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| Elder Alvin Ludovico Zuniga Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: D. Clive Winn II (2001 - 2004) | Alan Lee Wilkins (2004 - 2007) | Served: 2003 - 2005 | Language(s) spoken:Spanish | Areas Served: Zarate,Bolougne,Nunez,
Jose C.Paz 2b, Monte Olivia(Ushuaia, T. de Fuego) | Companions: Timothy Doot | Trevor Seal | Jonnathan Alejandro Silva | Your Occupation: An Independant HERBALIFE distributor and student | Spouse: I want one | Comments: Book of Zuniga
Chapter 1
Zuniga writes his epistle to those whom it may concern--He tells of his so far adjustment being home--He tells of his current current situation as a Young Single Adult--He tells of his challenges in finding the one--There is much rejoicing--He challenges everyone to contact him with news and details of there lives--He closes his epistle.
1 And it came to pass that he wrote unto those whom it may concern, and these are the words which he wrote unto them, saying: Behold, I direct mine epistle to whom it may concern, wherever it may be.
2 Yea, my adjustment has been pretty good, in that I am still active in the faith, I have a calling and I have not watched numerous amounts of movies I missed during my two year service for the Lord.
3 For I do spend my time with the people of my ward in numerous activities as to not miss the mission too much.
4 Behold, it was the flatterings of leaders and the elders quorum president and some of the fair daughters of the people that entices me to go.
5 But do not suppose that I was brought to the ward only by the flatterings and convincing words, for if ye suppose this ye have supposed in vain.
6 Do ye suppose that, because of the many brethren brought into the ward by the beauty of the fair daughters, that it be the only cause?
7 For I say unto thee, nay, for it was also the spirit we felt and also that it is far better than the family wards.
8 But despite the pretty good adjustment home, I have still had challenges in finding the one, yea, the very one whom I can spend eternity with.
9 Nevertheless these challenges, I do rejoice much, yea to great rejoicing and happy praises for my health and freedom in the USA.
10 And so I do challenge those who have read mine epistle to send correspondence or email and tell me of your life home and the happiness and rejoicings of your life.
11 For I am Zuniga, and I do close my epistle to those whom it may concern. |
Created: 27 Mar 2006 Modified: 27 Mar 2006 |
Last Login: 27 Mar 2006 11:31:40 PM |
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