Comments: Well, Since a year that I finished my mission, I really can't tell how many things have happened, but a can say that the mission it's been a guide for everything I've done, for everywhere I've gone, Every day a remeber something about my mission and the people I met. I returned the July 12th. 2005, and the July 12th of 2006 I got engaged with a beautiful girl called Bianca. When I met her, she wasn't a member of the church, but a few months after we met, she was interested abuot the church, and she begun to make some questions. In febrary of this year, we met the missionaries and she recived the lessons. The April 18th I had the amazing oportunity to baptize her. Now she has a Very strong testimony about the church, and she is the biggest help and support to me. She help me to be strong and faithfull to the Lord and to the church.
I'm gratefull for the mission, because I know that no everyone can go, and not everyone can finish, I'm gratefull because I know that I recived the help from the Lord, otherwise I wouldn't go and finish the mission, so I'm grate full for His help and strengh. I'm nothing without Him in my life, He bless me everyday, I've been successful in my life, but I know that, all that success is because of Him, only for Him. I'll never stop to give thanks to Him for alowed me to go to the mission, as well I'll never stop to apply everything a learned there, I'm gratefull for every companion a had, because a learned a lot from everyone of them, I'm gratefull for my presidents, they were a very great help.
I know that the church it's true, I know that the Lord lives and guide this church, His church, the missioonary work it is another testimony of the truthfulness of the church and the gospel, there is not other way for us to be happy, to be wothy, to be completed, to be saved, to be a true sons of the living God. I know this for my self, my self using the help of Jesus Christ, I know this for Him, for my savior, my redemer, my God. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen. |