Comments: Young Men general president. Sustained to the First Quorum of the Seventy Sept. 30, 1978, at age 50, and served in the Presidency of the Seventy from Oct. 6, 1985 to Aug. 15, 1987; called a second time to the Presidency of the Seventy Aug. 15, 1995, and sustained Sept. 30, 1995. Young Men general president, and former counselor in Aaronic Priesthood MIA general presidency, former president of the Arizona Tempe Mission, regional representative, stake president and bishop. Graduate of University of Utah; was vice president of a metals corporation, also served as officer in U.S. Air Force. Born April 18, 1928, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Jack H. and Anita Jack Goaslind. Wife, Gwen Caroline Bradford Goaslind, parents of six children. |