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Sister Britney Freeman (Caceres)New York, NY 10026
Email Not Available
Presidents: Nigel George Wappett (2001 - 2004) | Served: 2002 - 2004 | Areas Served: Camelback 2 Branch, Phoenix
Liahona 4 Ward, Mesa
Adobe Branch, Apache Junction
Liahona 1 Ward, Mesa
Cheery Lynn Ward, Phoenix | Companions: Aline Arasha Alvarado (Alcantara) | Raylene Raye Batchelor | Chelsey Elizabeth Gertsch (Powers) | Mistidawn Ramirez (Going) | Your Occupation: teacher | Comments: I am still in New York and am preparing for my third year of teaching middle school science in the South Bronx. I have loved my job...although often difficult, I have learned much from my students and their resiliance. I only have one more semester left until I recieve my masters degree in science education and I look forward to being able to rest from being a student for awhile and just focus on being a teacher.
Another benefit of my current job is that it is where I was able to cross paths with my wonderful hustband. After previous contancts with the church, including some excellent friends, Martin was finally ready to accept the gospel. Two outstanding sister missionaries taught him the discussions and he was baptized in May 2006. We were married in December and sealed in the Salt Lake Temple this past June.
Martin and I currently live in Harlem and are serving in the Primary and Elders Quorum presidencies in the Harlem Ward (a diverse and quickly growing church unit). I very much enjoy watching my amazing husband's testimony grow as he diligently serves in the church.
It is wonderful to see all of the good things that everyone is accomplishing with their lives. Best wishes! |
Created: 26 Sep 2004 Modified: 24 Aug 2007 |
Last Login: 25 Aug 2007 07:01:15 PM |
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