Arkansas Little Rock

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News Item: BABY!

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BABY! 11 Oct 2006
I'm pregnant! That's right, I am having a baby. I am 13 weeks... Mike and I are a little old fashion when it comes to finding out the sex, so we wont be finding out! So many people find this crazy, but maybe a little more exciting? We expect our little bundle around April 19th. Wanna know names? Of course you do! If it's a boy he will be named Damion Bruce (spelling still under serious thought and middle name after Mike's dad) and if it's a girl... Memphis Jennae (after the greatest place on earth and my mom). I really like both names, so at this point I dont care if we have a boy or a girl. I'm thinking we are having a boy, but maybe thats just to keep me from getting my hopes up of having a girl. :) Either way, we are very excited! Anyway, thought y'all would like to know!
Melissa M Smith Send Email

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