Sister Caroline Boyle (Wilson) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Stephen L. Weston (1992 - 1995) |
Served: 1992 - 1994 |
Companions: Sunara Agee (Mckeown) | Kathy Vuki (Mudgett) |
Comments: "Married David 1995 and we now have 3 boys. Currently doing 2 years in S.A. at a mine as part of Daves job. Dave is currently part of the branch Presidency but we are only a unit here and so generally we meet in our home with a couple of other families. The Branch is Port Augusta, of which we are a part, but that is 2.5 hours drive away and so we get there very rarely. I never got this remote in the mission field so its strange to do this now, but its an adventure for the kids. I would love to hear from people I served with and around, Caroline." |
Created: 19 Feb 2006 Modified: 19 Feb 2006 |
Last Login: 28 Feb 2006 08:42:03 PM |