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Heath Aaron GilliamPO Box 2545
Sequim, WA 98382 3604602100
Endereço Temporário Tambauzinho, Joao Pessoa - PB 58042-020
Contato: Debbie Gilliam - Enviar E-mail
Data em que vai entrar ou que entrou no CTM: 2012-04-04 |
Data de Retorno: 2014-03-18 |
Áreas Onde Serviu: Gamore |
Companheiros(as): ROMARIO CORDEIRO Martins |
Comentários: First companion is Elder Da Cunha, Zone Leader.
Experience: Fireworks during recent Catholic holiday honoring John the Baptist shot into the missionaries' yard, hit the clothesline, and burnt up two white shirts and 3 sets of garments!
Recent rains have caused sand roads to sink over 12"! |
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