News Item: Obituary: Bruce Westergren
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The following comment was submitted by Don Wilke:
I would like to [provide an] update [on] of one of my missionary companions, Bruce Westergren (1974-76, McConkie & Goaslind).
I learned from a family we taught in Portal AZ that Bruce Westergren died on July 27, 2010, from a bleeding ulcer. Bruce had been living in the Denver area, caring for his parents, who both passed away within the last two years. Bruce had been planning to return to school and get a PhD in American History. Bruce was a humble, hard working missionary, with a brilliant mind, fantastic memory, and comprehensive knowledge of the gospel. He bad been plagued with increasing health problems over the past 10 years or so. I will miss him.
I too served with Elder Westergren, and will miss him and his sometimes eccentric humor.
Brian Wright
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