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Sister Lee Smibert Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert F. Wall (1974 - 1977) | Served: 1974 - 1976 | Areas Served: Inala, Hawthorne, Sherwood, Gaythorne, Kangaroo Point | Companions: Dale Jean Hiatt (Rawson) | Comments: Currently serving as Relief Society president in Wantirna Sth ward, Melbourne, Australia.
Devorced 17 years ago. I have 4 children. Girl-23, Girl- 21 and 20 year old twins, girl and boy. Oldest was married in Melbourne temple January 2005. I'll be a Grandmother in January 2006.
My son is currently serving in the Hiroshima Japan mission.
They are all musicians and we have a family swing band. We also love bush walking and camping together.
July 2005 I visited Utah and enjoyed hiking up and around Mt Timpanogos (have I spelt that correctly?). Temple square was simply beautiful. I really enjoyed catching up with Trish Clement Homer and louise Degn (Brisbane mission alumnists).
I have a strong testimony of the gospel and I'm grateful all my children are active in the church.
With my son serving a mission I was feeling a little nostalgic about my mission and would love to hear from any former Bribane missionaries from President Walls era.
Sincerely, Lee |
Created: 14 Dec 2005 Modified: 14 Dec 2005 |
Last Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM |
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