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William D. Bawden

President William D. Bawden

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Spouse: Marcia
Served: 1999 - 2002
Associated Alumni
Your Occupation: Retired
Willian D. Bawden Jr., 63. Huntington Beach 9th Ward, Huntington Beach, California North Stake; counselor in presidency of Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission; former stake president and counselor, high councilor, bishop, and high priests group leader; retired educator; received bachelor's degree in biology and master's degree in education from the University of Southern California, and doctorate in education from the University of La Verne; born in Salt Lake City to William Dean and Trilma Geneal Francis Bawden; married Marcia Whittle, five children. She is a missionary with her husband in Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission; former ward Primary President and counselor, ward music chairman and choir director, Sunday School teacher, Laurel adviser, Relief Society chorister, and Primary organist and chorister; received bachelor's degree in education from BYU; born in Preston, Idaho, to Merlin Thompson and Mildred Dunkley Whittle.
Note from the webmaster: President Bawden passed away 1/2013

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