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Elder Cory Nimer

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Expedicto J Saraiva (1994 - 1997)
Served: 1994 - 1996
Areas Served:
Ribeirao das Neves, Lavras, Janauba, Contagem
Jarbas Elias Abdala | Fernando Correa Cruz | Ryan Kenneth Dubois | Jason Finch | James Craig Hansen | Mark Ryan Papenfuss
Your Occupation: Librarian
Spouse: Suzanne
This past March I started work with BYU in Provo, and my family and moved out to Utah. We are enjoying being here, especially being able to visit with ex-companions and friends from the mission.

Also, this past January we welcomed a new addition to the family, a baby girl. Her two brothers are enjoying having her around, and most of the time she likes them too.
Created: 04 Feb 2002  Modified: 25 Jul 2006
Last Login: 25 Jul 2006 12:36:33 PM

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