Comments: Served With, In order from MTC to end of mission: Elder Alan Duncan; Elder Michael Kennedy; Elder Steven Castle; Elder Daniel Nelson; Elder Philip Odell; Elder Brad Crane; Elder David Nelson; Elder Darren Larsen; Elder Michael Kennedy (again); Elder Albert Akiona; Elder Joseph Daluz; Elder Bret Lucas; Elder Loren Smith.
To you all, Thank you, I love you guys dearly. This was the highlight of my life. Well done to those of you who have struggled and returned. Even though I did not go inactive, I too have been to Hades and back.
I am Married to Trudy. We have 5 children. Currently serving as Dry Priest Group Leader. Previously High Counsellor, Bishopric and so forth.
The Gospel is true. Jesus Christ is my Saviour and is the Son of the living God; Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God; The Book of Mormon is the word of God; The Bible, as far as it is translated correctly, is the word of God; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints IS the restored Church of the Lord God. This is my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Please feel free to contact me, I will be glad to hear from you.