but it's limited to the time it takes to authorize those
posts. With the mailing list, you can send mass mail as you'd like and
there's no authorization time. This will remain a free post board as
long as it is not misused. The mailing list is not to be used for
slander and gossip but for edifying messages. It also a great way to
find out if any of the RMs want to get together to do something
a. I posted a message/news announcement, why isn't
it showing up?
All posts must be authorized by the Webmaster before they are
viewable on the web site. Read the following (4.b) to understand why.
b. What can I post here?
Since all data that is found on this web site is not limited to the
eyes of alumni, the webmaster is morally responsible for all data found
on it. We wish to keep this area clean of slander and negative
gossip. Please do not be offended, we are very sure that none of the
alumni would do this, however, the web site does allow anonymous
posting. (This means that not only mission alumni can post
messages.) This is why it moderated so.
a. Will my head be bitten off if I send a comment or
suggest something?
Worse. We'll delete you from the database. Just
kidding. We want feedback. If you have something to say, then say
it. We're not perfect. We want to find the problems and fix them.
If you'd like, you can see the List
of Improvements that we are planning to implement.
a. I'm getting married, what can you do for me?
Nothing. Too late. You're hooked. (Throwing the
hook is possible, but very costly.) Just kidding, CONGRATULATIONS!
If you send us your wedding information, we'll post it. Don't feel
obligated to invite the entire mission to the reception, but if you decide to,
we can put that information there as well. At no additional charge,
we'll even put the wedding announcement picture on the site. Due to a
lack of time, I am no longer able to scan pictures. If you'd like the
picture to be posted, it needs to be e-mailed to me. What's the
catch? You need to notify us.
b. Can I help?
We thought you'd never ask. Keeping a web page up to date
takes a lot of time. We could really use someone who knows both English
and Spanish fluently to translate the pages from English to Spanish. If
you're interested, just send us an e-mail.