Comments: We have 5 children. Erin is 17, Joshua is 15, Shana is 12, Brandon is 8, and Camryn is 7. (As of Feb 2008)"
Currently serving as the 2nd counselor in the Singles Ward Bishopric.
Other companions: Woolley, Chamberlain, Scott, Burchett, Pearson, Henry, Kohu
Fond Memories: My comps in order
Causing Abbott to crash on his bike 2x in 1 day
Beating Vanderheide in chess
Dumping a bucket of ice on Scott at 6:00 am- "Fetchin heck matie"
Tracting with Chamberlain was never dull
Beating Woolley at arm wrestling (I cheated)
Stories about Elliott from Pearson
Kohu was the best cooking comp I had
Playing guitars with the Bill mob and Burchett in Elliott
Eating Indian Curry with Faloon (HOT!) at the Chambers
Telling Henry I was going to beat him home and marry his girlfriend (He married her anyway)
Singing Christmas songs with B. Harris while riding our bikes through the township of Clare (That boy could croon)
W. Harris still owes me an Italian Gelati (he knows why) |