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Elder Fernando (Diogo) Silva

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Paulo Roberto Toffanelli (2000 - 2003)
Served: 2002 - 2002
Language(s) spoken:Portugues e Ingles(EUA)
Areas Served:
Gutierrez (BH)
Palmeiras (N. Gameleira BH)
Ramo Progresso (7 Lagoas)
Matthew Aaron Armstrong | Richard Todd Bateman | Travis D. Green | Frederico Ribeiro Klein | Quinn D. Lindstrom | Iran Lopes | Marciano Nunes | Tiago Guindo Oliveira | Jeffery Brian Olson | Iran Lopes Pereira | Sawamur Pereira
Your Occupation: Agente de Transito
Spouse: Francisca
Casei em DEZ/2005, estou muito felliz com minha esposa!
Created: 16 May 2006  Modified: 09 Sep 2010
Last Login: 09 Sep 2010 11:03:57 AM

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