Comments: President Craig was the second mission president of the Venezuela Maracaibo mission. He presided during the creation of the first stake in that mission, the Maracaibo stake, in September 1980. Elder James E. Faust, then of the Quorum of the Twelve, created the stake and Elder Gene R. Cook of the First Quorum of Seventy, then Area President of the Andes Area, also attended. The meeting to create the stake was held in the Las Delicias chapel in the Bella Vista area of Maracaibo. Before serving as a mission president, President Craig was a Sociology professor and counselor at BYU in Provo, Utah. He had previously lived in Guatemala, and he served his mission in Uruguay.
My wife, Mary Jo, and I still live in St. George where I am still employed full time as a therapist with a youth residential treatment center.