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Élder Thom P. Parker Ocultar seus dados - Entrar
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Presidentes: Leobardo Saenz Espinosa (1994 - 1997) | Richard Walker (1997 - 2000) | Serviu: 1995 - 1997 | Companheiros(as): Donald Bailey | Lane Burton Dayley | Marshall Evans | David Warren Jaynes | Dan Nuffer | Ocupação: student | Cônjuge: sadly, still single | Comentários: Hey everybody! I just finished up my finals here at CSU Fresno and decided to play around with this. I'm working on my masters in Speech Pathology and should be done with school in about 20 more years! I haven't heard from anyone in my MTC group for a while, you guys still out there? Well Church, school, and Dateing keep my life pretty busy. I'm the Elder's coram secratery and the Decon's coram advissor, these kids run me ragged! There are not many single sisters left in the area, so this summer I'll be traveling to the sacramento regin and L.A. to attend some singles type activities. And hopefully SHE will be waiting for me! Well, I'd love to hear from anyone who might have known me in Brazil. I'd like to also get in touch with Jason Ollis and his wife, and Richard Terry where are you? If you have any info. on these guys let me know. Thanks! |
Criado: 22 May 2001 Modificado: 22 May 2001 |
Último Login: 22 May 2001 02:00:37 PM |
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