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Alaska Anchorage Mission

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Elder Mark perry

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W. LaVon Gifford (1993 - 1996) | Jackie D. Orton (1996 - 1999)
Served: 1995 - 1997
Nathan Memmott
Your Occupation: fulltime student
Spouse: Amy (formerly Sis. Johnson of

  1. Chugiak (Siniagovsky)
  2. Valdez (Sibbett,Allred)
  3. Anchorage 6th (Lawlor,Memmott,Sanders,Conder,Peterson)
  4. Whitehorse/Haines(Dyson)
  5. Anchorage 14th(Flau)
  6. Fairbanks 3rd(Memmott,Barney,Davis
    Amy and I have been married for 3 and a half years and have a beautiful little girl, Emma Rene. We were sealed at the Chicago temple 3 months after I got home, why waste time,EH!

    I'm still in my undergraduate for my Psychology Bachlors, eventuallly I want to have my own practise helping children,youth and families in general. We manage 30 apts to help with the old cash flow. Minnisota is really pretty but it's no CANADA!!!

    I got out of the dark ages and finally bought this computer, it's great to see old names again. Please e-mail me and fill me in on your lives.
Created: 30 Jul 2001  Modified: 30 Jul 2001
Last Login: 27 Aug 2001 03:06:32 PM

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