Arkansas Little Rock

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Elder Laren E Robinson

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Richard M. Richards (1975 - 1978)
Served: 1975 - 1976
Areas Served:
Fayetteville, Magnolia, Memphis
Frank J. Brown | Warren L. Buchanan | John R Nicholes | Ron Record
Your Occupation: Owner- Garage Door Company
Spouse: Cindy Sharp
I am living in Redmond, WA with my wife Cindy. I have 5 children. My oldest daughter is married and living in Sandy, Ut and I have 1 grandson. My oldest son is married and living in Bellevue, Wa. My second son in on a mission in Brazil. My two youngest daughters are in 10th and 11th grade. I own a garage door company that my partner and I started back in 1985. I am currently the 1st counselor in the Bishporic. I wish more were on the site.
Created: 30 Mar 2003  Modified: 11 Aug 2003
Last Login: 31 Mar 2004 07:46:12 AM

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