Élder Bryce Kory Nielsen Ocultar seus dados - Entrar
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Presidentes: Adhemar Damiani (1995 - 1998) |
Serviu: 1995 - 1997 |
Áreas Onde Serviu: Sao José dos Pinhais; Ponta Grossa-Bom Sucesso, Madureira; Barreirinha; Santa Felicidade; Cascavel; Caiua; Bairro Novo |
Companheiros(as): Scott Alexander | David Killpack Cheney | Ben Nettesheim | Eduardo dos Santos |
Ocupação: Document Specialist - Printing |
Comentários: Currently serving in three callings in a small branch in Rochester, New York- branch membership clerk, organist, and stake institute council. For those who remember my affiliation with the town of "Calaismaine" unfortunately it is no more. My parents are now in New Mexico. I have a great Institute teacher who always brings the Spirit to his classes but he will probably be released soon since he was just called to a Bishopric. I am in a YSA branch where everyone except me seems to be getting married - well I will work on it. |
Criado: 14 Apr 2003 Modificado: 23 Jan 2004 |
Último Login: 23 Jan 2004 02:46:36 PM |