News Item: AMMA Volunteer Webmaster Needed
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The LDS Mission Network is recruiting a new volunteer webmaster/site maintainer for the Arizona Mesa Mission Alumni website. Mission alumni sites are most successful when maintained on a regular basis and by those having actually served within your mission area.
For your information, your mission alumni site is currently driven by "Site-in-a-box" (SIB). SIB was developed by the LDS Mission Network specifically for mission alumni site webmasters of all skill levels. Site administration is accomplished via an intuitive web based interface, and no previous experience is neccessary. For more advanced users, SIB is fully customizable.
Webmastering using the site management tool SIB would typically take less than 15-20 minutes a week with day-to-day administrative duties, such as reviewing and approving submissions. Web hosting, software, and support are all provided free of charge by the LDS Mission Network.
Providing meaningful, mission related content is an important and ongoing task. Typically, site content is 90% webmaster provided, and only 10% from RM submitted information. The amount of time webmasters spend searching out and posting content varies from webmaster to webmaster based on their available time.
For more information about SIB, please see:
if you are interested in serving as the webmaster of the Arizona Mesa Mission site, please feel free to contact me directly. Potential webmasters are asked to carefully review the WAP (Webmaster's Agreement Policy) located at:
If you decide you would like to proceed, all I would need from you is an email message stating something to the affect that you have read and agree to follow the guidelines and policies outlined in the WAP.
This invitation is open to all returned missionaries of the Arizona Mesa Mission. Only one returned missionary will be selected and given the opportunity to volunteer as webmaster/site maintainer. If you have specific questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
David Menough
LDS Mission Network
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