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Rick & Lesley Cameron6 Norris Court
Moe, Vic 3825 Australia
03 51265536
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Comments: This is Lesley (Sister Cameron). What can I say? I guess in some ways we are an unforgettable family.. although I often wish I could forget the things that make us so unforgettable!
Seriously.. we love our Moe missionaries- all of them! Each have brought their own kind of 'special' into our home & we are grateful. If I made a list of all of those who have dined at our table (I am still apologising!), I would run out of space here.. so I can't name all... but, know you are not forgotten. Each of you made a difference & no doubt those who are still to come will continue to do so. Thank you all for your example and humility. Please keep in touch with us! Let us know how your life is doing and send those Wedding Invites... however, be warned we might turn up one day! lol.
At this point (28 Mar 06) David has his call and is going to NZ, Wellington Mission. Sarah & Steven have their Papers in, so we are holding our breath waiting to see where they go.
Take care you guys! Lesley |
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