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Élder Jered Bish Ocultar seus dados - Entrar
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Serviu: 1994 - 1996 | Idioma(s) Falados:English, Portuguese, Spanish | Áreas Onde Serviu: Pindamonhangaba, Bosque dos Eucaliptos, Vila Prudente, Tiradentes, Limoeiro, Jardim Paulista, | Companheiros(as): Wesley Barney | Lane Burton Dayley | Luke Meldrum | Ronei Pereira | Shad Smith | Ryan Tuttle | Ocupação: Police Officer | Cônjuge: Annette | Comentários: I got married on June 24, 1999 in the Boise Temple. We have three wonderful kids, Isaac - 5, Aly - 3, and Jason - 6 months. I work for the Boise Police Dept. in Boise, Idaho as a School Resource Officer. I loved the mission reunion in Salt Lake on September 1. It was really good to see President and Sister Espinosa. My Portuguese is horrible, but then again, I can't speak English or Spanish very well either.
I couldn't list all of my companions and I'd like to hear from any/all of them so here they are in order...there may be some repeats:
Dayley (MTC), Jose Carvalho (Pinda), Ronei Pereira (Pinda), Eliton Torno (Pinda), Shad Smith (Bosque), Jeremy Stephens (Bosque), Michel de Melo (Vila Prudente), Mario de Oliveira (Vila Prudente), Matthew Mayberry (Tiradentes), Yure Neves (Tiradentes), Michael Melis (Limoeiro), Ryan Smith (Limoeiro), Wesley Barney (Jd. Paulista), Ryan Tuttle (Jd. Paulista). Send me an email at
se me escreve em portugues eu vou tentar responder in portugues.
Bish |
Criado: 08 Feb 2001 Modificado: 12 Sep 2006 |
Último Login: 12 Sep 2006 08:55:15 PM |
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