Comments: Que te Paaaaaarrrecccee CHE? Here is the fastest way to make you all jealous. I have been back to Cordoba TWICE in the past 2 years. It was so nice being back in the MAC. Due to economic woes, I was able to get 3.5 pesos to the dollar. How do 15 cent empanadas sound? I wish you all could have been there with me. I recently graduated from Weber State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. I am now attending the DEA academy in Quanitco Virginia. 3 straight months of federal training. We live in dorms and have room-mates. We eat bad cafeteria food and spend 8 hours a day in class rooms. Sound familiar? I will be hear until mid-April(2004). My duty of post will be Seattle, Washington. I am still looking for that special someone. To tell the truth, I have not been looking that hard. Un dia, un dia. I wish the best to all of my hermanos and hermanas from the MAC. Send me an e-mail if you like. |