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Elder David Jensen Betts Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Charles W Eastwood (1990 - 1992) | Tomas F Lindheimer (1992 - 1993) | Hector M Verdugo (1993 - 1996) | Served: 1992 - 1994 | Areas Served: Rivadavia-San Juan,Luján, Justo Daract, Villa Mercedes, Rawson, Las Heras | Companions: Matthew Baird | Ronald C. Caudle | Mark Mcdermot | Kevin Mcneil | Thomas W Milligan | Roger Allen Peters Ii | Cory David Price | Peter J. Tanner | Stanly Ryan Teeples | Comments: finally, BYU is going to give me that receipt for all the tuition i've paid. after a short time in the Math/Physics Department and an interesting stint in the Art Department i will graduate w/ a degree in Conservation/Wildlife Biology. (i should have double majored in art and biology) i've taken some time off to work for the Boy Scouts in New Mexico, a semester in Jerusalem, and over a year and a half working for the Forest Service in Utah Valley. for my last few weeks as an official BYU student i'm goint to Monterey Bay,CA for a 7 week intesive introduction to Marine Biology. since the mission i've learned to play the guitar, and have performed w/ some of the non-touring groups in BYU's Folk Music Ensemble. one of the highlights was getting to perform for an audience of Isrealis, Palestinians, and students of other faiths while i was in Jerusalem. i'll be in Provo until January 2002, and after that, i don't have it planned out. a year ago i was offered a position as a biologis |
Created: 31 Mar 2001 Modified: 31 Mar 2001 |
Last Login: 04 Apr 2002 05:41:45 PM |
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