Élder Jeffrey Lee Oswel Ocultar seus dados - Entrar
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Serviu: 2004 - 2006 |
Áreas Onde Serviu: Tabaute |
Companheiros(as): Tyler Jacob Dahl |
Comentários: Elder Oswell has been out 4 1/2 months now. He says it is the best mission ever!!! He loves the people in Brazil and food. He had a wonderful experience on his first split from his companion who has been out almost two years. He was put with a very new Elder who is strugling with the language and Elder Oswell is pretty new himself with the language. So they decided he would do the talking for the day. The gift of tongues blessed him that day and he was able to speak and teach fluent Portuguese that day. He said it was incredable. The language has really taken off for him. He was blessed with the gift of tongues from our Stake President. We have also been blessed as a family. |
Criado: 11 Feb 2005 Modificado: 11 Feb 2005 |
Último Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM |