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Élder David McAllister Ocultar seus dados - Entrar
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Presidentes: Jerry F. Twitchell (1983 - 1986) | Robert P. Swensen (1986 - 1989) | Serviu: 1985 - 1987 | Idioma(s) Falados:English, Portuguese | Áreas Onde Serviu: Joinville, Bom Retiro ,Barreirinha, Vila Tebas, Ponta Grossa, Lajes, Pinhais | Companheiros(as): Joel de Oliveira Lima | Comentários: I have had many close calls with marriage, but never made it to the alter despite my best efforts. I have spent many years wandering from job to job never being satisfied with corporate america because of the lack of integrity and honesty in management. Thus I spent most time as a contractor. However, with the change of the millenium, it became necessary to finally get a degree, which I did. I am currently working on my Master's in Applied Mathematics and working computer support. My second most favorite calling I have had (after my mission of course) was in the missionary program to the local prison system. |
Criado: 02 Feb 2009 Modificado: 02 Feb 2009 |
Último Login: 02 Feb 2009 11:25:29 AM |
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