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Elder R. Ray Peterson Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Warren H. Kennedy (1978 - 1981) | Served: 1979 - 1981 | Language(s) spoken:English | Areas Served: Tucson, Cottonwood, South Phoenix, Sierra Vista, Tempe, St. David, Glendale | Companions: Paul Clark Bates | JODY RAY Fike | Richard A. Green | Chuck Lamalfa | James Ryerson Smith | Comments: Hello to all, Time has gone by and I now have a son serving in the great AZ Tempe Mission. I ran onto this web site and thought I'd better get registered. Thirty two years late! I'm still in Cowley, married, three boys, two married and two grandson's. Served as a Bishop, HC. Elders President, 1st assistant HP and now just recently, Teachers Quorum Advisor. Another few years and I'll be in charge of the lights. I get the feeling I'm on my way out. I currently serve as a state senator for Wyoming and have served as a county commissioner and town councilman. Still working the family business and looking forward to retirement or death which ever comes first. |
Created: 06 May 2013 Modified: 06 May 2013 |
Last Login: 06 May 2013 02:06:37 PM |
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