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 | Sister Jessica Baird (Jones) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: W Douglas Steimle (1999 - 2002) | Cecilio Mario Romero (2002 - 2005) | Served: 2002 - 2003 | Areas Served: Pueblo Diamonte, Guaymallen, San Rafael II, Lujan de Cuyo | Companions: Andrea Dawson | Maria Marta Jimenez (Rodriguez) | Jodi Milner (Higginson) | Gina Kae Rusten (Larsgard) | Jenny Williamson | Your Occupation: Mother | Spouse: Sam Baird | Comments: We're here in Salt Lake, my husband is going to the University of Utah and its hard, but good. He will graduate in December with a Masters in Computer Science and then we will move to Boise, ID for his first job!
I'm loving life as a mother. Carolyn just started going to nursery a month ago and its still a bit hard for her, but she's getting better each time and when she's at home with me she loves to express her independence often and keeps life continually busy. Megan was born on October 4th and is a very mellow and calm baby. What a blessing! If those two aren't enough to keep me busy, then I also have a calling as the enrichment counselor in the Relief Society. Life is great and we're just enjoying it day to day. I love everyone's updates, keep them coming! |
Created: 06 Aug 2003 Modified: 24 Oct 2007 |
Last Login: 24 Oct 2007 04:01:58 PM |
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