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 | Elder Jesse Allen Johnson Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Served: 2000 - 2002 | Areas Served: Laguna, El Colorado, Goya, Campo Largo, Lujan, Posadas Misiones | Companions: Bridger Quinton Hill | Jeremy R Jones | Ryan Christopher Alan Salls | Comments: This picture must have been taken in his last area. It says Elder I love you. We take it he was sending the message home to his family. :) Jesse has been called to serve as District Leader. He is serving in Posadas, Misiones and is still enjoying it there. He is living with three other Elders. This last week their apartment was robbed while they were out. All the Elders had different things stolen. Jesse said, "I guess what it teaches is that there really isn't any use for expensive material things in the mission. Material things, for that matter anyways, doesn't give us much. We should be thankful for the other things that are more important that we have and others can't take away."
Companions: Elders Jackson, Baugh, Abib, Ricks, Millward, Deibel, Hill, Salls, Anderson, Moody, currently Elder Beccaria |
Created: 13 Jan 2002 Modified: 25 Feb 2002 |
Last Login: 25 Feb 2002 09:26:04 PM |
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